Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Graham grabs Ascot AMA Pro hall mile By Maureen Lee Phot o by Wizard Rac ing Phot ography Hurricane Hannah used to go through MX pants like he charges into a crowded Super Series track. Then Bob and many of th e fastest pros around got their hands on GRIFFS - the revolu ti onary, to ugh, lightweight pants you 've heard about. You can actually feel th em breathe throug h vented stretch panels. You can ride lik e a hu rricane and GRIFFS are moving with you . You can pay mo re for pants , but you can 't beat GRIFFS with all the featu res the pros demand and a level of com fort that' ll bring your mind back to racing . GA R DENA . CA .JUNE 16 If you love fla t track and weren' t at Ascot Fr iday eve ning for the sta rt of the Summer Series you m issed a terrific n ight of racing - act ion like th e good old days . Ever see a nyon e ride a H arley wit h his leg st uc k und er th e fender fo r a lap? J ohn Sperry did . First Expert heat . Ricky Gra ham too k th e early lead awa y from Mike Myers but Bobby Sanders on his Ha rley ( n o t h is Yamaha ) ca me screa ming up a nd p assed to ru n away fro m both of th em. Marty H al kola a nd J oh n Sperry shot ou t in front of t he second hea t, wit h Halkola taki ng t he lead . Travis Perron too k second away from Sperry, but J ohn was determ ined not to ride t he semi a nd looked im p ressive try ing to ge t seco nd back . But Penon didn't gi ve him th e opport un ity. . In the sem i, Sperry lea pt out front, r u n n ing side b y side with Art Fried en burg with Art settli ng into the front spot. Every rid er but one would make the m a in and wh e n Da n Mcwhorter's bike q uit th a t mea nt everyone wen t. It d idn't slow anyo ne down th ough , and t he dogfigh t between Mike Myers and Sperry after they got by Fried enburg was grea t to wa tc h as they traded places a ro und with Myer s just win ning at t he fla g . _ J oe Steffen took th e first Novice h eat st a rt to fin ish with Bert Stephens second . Terry Sin gleton got left on th e line in th e seco nd heat , bringing out th e red fla g . O n the restart St eve Adkins took th e lead a nd a lt ho ug h Ron Arlt rea lly pushed he cou ldn't beat Adkins. J ay Lewis had to drop out with mec h ani cals whi le in secon d place behind Kim Jorgensen and a bit later, Kim came off ex iting tu rn two with Stan Kinsey h itti ng Kim 's bi ke and taki ng a ba d fall himself. Rob Sel vy ended th e w inner wit h Kenny Robic hou x second . Two riders crashed on th e stra igh t in the semi , b ri ngi ng out th e red flag and a m bu la nces. and another rider joi ned Kinsey at the hospi ta l. R eports are suspected b roken bones. On th e restart th ey all got off t he line in a tig ht bu nch wit h J eff Allison oozing out ahead of Steve Polson a nd J ohn Lundgren . These fr ont pos itions d idn't change but J im Birkle gave Lun dgren a go od ru n for that fourth a nd final tra nsfer; it was close at the flag . The J u n io rs put on a ti ght -in , elbows-ou t. ra ci ng sho w. Everyone got a front line sta rt in that di vision a nd firs t heat aw ay went Steve Carrillo with Richie Volk and Mike Minnig behind him. Minnig's bike quit and Ed d ie Sa n Roman took over th ird . Steve Monger took th e lead in the secon d Junior heat wit h Br a d Hold , Mike Inderb itzen a nd Don Grigsby tagging along behind . Grigsby passed Inderbitzen on the back straight and set sa il for Holt. The ba ttle was on wit h T vBon e emergi ng thewin ne r . W ayne Ra iney a r ri ved ,on t h e sta rt ing lin e with his handlebars all a· flap and had to call time to have them tightened down . That seem ed to ta ke som e of the ste a m out of him and he d idn't make a direct transfer. Stan Hoffman .took th e lead a nd was out front but he m ust have missed a .shift as Rick DeLacy, Cra ig Armstron g a nd '. . ,'(Contin ued to pag e 63) Do ub te layer ot Barrier CIDth takes the rub DUt ot wear. TDugh Barrier c totn fi ve times more resistant to ebresion th an leather acco rding to independent testing . Shirttail grabber strip inside waist band. Steve Stac kab le start ed the Gritts revoiution. His signature tells yDu you 're wearing the best. Spandex cr oton expands to elim inate stress . Vented tor CDDI comton. Spandex stretch side pane ls insure proper fit in ection . lmpect-ebso rbinq adjustabl e snsp-out £nsDli te hip pads . Protec tive £nsDli te shin pad bu ilt in. Team name imp ri nt on both legs optione t. Ho nda , Yamaha, Suzuki, Husky, Can-Am and many more. TDugh, wrep-ero uno GP plastic knee cups backed up with shDck-absDrbing £nsDlite insert ed in vetcro-ttep po cket. Brig ht, bDld PDPular racing co lors. YellDw /Red , 'YeIlDw /B lack, Red /Blu e, YeIlDw /B lue. ~- Available through dealers and distributors or use orde r form below . •• • ••• • • • •• •••• • GET ME INT O YOUR PANTS. FASTI •• • •• • • •• •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• ••• • • •• •• ••• •• NAME Gritfs MX pants $85, CHECK SIZE Boy's Sizes $75 • __ AOOAESS _ .(Waist) O Men XS (26-30) CITY. STAT E O Men S (31-32) ZI P Front/B ac k Yellow/Red O Men M (33-34) Yell ow/ Black O Men L (35-36) Send full amount $ w e pay shipping Or COD & you pay ship pin n D ADO $5 lor team name imprinted on both legs CHECK COLOR : o o o o Red/B lue Yellow/ Blue o o Boy M (24-25) Boy L (26-27) • _ PHONE _ Indica te team name D ADO S5 for new one-p iece knee cup/shi n guard. 0 ADD $1U lor name on MC': L _ GRiFFS™ Steve Stackab/e MX Pants •....•.....•....••.......•..•.. ---.. .. .. .. ......... .. ...... .... ....... ..•............. .... .. ............... ...... "- , GRIFFIN VISA·TH ERM PRODUCTS CO., BOX 486, BR IDG EPOR T, CT 06604 , TO ORDER TODAY CALL COLLECT: (203) 33>0721 Subscribe and get your name on the front page of Cycle News. TERRI"CABLE The Teflon Super Smooth Cable ·Complete line for racing bikes ·Requires no oiling ·Sr:noothest pulling cable .·Flexible throttle w ire gives lo ng lif e ·Heavy duty housing. resists stretch and ab use . Write for Free li teratu re '. Terrycable PO Box 1321, H esperia, CA 92345 . (714) 247·2646 Out of stal e call to ll free lBOO) 854-4691 OVERSTOCKED!! All YZ's & IT's in stock Many other models to choose from Mopeds in stock· Puch, Baretta, Laser, Angel Superbowl Sale: B8 ES .............•.•..............•....• 66C Yamaha jerseys ••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• $9.95 ' . S&LYAMAHA 5938 Pacific Blvd. Huntington Park, CA 213·587·7244 33,.

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