Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEVADA 100% Pro P.B. Entry $10, $15 Pro. $3.50 gate adm ission. Gate opens 7 a.m., prac. 8, race 10 . 6021747-8965. June 2 AMA MOTOCROSS T-CAR Speedway, Carson I City , Nev . All Classes. Troph ies, 100% Pro P.B. Entry $15, $20 Pros . Sign -up 6:30 e.m., Prac. o 7:30, Race 9. Sptsmn _ 2 metes Sun. 1 Mon. Ex ...:. 2 motos Mon. 7021673-4908. OREGON June3 OREGONSTATE ENOURO Lees Camp, OR. 125 thru Open AA, A, B classes. AMA National Championship Enduro. 125 mi. Patches and finisher ' pins . Entry $15 per rider, 240 limit Start 9:01 a.m. to 14000 S. Forsyth. Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045.503 /63703725,656-5801. OKLAHOMA COR'M OTOCROSS Cen tral Oklahoma Acwy. Edmond, OK. 10 mi. East of 1 35 on H-66. All classes. Prac. 10 a.rn., race noon . 405 (341-2833. MOTOCROSS Lake Whitney Cycle Ranch, Wh it ney. 'rx. 8 m il S OF Wh ityn ey on H-22. Nov thru Ex classes. $705 pur se. 50 % of gate in bad we ather. Trophies thru 6 places. Free Keg beer. Entry $6, $8 Expert Nov. race at 10 a.m., tnt, Ex at 1:30 .p.m. BI7 /694-2901 . OAK HILL MOTOCROSS Oak Hill, Alvord, TX. North of Decatur 7 mi. on 287..81. exit Mt. Zion Rd.; follow signs 3 mi. to track. $705 guaranteed purse or 50 % 01 gate in bad weath er. Entry:$5 Nov, Mini, OT; $6 lnt: $8 Ex. Rt. 1, Box 71 , Alvord , TX 76225_817/427·2663. WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Thu rston Country OHV Pk, WA. 16 mL West of Olympia on H-B. All classes. Trophi es only. Pros welcom e. Entry $6. pra c. 9:30 a.rn., race 10:30. 5091753· 8136. May 28-29 I MOUNTAIN STATES MOToCROSS CHAMPION!'iHIPS Sunday - Corvallis, MT, Monday·Mi ssouJa , MT. All classes. Guaranteed minimum purse $5000 p.b .. 30% trophies. EntrV $7, $15, Ex. Beg, Am, 100 Ex, OT. Prac. 8, race 9. Ex. Minis prac. 12:30, race 1 p.m. May 29 I MEMORIAL DAY GP Corona Rcwy, Coron a, CA. All class es, Wom en . 25 % Trophies, 100 % P.B. t o Pros , 100% Finish er Pins . Entry $10 mail, $15 post , $8 team race, $4 relat ive race. 45 min. races , 30 min. relative race. 3 - plates, s park arresto rs reqd. Prac 8 a .m., first race 9:15, Pros 10:15. P.O. Box 388, Corona. CA. 91720. 714/689-1913. LOUISIA NA MOTOCROSS Wag germa n, LA. 6 mi. north of U.S. 90 off HuIY P. Long bridge, turn rig ht on river. S600 purse. Entry $4 Am., $6 Ex. 5041399-6494. SORA MOTOCROSS Star Track. EI Paso , TX. 2 mi. North of Santa Terisa Country Club on NM Hwy 273. All classes & Wom.ns, OT. 100% Pro P.B., 33% Trophies to others. Entry $8 mini, $9 others. $10 Ex. $2 discount to SDRA memos. $15 per year . 9151584· 3602 . . OKLAHOMA J une 4 BEL·RAY USGP OF MX Carlsb ad Rcwy, Carlsbad , CA. 1 to Palomar Airport Rd, East to -5 -c track. 500 cc GP and 250 cc Support classes. Tickets S9 adva nce, S10 raceday. Kids under 12 free . First moto 12:30, first 500 GP 1:10 p.m. P.O. Box 892 , San J uan Capist rano. CA 92675. 