Western hotline
fini shed his motos fourth and second.
Third p lace was won by Limp Larry.
recently return ed to th e Gang , who
was co nsis tent with his 3-4 fin ishes.
Kaptin Kirk a nd Dinky Denny fin ished
fourth and fifth resp ect ivel y.
T wenty-one is not merely the name
of a game, it is a lso th e nu m be r of
In te rm ed iates who jammed t he
sta r ting g a te at the Shadow Glen
tra ck. Holding a " p a t hand" in a
ga m ble for first place, Bu ffa lo Bill
won both his rnotos to tak e home th e
go ld . Ba cking up Bill was a not her fa stg uy from t he North , Hang -On
Harold , wh o chas ed th e leader in both
motes, fin ishing with a strong 2-2.
After rnot o one, it was a wild guess as
to who wou ld finish th ird overall , but
that was settled by Am orous Alan
wh en he got an 8-4 for th ird place ,
followed up by Flipping Fred , Jester
Jerry and Kwik Keith.
Also in a game of numbers were the
Novices . Drafty Dennis was number
one in moto on e, but DNS moto two .
Redneck Rex was' first 'to th e checkers
in rnoto two to garner second overall
by finishing 5-1. First overa ll was Beep
Beep Bob, who rod e his Maico to a.2 -2
finish in his mot os, Third place was
tak en by Leaky Lee (3-3) followed by
just jim and Dangerou s Dennie.
Resu lts
EX: 1. Lanlty Larry (Yaml; 2. Ratho le Rod