Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Coors Trans-AME MX Series - Round six Shultz, Blose take Helvetia By lee Taylor SACRAMENTO, CA , MAY 14 Riders throughout California and neighboring western states gathered at Helvetia Park on the banks of the Sacramento River for the sixth round of American Motocross Enterprises' C~TS Trans-AME Series. They encountered one of the fastest tracks in the Series, winding through a grove of trees. Specta - 20 tors and racers alike saw Darrell Shultz, Maico-rnounted out of Rancho Cordova Suzuki, with Bosch plugs on both bikes , rack up a staggering tall y of back-to-hack wins in both Open and 250cc Pro classes . Shultz is already number one in points for both classes. They _wa tched Arizonan Chappy Blose , astride a Suzuki for HP Racing, add an overall win in the 125 Pros to his number one points standing. Throughout all the Pro classes , Bosch plugs fired winners off the line and into the winner's circle. When the Open Pros fired off the line for the first moto, a brand new Pro , Robert Congdon, led the pack. . Earlier in th e day, Congdon had won the Open Intermediate race and was so turned on he came back later to turn Pro and ride the Open class . H e took on some heavy adversaries with Darrell Shultz behind him . Dueling for third were Scott Gillman, riding for Yamaha Motor Corp. and Mark White. Shultz pushed on into the lead , while Congdon, in spi te of the pressure around him , settled into fourth and held his position until going down on the back section of the track. By the end of the moro Shultz held the lead, Gillman was maintaining second, White finished third and Sherman Schneller (Suz-Sanra Maria Cycle) had moved into fourth . The second time off the line Schneller took charge with Gillman on his tail and Shultz running third . Coming up on the outside Shultz . moved on in and went on to take the lead. With White moving into third , Congdon had taken over fifth holding back Bill Hagen and John Sagday. Both Schneller and Gillman were closing ranks on Shultz as a tight duel for second between th ese two continued down to the wire. Shultz took the lion 's share of the purse, Gillman was second, Schneller third, and White held down fourth . When the gate dropped for the 250cc Pros' first moto , Mike Brown (Suz-R&D Eng.) put his years of experience as a Mini Expen to ~ use by leading the flock around the tum and into the first lap. Brown also managed to hold Darrell Shultz to second, nonhern California ace Donnie Cantaloupi (Yam- Moto -X Fox) to third and Gary Denton (Suz Suz West) in founh . Shultz started to close on Brown as Denton fought off Mike Wickersham (Mai-Phil's Motor) . Shultz by now was right on top of Brown, breathing down his jersey in hot . pursuit. Looking over his shoulder, Brown spotted in addition to Shultz, heavy traffic coming up two and three abreast. As a touch and go battle between Brown and Shultz wound down, Shultz made his move and took over the lead. Coming in fast behind Denton were Bobby Kline and Tracy Oswell. By the end of the 'moto Shultz led the charge across the line, Brown was second, Cantaloupi third , Denton fourth and Kline pulled a fifth ahead of Wi ckersham . Heading into a dusty first turn at the start of the second moro. Shultz took the lead with Denton in second , Cantaloupi third, followed by Kline in fourth. Cantaloupi squeezed by Denton and a feud for second began that continued through the remainder of the moto . Denton was also involved in a duel with Kline and heavy dicing between these two carried on . With Kline losing control in a tum, Denton regained third and continued his chase after Cantaloupi. Kline found himself caught in 'a pocket between Denton and Tracy Oswell. With wheels clanging throughout the many turns, Kline and Oswell dueled, tossing founh back and forth until the end where Kline once more took charge,of the situation; and held onto his position. When the winning checkered flag waved them home, Shultz wheeled his bike down victory row, taking home a total purse for the day of $600 for both the Open and 250cc Pro races, in addition to $180 in Bosch and Electro contingency monies. Cantaloupi took home second overall, third went to Denton, founh to Kline and fifth to Randy Losh for a 7-7 ride. . Mike Brown returned to the line to lead the l25cc Pros in the first moto and set up a beautiful lead. He had Gary Denton in second as a mad duel for third went down between Bobby Jones and Chappy Blose. Wheels clashing, Blose took over and moved on into second with Cantaloupi in third. Denton and Jones carried on , jousting for fourth until Denton took over . Tim Locey (DG Suz) and Jim Holley with a Yamaha Suppon ride, carried on their own private battle for sixth with Locey winning out. Blose had his hands full with constant pressure from Cantaloupi. Brown was in trouble, losing complete use of his rear brake and having to settle back in third . With Brown out of the lead , Canraloupi pushed on by Blose and held command to the end. Denton held founh behind a handicapped Brown. Jones pulled Locey for fifth and Holley finished the moto in seventh. t The second time around, Yamalia Motor Corp. rider Gregg Toyama grabbed the holeshot with DentHn closing in for second. Denton soon took command and found Blose right on his tail in second. Locey was absolutely wildl Passing two riders over a jump he moved into third a nd fought to hold off Jones arid Cantaloupi. With Jones off the track with a thrown chain, Cantaloupi moved into third then went after Denton and claimed second. Holley was making tracks and had worked his way into fifth . Back in the action , Jones was making up for lost time and pushed his way back into seventh by the end of the moto. Coming on home for the checkered flag , Blose led the way after overtaking Cantaloupi on a jump; taking home top money for the class. Cantaloupi took second overall, third went to Denton, founh to Locey and fifth to Holley. The checkered flag not only signaled the end of the final race .for the day, it also triggered applacuse and appreciation for finish flagman Tom Knott and to D&C Promotions for staging a professional race in every sense of the word. • Results d1 125 PRos: 1. Choppy Blose ISuzl; 2. Don Cantaloupi lYam); 3 . Gary Denton ISuzl; 4 . TIm Locey ISuz); 5 :.Jim Holley IYaml; 6. Bobby JoneslSull; 7. Mike Brown ISull; B. Cliff Lett lYaml; 9. Mike Preston ISul!; 10. Jerome Heiberger (Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Darrell Shultz (Mail; 2. Don Cantilloupi lYaml; 3. Gary Denton ISuzl; 4. Bob Kline (Honl; 5. Randy l.osh IMail; 6. Mike WICl<..sham IMail; 7. Mark Fenin lHenI; B. Bob Stem IYaml; 9. Tracy OswelIISuz); 10. Jim Inglebright IMail. OPEN PROS : t . Darrell Shultz IMail; 2. Scott Gillman lYaml; 3. Sherman Schnell.. ISuzI; 4. Mark White lHus!; 5. Bill Hagen lYaml; 6 . Ted Rogers lHust 7. R-.r Congdon IMaiI; Kent Higginbotham (Mail; 9. Denis Stapleton lYam); 10 . John 5agdaylYaml. a

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