Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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hare a nd hou n d event for AMA Districts 55·58. will be presented by the SoCa l M. C , on Oct , 22 at O la ncha . CA . Don't forget. Have you attended one (or morel of the BLM W ilderness Area meetings. yeti' Continuedfrom page 2) defending champion Barry Sheene , was seen practicing in a Formula One car under the tutelege of former motorcycle great and Formula One champ John Surtees, After rid ing the AMAlCamel Pro Series National half m ile at Ascot Park the night before. Dave A ldana and Ted Boody drove out to Perris Raceway to compete in the Dirt Diggers' Dinosaur TT Rough Scrambles. Aldana totally dominated the SOOcc Expert class. taking all three moto wins. Boody took his first moto, but broke a gearbox the second t ime out. T he Dirt Diggers drew over 170 riders to their all four-stroke event. with bikes ranging from 1957 BSAs to 1978 T'T Yamahas. In the Vintage Experts. a 1957 BSA army transportation cycle was entered. its pilot sporting an Army trenchcoat and an old World War I helmet bolted on his real helmet . Retu rn to the rigid-frame? Complete coverage next week. Stadium motocross entrepeneur Mike Goodwin . whose Stadium Motosports Corp. is t rying for a Camel Pro Ser ies Riverside road race sanction. tried his hand at road racing aboard a stock Z1-R at Riverside May 14. in an American Federation of Motorcyclists event. Goodwin had j ust passed Carter Alsop for 12th in the 4O-rider Modified class when his rear wheel locked up in the Riverside dogleg and Goodwin got spit off at 125 mph. According to the report l"'e got. when ambulance attendants asked Goodwin where he hurt he said only his ego. Goodwin has reportedly ordered a Suzuki GS1000 t o be prepped by Yoshimura R&D to further his road racing career. California Motorcycle Dealers Association's latest effort to introduce motorcycle driver education in California, SB 1624 Dills . passed the Senate Education Committee on Apr. 19 and the Senate Finance Committee on May 8. It 'll be heard on the Senate floor before the end of the month , and help is needed in contacting all 40 _ State Senators urging them to support the bill. Letters and telegrams chould be addressed as follows: State Senator State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814. All communications should carry the heading R E S B 1624 Di lls. WE SUPPO RT, Further info, contact Hy Weitzm an at 714 /885 ·870 1. 714 1885 · 8900 or 916 /446 -4025. M&H Tires. better known for their inv olv em ent in the realm of drag raci ng. has entered into the sidecar road racing tire market. The firm has developed both dry and wet tires and will be offering full service to sidecar competito rs at maj o r Eu ropean meetings this season. 10 This is a memory test. The 54th annual Turkey Run . a championship American Motorcyclist Ass~ciation efforts last year to collect money to support the Motocross and Trophee des Nations teams yielded enough money to pay $1.000 of each rider's expenses. Although it didn't completely finance the American effort. it helped. We helped . For the 1978 effort . AMA Professiona l MX Manager Mike DiPrete is offering T-shirts to those who would like to make a $6 do nation. Send yours to Motocross des Nations , P.O. Box 141 , Westerville, OH 45081. Be sure to state your size (S.M.L or XL) , SHOEI HELMETS DENVER GOLD CU~SAT.MAY2~6PM COLORADO NAT'L SPEEDWAY .. ,. ~. .. . . :.. .<# " • ~:-'-!. ~'. . <>« , 0, ..._.Ie :>~ . . . .. .. '~~~ '" ~~ . ~ .: t "f~ ..~ The AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series schedule for July is as follows: San Jose half mile. July 1; Castle Rock TT. July 8; Ascot TT. July 15; Sears Point road race. July 15-16; Sacramento mile. July 22; and DuQuoin mile. July 30. The Bu reau of Land Management had relocated the San Diego May 17 Wilderness Review meeting to the E1 Cortez Hotel. Century Roo m . 7th and Ash . San Diego. This is the 7·10 p .m. formal presentation meeting; the 1-10 p .m. workshop will be held the following day in the originallyscheduled meeting place, the San D iego Gas and Electric Auditorium. 101 Ash Street. The Un ited Enduro Association w ill donate $1 of each entry. in their June 11 Tuff E' Nuff 0-37 Enduro to the AMA ISDT Fund. The event w ill be held in the Sequoia National Forest near Lake Isabella. Pho ne 213/634-8793 for more information. The UEA is a lso sponsoring a Las Vegas Charter bus tri p on July 22-25 . All profits will go toward sponsoring a cl ub team at the ISDT. Seats will go for $25 per person. Call 714 /551·5928 for de ta ils. Lockhart Industries. - Inc. has announced the appointment of John R. Cuneo. former Marketing Director of AMF/Harley·Davidson. as Vice President of Marketing. ' Mo~orcycle racing of the speedway vanety becomes a weekly event on the quarter-mile track at ].C. Agajanian's Ascot in Gardena . CA . Thursday night Ma y l8 at 8 p .m . Mike Bast of Canyon Country. five- time U .S . Champion heads the group of riders from the fledgl ing National Speedwa y League. which has decided to race at Ascot to fill the Thursday night void left by the closing of Irwindale Raceway. The advent of the speedway motorc

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