Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•._._._._._._--._._._._._._._._._._._._. ~ oPOOOOOO 000000 00 0000 00 OOa-o ~ - ' " B 8 8 , 8 8 A\(S\and I S\(tPc~100'/0.\.0' me\ pro series 8 \ead er • 80nO~ I . 250 INT: 1. Ji m W illiams (Yam): 2. Scott Johnson 500 JRS: 1. Brad Tompso n lMail; 2. Dan Selloss berg (Yam ); 3. J am es Ji menez (Hu s!. 250 JRS: 1. Arnold Noriega (Suz); 2. Robert M cBroom ($ uzl : 3. Dan Lope z ($uzl . 250 BEG: 1. Bob Baldwin ISuz); 2. M ike l eone (Yam); 3 . Paul M artinet (Ho nl . 125 BEG: 1. Scott Gordon (SUI); 2. Steve Duarte (Vam); 3. Bill Rose (Suzl . fourth in th e big 250 cc Intermediate cla ss behind night MX vet er ans Chris Harrold , Mark Da y and Scott Port er. The Mini Intermed iat e cla ss was Danny J on es nd tak en by co incide nt a lly, th e 100cc Junior cla ss went to Scott Hamilton . So wh at you say? Well , Danny's father was t he ca r owner for Scott's father Don Hamilton when Don was th e 1972 C RA Sprint ca r d river cha m p! Hardick returns to the top at Speedway 1.1.7 MX Results By Rod Eschenburg Photo by Photo Cross CHULA VISTA , CA , MAY 3 New Pro C lin t Hardick again became the dominant rider in Speedway 117's weekly Wednesday night Continental Moto-sport Club MX Spring Seri es as he rebounded fro m a rather sh aky debut last week to sco re a stro ng victory in th e 250cc and a seco nd in the 125s; both in large fields of top vet eran Pros . The ra ce of the night had to be th e 125cc P ros with Terry Sh ekell usin g his expe rie nce in the seco nd moto to take a close tie -break er win ove r H ardi ck a fter Ha rd ick had taken a n ea rly lead . Shekell looks to be returning to last year's form wh ich carried him to th e '1977 CMC Summer Se ries 125 Ch a m p ion sh ip.. The 250cc Pro class loo ked like th e Intermed iat e class of two wee ks ago as Hardick co m p letely bl asted th e large field of vet erans in both moros wit h wire to wir e wins ove r St eve Bartley and Steve Blackman. Last -week's 125'cc winner Mike Tripes switch ed to the 500s this week a nd too k two easy wins over Davi d Geri g a nd Steve Wa lker. The Inte rm ediare cl asses featured repeat victo ries by Malt Carter in th e 500cc class, Chris H arrold in th e 250 cc class. a nd Keith Fin ch in th e 125c c class. These three riders a p pea r to be the to p p rospects for the new Pros of th e summer season. Another Intermediate rid er of not e is newcomer Lee Ramage (FMF) rid ing for Torrey Pines H igh . Ramage, wh o is prim aril y a da ytim e rider at Carlsbad, Sadd leb ack , erc. , ca me up wit h a close second to Carter in th e 500cc Int ermed iat es and a 250 PRO: 1. Clint Hardick IASA-Hon}; 2. Steve Bartl ey (Ho n); 3. Steve Bla ckman (Mail . 8 8 8 i8 i8 8 !8 8 8 8 Q 8 DAI D D 8 CORPORATION 8 DAIDO/D.I.D motorcycle chain: top racing competitors than any other chain. C\) u by more sed - l incolnwood. Ilo So . San Francisco, CA , Headquarters: 885 Centennial Avenue Piscataway, NJO BBS4 0 Phone (201 ) BB5-1BOO~ I D . C-O OO oO OO OOOOOOOO OOOOOO OO f1lD Scon Porter (Yam). BOYESEN VENTED DUAL STAGE REED 125 INT: 1. Keith Finch {Suzl; 2. Scott Johnston As used by ROQer DeCoslel' , Gem, W olSlnk . A.C . Beaken, Joh n 5 " .... ' 151.1 • Malk Bldc........ell . dnd man y other we ll know n M X stars Distributed Exclusively by L1MANTOUR CORPORATION SUPER PERFORMANCE FOR SUZUKI. YAMAHA. HONDA & KAWASAKI 125 JR. DIV 1: 1. Bob Beardsley IYaml; 2. Boyd • Fits : Suzuk i. Y amaha. New ' 78 Kawa saki. Honda . • Price : • • • • Greater horsepower. Better throttle response. Wider power band. Eu ily installed. (Replaces the original equip . reeds]. • Vented reed opens sooner and wider for better low and top end performance. Br eise (S UI ); 3. M ark V arn ey (Yaml . 