Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cenll'a1 Plpeli.e J.C~_ d istance between himself and the rest of t he fie ld . Mom G. McA llister had second over Chad Olinger and Gary Slover. On the last lap . Olinger was able to sq ueez" by McAll ister for second . Bo b Sn yder jumped to the from in th e 500cc Fin a l. hut Roger Sterling quickly took over. Dan Bro oks and Dennis Byrne m oved past Bill Snyder hut Sterl ing was running aw ay with it , On lap number four Byrne took second away from Brooks. In the Open Fin al. John Fike took the lead over Mark Fillmore a nd C.D . Martin . By lap number three Martin took second and a lap later he rook the lead to win. Six more short tra cks are p lan ned for the summer months of J u ne . July and August a t Topeka Raceway, p1llJhW; HALF-MILE PROS ON THE BIG BIKES! SUMMER SERIES FRIDA~ JUNE 30, 8 pm SPEEDWAY 7:30 PM 8 PM Results Every Thurs Night ~.) j~ ~ .~ 0lSt"Da 25Occ: 1. Dave Coats IYaml: 2. Dan Robertson ~ EVERY WED N IGHT 1 C. AGAJANAN'S MINICYCLE: 1. Roger M cBr ide ISU l; 2. Brad l Peterso n (Yam ); 3. Todd Ratli ff (Yaml , 125cc: 1. M ike Erickson (Ho n); 2. Dan Hollingsw or th tSuz); 3. Bi ll Heishm an (Suzl . 200cc: 1, Jon Bom berqe (Yaml; 2. Chad Olinger r (Yam); 3. M ont G. M cA ll ist er (Bull . (213) 323 - 1142 (213) 321 -1 100 18300 VERMONT GARDENA New Engine Parts Availab le Call Toll Free B POBox 2327. Amarillo. TX 79105 9604 Oates Dr.. Sacramento. CA 95B27 - Jones jars Rocky Ridge thriller By Dic k Ainsw orth S idew inde r throttle kits include the S ide w inder throttle, Teflon super smooth throttle . cable and a pair of HiPoint racing grips . r- Mike Patrick 's (Vam); 3. Dan Brooks (Yaml. " OPEN: 1. C.D . Manin (Yam) ; 2. John Fike (BSA); 3 . Crash stops Topeka Final The hottest throttles on the racing circuits. The new S idew inde r d irects the cab le down the handlebar allowing for a shorter cable and less chance of cable snags. The shorter cabl e a llows for smoother thrott le act ion and th e 'I. turn S idewinde r will give you th e ra cing acti on you've been' looking for . ZUNDAPP-MONTESA 500cc: 1. Roger Sterling IBSA); 2. Dennis Byrne Mark Fillmore (Yam l. AYS · "WHERE THE HAR BOR. SAN DIEGO AN D 91 FREEW Distributed by: HI-POINT RA CING PRODUC TS 3709 W. Erie Ave.. Lorain. OH 44053 (Yaml; 3. Bill Snyder (Bull. Dan Robertson in act ion at T opeka before t he big cr ash . It did not take long to figure out ambulance to scurry 10 the scene. No one was seriously hurt . but Tom Foster had 10 be helped back 10 the pits by his pit crew so he could ride th e Open Final yetta come , At the drop of the flag . Dan Robertson lea ped into the 250cc Final lead ahead of Foster. Jimmie O 'Dell. Jr .. Dav e Coats and Bill Snyder. By lap number three Coats had moved past O'Dell and Foster. and started closing the gap on Robertson . Bo th were wired -in , but Coats took the lea d on la p number five on the outside coming OUt of turn number two . Meanwhile. O'Dell pu t a shou lderblock into Foster coming OUt of number two to take third on th e inside. But going into turn number three . Ron Noble drove in hard while Snyder slip ped by on the inside , O 'Dell tried 10 br eak -off the turn , but he a nd Noble collid ed and O'Dell went down . Foster and Ph il Culver didn 't hav e anv place to go and they, 100 crashed . Th~ race was stopped and Coats was declared the winner over Robertson . Snyder, Noble and Ku rt Ba rt on . , A special Kno b by tire class was held and Terry Monson , on a 80 or 90cc "som ething" was spotted half a lap on everyone else on 500ccs. Keith Cobb just 'ba rel y. nipped Terry at the finish by a few inc hes with Craig LeClaire in third. Dan Hollingsworth took t he lead in th e 125cc Final followed bv Dennis Byrne. Bill Heishman and Phil Cu lver . C~ lver put on the move of the night as he zapped t hcm all o n t he o utside 10 tak e the lead as Mike Rickso n moved into fourth . By la p number fou r it was Culver. Byrne, Holl ingswo rth , Heishman , but Erickson anr! mechanical woes got 10 both Culver and Byrne at the same time as Erickson shot by Hollingsworth to take the lead and the win , J on Bo m berger didn't mess around in the 200cc Fi nal and roc ke ted quickl y to th e from a nd beg an to put month. In th e Powder Puff class, 11· yea r -old Jack ie Almond began setting the pa ce with a run that onl y took 6.81 seco nds o n a 100cc Yamaha . Linda W ilhit e q uickened the pace with a tim" of 5 ,8 seconds , and that meant that the me n , who are supposed 10 go faster . wer e really going 10 have to twist the wick . In th e fir st run , things went prelly much according to Hoyle and it looked like t he lower fives wer e going to be the winning tim es u nt il Duffy Dou gl as too k a 500SC Yama ha over in 5 .16 seconds , That made it look like a four second time wou ld have 10 be set for top time. The 750cc riders seemed to be having some trouble with the hill. One of th em looked good though . Harold Adamson and his 500cc Kawasaki shoo k up some of the other ride-rs when his second rid e regi ster ed just 5 .58 and placed him in third place . Mike JonL'S and Tom Hairston sta rted what proved to be a two -class bailie that lasted all day in the Open even t. Tom was going to take both his Exhibition runs first so he would not have 10 change tires so mu ch . The 1I00cc Triumph had other plans. the clutch wanted a rest a nd a run in the sevens was all it wou Id do. Jones blasted OUt of the hole with his 1000cc Triumph and tied Duffy's 5.16 seco nds run . Hariston cam" back and used his 750cc Triumph for the re mainder of his runs. He slipped in behind.jones with a 5. 17 second time. J o n"s did no t let the pressure ge t to him , he JUSt P~t cha ins on for the Exhi bition class a nd proceed ed 10 b reak into the fou rs with a 4 .90 ru n that was a little rough , "Crazy" Tom Ha irsto n was feeling the effects of a little too much sun and hea t last weekend , and J on es tho ug ht that he had th ings sewed up . Bu t he was not th in kin g about what the nickname m eant . "C razy" took his 750cc to the line. took his tim e to get 1 I. 1 t I r that the 250 -foot Rock y R idge Ranch H illc1im b was going to be faster Sunday than last It- I -, a . ~ J I ..

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