714/831-7141. MINI MOTOCROSS Barone Oaks Raceway CA Hwy. 67 to Lakesid e, E on Mapleview , N on Ashwoo d, up Wildcat CV Rd. 11 mi. OIN n. camping. Cign up closes 8 a.m. s harp. Late entr y S10, guest ride r $9. 7141749-2525, 479· 1572. ITA TRIALS AND SCHOOL Seddlebac k Park, Orange, CA. Sign up 8 :30 e.rn., riders mtg . 9:45 , .competition starts 10 . Entrv $5, non-memb, $7. Beg, Nov, Am, Ex Sr , 1st time Beg , classes. School taught by Expert rider . Awards to top 40 % . 714/879-{)570 . ITA TRIALS SENIOR CHAMP IONSHIP Saddleback Park, Orang. CA, 35 or Older. Sr. A & Sr. B; Am .. Ex.,; Beg., Nov. sections . Entry $5, $7 non-member. Start 10a.m. 7141B~570 . AMC M OTOCROSS Carlsbad Rewv, Carlsbad, CA. All classes. 100% Pro P.B_ 30 % , Trophies to Sptsrnn. Entry $7.50, $12.50 Pro. M.mbership available at track , S3 extra non- . members. Gates open 7 a.m.. prac 8-9, race 9:30. 714/541 9439. CMC MOTOCROSS Saddleback Park, Orang., CA. All classes. Entry Sptsmn. - $7 mail, $10 post, Pro - $15 mail, $20 psot, Gates o pen 7:30 a.m. , Prac 8 , race 9:30. CMC liscen se required. Mail to CMC, P.O. Box 1402, Costa M..., CA92626. Every 1s t Sunday a CMC point s raee. 714/557·3323. / A RIZON A CMC MOTOCROSS B&B Mot or c ycle Park , Tuscan, A2. 1 -10 to Paloverde South. to track. All classes. - ~'''",. .rRII LISTIIG 'II H"~FM~ T r-ee MAYpiNS Zq MOTOCROSS Barron Fork, Tahlequah, OK. 4 mi. E of Tahlequah on Hwy. 51, 4 mi. S on Welling Rd. Prac. 9-11 a .m., race noon . 8 races series. $3,000 bonus to Ex. 918/4569421. Gx h",hrew D/O :; AL \ O \~tl9~ER' c h:" l<.en Del'9ht ~ ~ ~ Doves D o wnh l l Drop ........... _("~~ ~ ~ -SPEC IAL Rll.ATlII E l?ACf · ~-...r-- TEXAS CALI FORNIA I TEXAS I SRA CLASS A SPEEOW AY Hanford , CA. Btwn Bakersfield & Fresno on H·99. All div, 40 % of Gat. P.B. For info 2091897-4362, 291-4277. RAC E ON l'l., ./_ 45 J\lI\INUTE ,, ')C 0/ RAC~ SIL ENC ERS (.. MONDAY MAY 29 ' 3 .. WASHINGTON nUMber • plo.t S . . ~1.O. ~~d MOTOCROSS Hillside MX Track, Moses Lake, WA. 11 mi. West of Moses lake on 1 ·90, exit 164 . All classes 100 % Pro P.B.. Top Am of 6-race series win RMBO. Entry $7, $12, Pro. 509/663·2433. June 10 11'1l>l ~ f,., "fUfIZ ~ $.01'ol 8tlO"l~Il ' ,. "".. ct....c s, S\S,"1"fL C loA "6 f-R. - t)4<.l_ "PF-" CL.o"">~ T""'pki~s Gal.s Open .. : Practlc (0-12S) (250-5OO) Practlc MAN DATORY ENTRY FEE· $10.00 (Mail) $15.00 (Post) TEAM RACE· $8:00 (.ach) RELATIVE • $4.00 (eecnj r.J 10 ""lit. ll:£I.A'T£ O!/ Mil!> iE "" !?ID£R'.> MOTOCRO SS Mosier Valley MX Pa rk, Arlingto n, TX. All Classes. Rain or shine . $705 guaranteed purse or 50 % of gate if rain. Brass to six places. Free keg beer . Entry $3 gat. fee, $6 Ncv., $7 lnt., $8 Ex. Nov, pra c 8 a.m .. race 9. Int/Ex prac. 1 p.m ., race 1:30. Payoff to se nior classes only. 214/245-4693. 4 '!." 3 0 M I'"!. 7:00 8:00 8:30 All 0-100'$ &W omen 9:15 125-250-500 Pro's 10:15 11:tS A1I500's & vete A1I2S0 ·s 12:30 .. .. 