125 J R. DIV. 2: 1. Mike Thornton (Yaml; 2. Joe SpinaJi (SUlI; 3. Fran k Yancey {Suzl. 125 JR . DIV. 3: t . Greg Cram er (Yam l; 2. Scott Bak er (Suz); 3. Tim Th eod or e (Yam ). 100 INT: 1. Curtis Rough (SUl ); 2. Mark Page (ESCSuz); 3. Bobby Sullivan (FMFI. 100 JA : 1. Scott Hamilton {Yaml;· 2. Greg Bennson (Yam); 3. Charlie W alker (Yaml. WOMENS OPEN: 1. Javcen Zvirb uhs (Yam); 2. Teresa Nolin (Yarn); 3. Lisa M onhan (Suz). MINI INT: 1. Danny Jon es (Yam); 2. Scott Swift (SUl); 3. Chris Sw ift (Suz). MINI JA : 1. Mik e Nixon (Suzl: 2. Gil M elzer tRRl; 3. Kevin Ginsler (Suzl. COCA COLA/SAN DIEGO HIGH SCHOOL MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIP TOP TEN: 1. Santana 1075; 2. El Capitan 843; 3. Mi ssion Bay 689; 4. Mon te Vista 648; 5. Morse 637; 6. Mt . Miguel 487; 7. Mo ntg omery 433; 8. Torrey Pines 360; 9. Clairmont 232; 10. Granite Hills 185. . Suzuki 9 .95 Yamaha. Kawa saki {4 Pedal reed)..... _.19 .45 Yamaha. Kawasak i. - Honda 16Pedal reed} 25 .95 J L1MANTO UR CORP. 4539 Hamilton Blvd. Allentown. Pa. 18103 0 See your deale r or Phone'215-398-1886 .... C us, we send C all .O.D. orders. Pennsylvania resi dents add 6% Sl ate Tax. -----------......_.._-- v YAMAHA OWNERS Thompson takes Sweepstakes at first ERA enduro We have a larg e inventory of old , obsolete, and ha rd to get Yam aha parts COD mail orders welcome ($15.00 min imum) ,~" YAMAM~ By Cindy Taylor Photo by Action Photographic 24020 Narbonne Ave. Lomita. CA 90717 213-534-2311 CALIFORN IA CITY , CA , APR . 30 Rain ravaged , flower laden. wind blown C al City again welcomed bike riders to its lands . A new club, th e Enduro Riders Association , m ade its debut this weekend with th e Bounty Hunter Enduro. This was a dvert ised as a fun , fam ily race weekend with th e em p hasis on tim ekeeping. T he ske p tics wer e ou t in for ce al ong with t he truest Beginner a nd some with expe rience . (j) .-4 8 3. Lynn Vick {Ma il . 250 INT: , . Chr is Harrold (Yaml; 2 . M ark Day (M ail; 3 . (Suzl: 3. Bill Curran (Yaml . 500 JR : 1. Bill Pien ta (Suz); 2. Tr acy M cMillen (SuI I; 3 . Gene Anderson (Yaml. 250 J R: 1. Sco n W einbrand t (Ho nl : 2. Ch uc k Hogan (Yam ); 3. Dou g Johnson (Ossl. 00 I:' 8 8 8 8 125 PRO: 1. TerryShekell IESC SUl); 2. Clint Hardick IASA-SUl ); 3, Scan Anderson ISulI, 500 INT: 1. Man Carter IVam); 2. Lee Ramage fFMFI; 500 PRO; t . M ik e T ripes ; 2. David Gerig (ESC SU I) ; 3 . St eve Wa lker (Yam). • ~ t 8 8 8 8 8 8 (Hon); 3. Rand y Skin ner (M o n). 125 INT : 1. Craig Quall s (S uII: 2. M ike Rinal di ISuzl; 3. Terry Benson (Yam l. III 8 8 8 8 Chris Harrold t opped t he 250cc Int erm ediat es at Speedway 117: ; Th inking of selling t he 01' scoot - Cycle News Want Ads f • Hii" " " u y Hiiesalu Mfg. Co. 120 W. Cypress Ave. Burbank, CA 91502 213·845·7161 31

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