Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Triumph , bu t the Big -D Cycles Triumph team came up with the kn ow-how to ge t h im go ing again. Tom Anderson sp lit th e cases on his TT500 Yamaha right a fte r. but th ere was no way to fix th em . Mike Polley's T riu m p h a nd Mike Ethridge's Kawasa ki never sta rted . When the cli m b sta rted . they a ll hoped that the wham my the Louisiana riders had p ut on th em had worn off. Henry Polley's flat on his Yamaha 500 proved it had not. The nex t o ne to hav e trou ble was T om Hairston 's 750cc T ri umph . The chai n cam e off a bo u t 150 feet up the hill and then proceeded to wad up in th e cases and crack them . Mike J on es b lew the bad lu ck awa y on his firs t try . He a imed his 1000cc Triumph up 'the hill a nd fou nd the smoot hest line a nd when he reached t he top . t here was no dou b t that he ha d th e best run so fa r , H is tim e of 6.99 seconds was a second faste r tha n anyone else. He was so ha ppy wit h his ride , and maybe a litt le leery of a ll the bad luck , th at he did no t even ta ke h is other rides. It work ed a nd J on es too k home the top tim e trophy. J oh n Neilson . fro m Louisiana. ca me the closest to ca tchi ng Jones with his TT500. A ride tha t on ly took 7.19 seconds in the 750cc class was th e fastes t of the d ay , La st yea r's clim b was th e first tim e he had seen wha t a bik e set u p for clim b ing co u ld do to a hill , and a fter a few visits to Texas clim bs he was hook ed a nd proved to his hom et own buddies. H e took wins in the Open Stock. Modi fied 750c c a nd Exhib ition classes. Result5 Racing w as delayed due to m ud at Berthoud, but once t he t rac k dried. J immy Harrison (555), Greg Frank (122) and Ke vin Pfluger w ent f or it. Eng!\Jndtakes Super Seer MX By D . E. Burgene r BER T H O UD, CO . JU N E4 Sund a y is a great d a y fo r ra cing, b ut mud ? At least t ha t was the thought that crossed everyone's mi nd as first sight of the prepared course . that gliste ned- with wat er-holes, brought about an equa l reactio n. In th e p its. you knew th ere was hop e for a goo d race . A respect able number of Pro fessiona ls were present , 3 1 in the 500cc class, 34 in th e 250cc and 22 in the 125cc cla ss. On ly a few attemp ted mor e than two classes. for th ey were run ba ck -to -hack wit h no su p port classes to allow a rest -period. Practice was del ayed until the "great d irt ,drying m achi ne" ha d a cha nce to work , a nd as th e lengthy · practice prog ressed , th e su rfac e offered more a nd more traction . It was safe to say tha t the Berthou d track was dema nding. T he progra m was started ea rlier th an p lanned because ' t he riders were a nxious to start ea rning their share of the $3000 purse. T he 125ccs set t he fast pace, for conditions were power -ro b bing in on ly a few places. Albert Firestine (Yam) was clearly up for his two moto wins over challengers Kyle Smith (S UI ) and J ay Rice (SUI), Co lorado's current nu m ber one 125cc rider. Mu sical chairs were being played in fif th throu gh 10th positions in both motos. Ru mor is true tha t J ohn Sha ffe r, a National rid er four years ba ck, is makin g a fast co meback this yea r , and sho u ld fin ish in the top 10 in the fin al sta ndi ngs. John fin ished fifth overall behind Allen Sm ith (SUI) . Arlo Eng lu nd (Ya m ), Boo Stich te r (Ya m) a nd T erry Kyle (Ya m) a ll tried to go faster tha n eac h ot her in th e 250 cc class . and whil e Dennis Larra tt (Hon) cha rged to within a respect able d ista nce of th e lea ders, the 30 ·mi n ut e plus on e la p motos ha d a tim e a dva ntage for t hose in be tter physica l 125cc PRO: 1. A lbert Firestine (Yam); 2. Kyte Smith (SulI; 3. J ay Rice (SUl); 4. All en"Smith ISuzl; 5. John ShafferISuzl. 250cc PRO: 1. Arlo Englund (Yaml; 2. 800 St icht er {Yam); 3. Terry Kvle (Yam); 4. Keith Ad ams (Yam); 5. Richard Dostai lBull. 500cc PRO; 1. Arlo Eng lund (Yam ); 2. Boo Stich ter (Yaml; 3. David Stermer (Bull; 4. Bill Ferneyhou g h (Yam l; 5. Garry Maier (Ya m). Jones tops unlucky Loui hill By Dia ne Po lley MANSF IE LD. LA . MA Y28 Dollet Hill Roug h R id ers of Loui siana cu t ou t a 250 ·foot p ath through th e Ma nsfield woods and hosted 100 ri ders at their ' fi rst Resu lts climb of th e year. Las t year was the first tim e any riders from Texas had partici pa ted . a nd th ey took most of the go ld. This time the club th rew the T exans a curve when th ey put two tu rns in th e hill. Most of t he riders were a ble to negot iat e them , bu t som e were never able to do it wit h grace. The first thing to gi ve th e T exans tro ub les was break downs. Rob b ie Bai ley blew th e clutch on his 100cc Kawasak i Sa turday to sta rt th ings off. During practice Sunday mornin g Stan Hickey to re low out of h is 750 cc STOCK CLASSES 100: 1. Brian Blue; 2. Cecil Godcjohn. 125: 1. Kenneth Mangham ; 2. Johnny Rhod es; 3. Rodney Bailey. 200 : 1. Terry Warhick; 2. Rex W ilhite; 3. Rock y Yates . 250: 1. Je ff Edwards; 2. Davtej Carder; 3. Art Mart in. OPEN: 1. John Neilson; 2. Andy Davis; 3. Charles Foster. MO OIFED 100: 1. David Almond; 2. Robbie Bailey. 125: 1. Charles Goodn igh t; 2. M ike Polley. 250 : 1. David Anderson; 2. Duffy Dou glas; 3. Geof ge Carlisle. 500 : 1. Duff y Dou glas; 2. Tom An d erson; 3. Henry Polley. . 750: 1. John Neilson ; 2. Henry Polley; 3. Stan Hickey. EXHIBITI ON: 1. M ike J ones ; 2. J ohn Neilson; 3. Tom Hairston . FLY SUZUKI'SG-FORCE Fly High. ••••• .Buy Lovv at Dale Brovvn Suzuki G5 ·1000E G5·1000 ,., G5·750 E , G5·7 50 G5·550 E , G5·550 , ,,.., G5·40 0 . . ,-:'. , , G5 ·400X , FREE Rid ing Lessons * S UZUKI , : . .' , , , Dale Brown Suzuki 2441 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 213-427-8941 $350 down $320 dow n $250 dow n $23 0 down $210 d o wn " . $190 d o wn , . . $145 dow n $125 dow n