Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 06 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SPEEDWAY ..... ........... .......................................................................... (A bo v e) San Berdoo Division Three winn er Dave "The Hulk" A nck ner and Mark Jackson. (Right) Dave Sims became the first rider to win Handicap Mains at three tracks. (Below) A Division Three rider heads for the wall. Mark Marriott became the fifth rider to have his name go in the record book thi s season as a Handicap Main winner . He was so pumped up with his win tha t when th e trophy presentation was made and no less than a doz en young ladies were b rought ou t to th e win ners' ci rcle, he just work ed his wav down the line kissing th em all - a lo't of fu n fo r a grea t ridel Now th e questions must be asked - wh en will someo ne bea t Bast and ca n anyo ne win the Hand icap Ma in twice ? Costa Mesa's circus of crashes By Dennis Greene COSTA MESA , CA .JUNE 16 If you w ere at Costa M e sa last weekend , you may have enjoyed the circus that was in town , but the shape that tbey left the race track in was no fun for anyone Friday night. One crash after another caused the races to be stopped several times. For the most part , they were minor spills. but Bobbi Hunter and Troy Ingolia both had to be carried off on stretchers. Bobby Schwartz's running battle right on top of Bast , but that was as with Mike Bast in the Scratch Ma in close as he ever got. Each time he event d id not get put to the test Friday made a move , Mike just gassed it and night after Mike broke the tapes at th e pulled away for the win . start and was sent off the track. A Division Two Scra tch program Schwartz went on to victory over a red was run to give the riders a ch ance to hot Danny Becker and was delighted see what they will be expected to do if with his win . but it would have been a they work th eir way into Firs t Division. By Den nis Greene lot sweet er if Bast had been there. Kurt Strommer was the king of that SAN BERNARDINO, CA ,JUNE 14 hill. . Da ve Sims became the first rider thi s year to turn in a win on all three tracks Dave ."T he Hulk" Anckner , th e Even though Alan C h rist ia n was in th e Handicap Main event. Dav e's biggest guy in Speedway tod a y, won the top speedway rider in nonhero win from the forty-yard line puts him the Division Three Ma in event after California before moving south, right up there with Alan Christian and several riders tried to knock him off. had pulled a clean sweep at Brad Oxley. a very selec t group of Irwindale in th e opening month last rid ers who have been able to pull off a year winning both Handicap and win from th e back markers . Scratch Main events , and is now one of Both Danny Becker a nd Dave Sims th e top three riders in the United are sponsored by Orange County Tax States. he had never before won any and Financial Serv ice. Their sponso rs Main event at San Bernardino. played hos t to a Becker poster night Alan 's three -year dry spell wa s with cash prizes goin to the best th ree broken Wednesday when, riding off the Dennis Greene works of art ( I never knew th ere wer e fift y-yard lin e , he outrode local heroes so m any wa ys to spell Berzerkol). Ron Pr eston and Dennis Siga los for his GARDENA , CA , JUNE 15 The Orange County Fair is only a few weeks away, and on those two first ever Handicap Ma in event win at Five weeks of Speedway on A scot weeken ds, you can see th e fair free San Bernardino . Park's quart er -mile ova l has Ch risti an was hot a nd had a sho t at when you b uy you r spee dw ay ticket. the Scra tc h Main . The onl y thi ng th at produced a n ew winner every week It 's that .time of year when t he stra w kept hi m from th e d u al victory was the in the H a n d icap Main eve nt , b u t hat. a symbol of th e Fair Derby. co mes Scratch King , Mik e Bast. Mike Bast still rules the Scr at ch half of up . It 's one of th e nicest p ieces of gold At the starting gate , Schwa rtz and the show . . to be won in Sp eedway. but right now Bast broke out on top with Christian Bast made it five straigh t Ma in no one knows just wh ere t he ha t is! and Preston running in the second . event win s in a row . Agai n it was .La rry Bru ce Penhall won it last yea r a nd he 1 ..&ro~• ..B..Y.tJ! eJir !. ~ f!l. p,ri tjm ~~~ •• • •K'?,.sta J:ushing.!}as! :'-1 t~!; l"~,u..._.... __.:. is out of th e eount r . ra cin in Eu e ' Christ ian's dry spell ends at San Bernardino Marriott's Handicap, Bast's fifth Scratch at Ascot ay 32 or in truth, right now he is sitt ing on the sidelines with a broken ankle . By the time the 'tro phy is needed , someone is bound to come up with it. Buffington, Cody tops at Santa Ana By M ike W illiams SANTA ANA , CA ,JUNE 17 The largest crowd so far at southern California speedway's n ewest stadium w ent bananas as Brian Buffington crossed the finish line with a crowd -pl easing wheelstand which almost ended in disaster. After pick ing him self and his bik e up . he received an ova tion from th e crowd a n d sa fe ty in struct ions from the officials. So far no rider has been able to defeat veteran rider " W ild Bill" Cody in a Scratch Main at Santa Ana Stad ium . Finishing behind Cody was q Den ny Pyeat , and recovering from an £1 earlier third corner crash to finish w t hi rd was John Stasiefski. The Division Two riders got thier act together as a fast track and smooth riding set the tone for the evening. Mike Gross captured Handicap Main honors finishing ahead of Ernie Roccio and Robbie Mc Bride, . In the Division Two Scratch Main event. picturesque Brian Buffington took first place away from Mike Lelia and Jim Ross. First place in Division Three went to Keith Crisco. and rounding out that event was Ed Thurman and Tom "Crash" Collins. Results SAN BERNARDINO SCRATCH MAIN: 1. M ike Bast; 2. Alan Christian; 3. Bob Schwar1z; 4. Ron Preston. HANDICAP MAIN: 1. Alan Christien; 2. Ron Preston; 3. Sonny Nun.,; 4. Denni. SigaJos; 5. Bob Schwartz; 6. Larry Kosta. DIV lWO: 1. Kurt Somme<.' DIV THREE: 1. Dave Ancknet. ASCOT SCRATCH MAIN: 1. M ike Bast; 2. Larry Kosta; 3. Ron Preston; 4. Tom Ferris. HANDICAP MAIN: 1. Mar k Marriott; 2. Larry Kosta; 3. Jolln Sandona ; 4. Bob Mclain; 5. Ron Preston; 6. Mi ke Bast. . DIV lWO: 1. J ohn Fallon. COSTA MESA SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Bob Schwartz; 2. Dan Becker; 3. Mark Cherry; 4. Mik e Bast . HANDICAP MAIN: 1. Dave Sims : 2. Alan Christian; 3. Bob Schwartz; 4. Gene Woods ; 5. Ron Preston; 6. Dave Galvin . DIV lWO: 1. Dan M cNem. DIV THREE: 1. Jim Forehand. SANTA AN A SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Bill Cody; 2. Denny Pveat; 3. John Stasiesf ski. HAN DICAP M A IN: 1. Brian Buff ington; 2. M ike l eila; 3. Bill Cody . ' . DIV lWO SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Brian Buff ington; 2. Mike Leila; 3. Jim Ross. DIV lWO HA NDICAP MAIN: 1. M ike Gross; 2. Ernie Roccio ; 3 . Robbie McBrid e. DIV THREEHAND ICAP MAIN: 1. Keith Crisco; 2. Ed Thurman:3. Tpm.Collins. ~

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