1:30 All 12S's .. .. .. Team Race . . . . 2:30 Relative Race 4:15 Friday Night MX Gates Open 5:00 PM SRA CLASS A SPEE DWAY Hanford , CA. Btwn Bakersfield & Fresno o n HI99. All Oiv, 40 % of Gat. P.B. For info 2091897-4362, 291-4277. June 11 .~'Y~)~ /r..,. "w.J J ~ J " ~'l"...i • ~ KR . , ~ ~ ~~I ~_-: ......_ I park with MPlNG OVERNlG HT CA \b, CDIlNTRV(JV AMA MOTOCROSS Plymouth Ra ceway . Plymouth, CA H-16 East from Sacramento., H-49 S . from Placerville, H49 N. from Sonora. 100 thru Open , OT, Vet, PP, Mini class. 100% Ex P.B. Entry Ex. $15 & $1. Sptsmn $10 post $8 mail P.O. Box 22 1, Sutter Creek , CA 95585. 12fHJpen Nov, 100 Sptsmn, Minis, PP Prac. 7:15 a.m. mom event. race 1 p.m. 209/267'()312. OPE N 7 DAYS A WEEK tliESCllPE~~ MAY 21 Trans-AME $3,000 Purse AMA SEMI-PROMOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch, Brentwood. CA. Corner Camino Diablo & Vasco Rd. All classe s. 100 % Ex. P.B.. 30 % Trophi es . Entry $15 Ex. $9 others. Gates o pen 6:30 a .m., Pra c. 8 :30 , Rac e 9 . 415/634-3328.634 ·1667. I f( ~ ~ .' '.' ig,.. ~ MAY 28 CRC Motocross CRC TENDERFOOT ENDURO , J UNE4 - CALI FO RNIA CITY 2 loops CRCPoints 8am start :;' )1; • C riders under 16, mini's, & w omen go 1 loop mail $10 post $13 non-members add $12 ~ info: 714-689· 6114 days portions will be filmed for Peter Starr's movie "Take it to the Umit" ''rJ.1''- ~ to h e in cludedben th e fo llo w ing we e-k' s Cvc lI : N e ws. No lis tin gs c a n he acc ep te d by ph on e. Pl e a se in clude a ph one number for ad d itional in formation . Mail the co m p le te d blank t o Cvcle News Cal endar. Box 498 . Lun g B each : C A 9 08 0 I. . 714-581 -6400 =,Aacln4 SCh€dUI€ §::. P.I.T.S. OBSERVEDTRIAL Red wood Rd., Castr o Valley, CA. Off Castro Valley Blvd. All classe s. Sl donation . Calub events . East Bay P.l.T.S., P.O. Box 2601. Cast ro VaH ey, CA. 415/582·9211 . ,tr: '. ""~""~,I Southern California' s only motor recreation Cycle N e _ s _ ani ads are CHEAP! s _ Wanl ad b lank . I Eve n t sa nct io n --'::..:..=-==="'- [=.:.;'I1.:.;..;'.:.;I.:.;'" . ":..: , ' . I.:.. II 1 11I ... 'a , Ev e n t t y p e -==::..:..:..LJ'-"-_-"-_ _ l .o c.u ion lI en \ 10 !:!:l·t t h e re Classes ~lai ling P u rse Entr y f cc address Ot he r in fo L- ----- Yo ur na m e Pho ne n um ber for info I I I I I MX RACES EV ERY SUNDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHT ~ 0 &lGt- Motocross Every Saturday aMaaattaaMU ~ '-~~~ 71...l':::"771 Mlnlcyde Motocross TT Every Saturda y Night Open 7 days - 7 a.m. 'lill dart Located 2 mileswest of Interstate 5 on Highway 126 near Castaic. (805) 259 -8 000 ~ AMI: ~ May 19 - I.....n Du.... May 21- Sprockaa Part< May 26 - '.....n Du.... Am.rlcan M lnlcy cle A. .... , 213·881·5778 Sporbmen 2 - 30 minute motos Speedway Practice Every Sunday U.S. Mlnlcyde Rac:lnc Aun. MX Every 2nd & 4th Sundays Elsinore Racewal 714-826·2386 7 14-674- 383 43

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