Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- Enduro Riders ~ssociation's , GOLD MINER ENDURO SUNDAY, MAY 28, ·1978 Western hotline California City 00 I:' . 0') ..... _3 loops (60 rnl.) of family fun, with the first loop designed for t he beginning rider. _1 Loop $7.00 - Start 7:30 am _2 Loops $10.00 -20% Trophies -3 Loops $12.00 -Finisher Pins Add $3.00 for post entry PO Box 3929, Torrance, CA 90510 For info: 213-3n-7109 High school 'crossers blast out of a Saddle back turn in SAM racing. Denn is Shotwell (Suz) la nded third p lace. Cerritos claimed a few other major wins today and one of these was made possible by th e fin e performance of Mike Magrann (Kaw) who won the 250cc Expert race . Tea mmate Mike Kurashige aced out t he 125cc J u nior Division O ne crew while SCOll J ohnso n captured the second di vision and Mike Humbard swept the IOOcc Junior com pe tition . For coming MOTOCROSS, DESERT, SCRAMBLES & Enduro events CALL RACERS Hot Line 714-898-1529 Results Increase sales this week! Call or write todav for information on " Advertising That Works," MIN I J R 2·ST ROKE: 1. Bill Reimer ISuz); 2. Oavid Spinazzola IYaml: 3. T.O . Swets (SlUt MINI JR 4-STROKE : 1. Vernon Stone IHon ); 2. Rick Rothmann (Han). MINIINT: 1. Mike English (Yaml. M INI EX; 1. Lou ie Soto (Hon); 2. Jef f Shuey (Han). 100 JR: 1. M ike Humbard (Suz): 2. Darren Young (S uz); 3. Pet e Dickey (Yam ). 100 EX: 1. Russ Montano (SOli; 2. Ayan Eide (Han): 3. Pat Kehoe (Honl. 125 JR DIV 1: 1. Mik e Kurashige (Sull: 2. Glen Copeland ISUl); 3. Ea Sinibaldi ISuzl. rl 125 J A DIV 2: 1. Scan Johnson (Yaml: 2. Tom Brow n ISuz); 3. Ma rt in Alkonis ISU1) . 125 INT : 1. Rob M iller (Suzl: 2. David Vandiver ISUl ); 3 . M ik e Osenbaugh (Yaml. 125 EX : 1. Oee Tryon IS uz); 2. ladell Eide ISuz l; 3 . Den nis Shotwell (Suzl . 5 250 JR : 1. Dave Rober ts (H-D); 2. Rob Neil 1 u2); 3 . J oh n Hampton (Yam) . 250 INT: t . Mark Benni s (H-DI; 2. Pete Bender IMa il; 3. Dan Rodrigues (S UI), E VERY WED N IGHT 250 EX: 1. Mi ke M agrann tKaw ). ~ (2131323-1142 (2131321-1100 18300VERMONT GARDENA " WII... the HarlIor, SafI DIe,o . tHI 9J F.... . .,. ....., .. Call 213·636·8844 213·427·7433 I~O RTON •• • • • BSA AJ S TRIUMPH RICKMAN LUCAS ~~!IlIAMAL SMITHS GIRUNG It's a BRITISH MOTORCYCLE PARTS whole new feelingl LA RGEST STOCK IN THE USA WE SHIP COO ANYWHERE. CALL FREE 8~854-0493 l!3r itis l, ~pltn's .iC t~ . 601 Service. Mot orc ycle Se les Pan s . Accessorie s 7eaelt ''It 7zave!, "We4! 30 2663 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasade na. CA 91107 213-795·2711 - _-, (EXCEi'T CAl so. EAST ST. ANAHEIM. CA 9280 5 714-63S-5802 Van Leeu wen Ent . Dist ributor Goodye" lester Wh •• ls fu Sm nh Gogg'" Ke rke , Eahawts 10621 Magnolia Blvd. .. North Hollywo o d. CA 91601 213-985-5000 Cavness cleans up afSSMMX By Terry W hyt al ORANGE. CA , AP R . 29 Scott Ca vness rode his new Orange Cou nt y Suzuki-spo nsored RM 400 to ba ck -to-h a ck moto wins a t t his wee k's Saturday Saddleback MX At the start of the first O pen Pro race , Maico-mounted Bill Ru b ly grabbed the lead closely followed by Cavness and Randy Rod riqu ez (Ma i). Cavness too k the lead on the seco nd la p a nd sta rted pu lling awa y. Ru bly and Rodriquez had quite a race going for second un til Rub ly d ropped out hal fway through the m o to , Hu sky rider Bri an Craze and Jeff Wi th er ell on a Ma ico bot h moved up to cha llenge for second . With just laps to go Craze passed Rod riquez a nd the fin ishing or der was se t. When t he gate dropped for th e second mo ro Cavness pulled the holeshot and never look ed back . Craze held down th e runner-u p position for the entire race but not with out a lot of pressure from Rod riquez. At the checkers , the fin ishi ng order was Ca vness first . Craze second and Rod riq uez third . When the 250cc Pros came down the starting hill it was Scott Clifto n riding a Pent on with the lead. Close behind were Bob Blose on a Honda and Maico rider Tim Lunde. O n the sixth lap Lu nde tried to pass Clifton but fell . Lunde remounted in 10th and put in a wild charge up through the pack to finish second . Clifton held on to first place an d Blose ca me in thri d. At t he start of ihe next rnot o , Clifton again grabbed the lead but this . time Tim Tolar (Suz) was p u rring the pressu re on fro m seco nd spo t. Lunde sat in th e th ird posi tion for seven la ps before put ting a move on T olar for seco nd . One lap lat er Lunde took th e lead fro m Cli fton a nd rod e to the ; chec kers - Tolar drop ped out and Blose . moved .up to ch all enge Cl ifton . O n th e very last la p Blose passe d Clifton for second p lace. T he overa ll fin ishing order was Lu nde first with a 2-1 score , Clifton second . scoring 1· 3 and Blose (3·2) took home t hird-place mo ney. Chappy Blose (Suz ) ju mped to the fron t as the 125cc Pros bega n thei r first mot o . T he nex t two spots were filled by Rick Asch (Cbs) a nd Andy Kirker (Ya m) . Blose continued to widen his lead out front but Kirker got by Asch on the eigh th lap to finish second at the checkers. Finishing order was Blose , Kirker and Asch . The second moto loo ked to be a replay of the first as Blose grabbed the lead right from the start . But on lap seven he dropped out and Asch took over. Kirker was again in seco nd a nd seemed to be u nable to close on Asch. Yamaha rid er Tony Gomez h ad got ten a bad sta rt but was now chargi ng up t hr ou gh the pack at a tremendo us pace. By la p 12 . Gomez p assed Kirk er and went afte r Asch. For m any trips around th e track Gom ez pressured Asch a nd finally with only two la ps to go Gom ez slipped into th e lead a nd took th e chec ke red n ag. T he over a ll win wen t to Asch wit h second goi ng to Kirk er and Go me z ta king hom e the third p lace mon ey. Results 500 PRO: 1. Scott Cavness ISuzl; 2. Brian Craze tHus): 3. Randv Rod riq uez IMai ). 250 PRO: 1. T im Lunde IMai); 2. Sco tt Clitt on (Pen): 3. Bo b Blos e (Honl . 125 PRO: 1. Rick As ch (Cbs ); 2. Andy Kirker (Yaml 3. T ony Gom ez (Yam). 500 tNT: 1. Russel Rigby &Yam t; 2. Craig Robertson ISOl ); 3. A lan Olson (M ail.

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