Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha salesman e- !oucad preferrod for South LA. Shop. Good pay and benefits. Sand 901103- (19) r....,.. P.O. 3704 . Long Bech. CA Honda Yamaha mechanic Exporiencad dependable mochanic IOf _ofOUnd _ in Easiern Oregon. Call TClJ" l5031 567-8919 Of 15031 567_ .1201 74 Bultaco Sherpa 'T' 3&0 Good a>ndition. now pilton. runs gr__ 1714 892) 78KX250A4 Over $6.000 _ . Give _ lor ' 2.995. _ aaohod . like now. only racod • lew timoa. Built in England by Monty·W... d Motors. Extra parts indudod. 16 17)832-6840. 120 ) Ridden 2 _ 11 91 Tattooing Supplies ' 8606. 119 1 . like now••1495.00. 12091 87f>5648. Suzuki outthe door pricell '985. Harley-Davidson-Kawasaki RMI25C RM250C2 ' 1385. RM400 '1 495. big cfoscounts on psrtS. 17141734-2901 .1191 01 Spokane. WA; . - 2 H-O mochanics and 1 Kaw. mechanic. 1-2 yean experience necessary. Wnte Ofcall Gene Rogers. E. 123 Sprague. Spokane . WA 99202 . \509)747-6171. (1 9) 76 Maico AW250 Honda/Kawasaki mechanic 77 YZ400D Yamaha, $1,100.00 EJcporienced - tun time. Great working conditions. Paid holidays & vacations. Tri-City Cycles. Ask IOf Joe OfColman 1714 1831-4710(Anaheiml. 120 1 Honda/Kawasaki Parts Honda Parts Person Must be .xperienced. ImmocfIlllO -""9. Apply at Honda North County. 338 No. fkoodwoy. Escondido. CA92025. (714)748-0711.1201 Motorcycle Engineer Qualifood MotOfcycle Engi.-r. Morriod with 2 768-2070.(33) RICKMAN eRICKMAN eRICKMANI WE have All 125 ZundIIpp and 250 Mont8sa parts, plus aer1y M1< III and MIdV Metiaae Items. Giant '"-'tory. Joel For_ . _ _ in the ~ 78 Husky 390 CR sell or trade like now - racod 5 _ . '1600.00 cash IOftrode fOf 78. 390 Autometic. Phone 19161 482-8923 days only. l20l prime ricfong ....._The over II eee with building. _ and _ facilities plus '"-'tory and .. lor $85 .000. CallGunnisaon Realty . Inc. 1:303) 641-1111. _~ ITFNI 175KTM '75, 125 Ossa Phantom, $250 Good cond ition. nood. only jetting. New pipe. spare enduro lank, now Mulholland shocks. $400.00 os is Of best ettee, Before 6 p.m.• ask lor Dave 12131 ~ . W ofe·. bik•• ridden 6 times. excoIlent condition. 1213 1 l20l 76, 125 Bultaco Pursang 1972 Kawasaki 500 3 cylinder Calo styto w. Bubble lairing. disc brek... runs good• • 600.00. 12131 964·7278. 119 1 Yamaha Super Thumper CustOfn niclde platod framo. Simon'. IOfU . 1711 Fox air. hand built alloy tank. gold anodized whools. IT' roar. very I.... super trick inside & out. • 3000.00 ....h. (916) 244-2663. 11 BI Parts person, HondaIKawasaki experience preferred. Paid .......tions. hooith insurance. Five days week . Contact: Ed at Norm R....... MotOJcyclos 12131 531· 1225.120) Experienced motorcycle salesman 530-7579.119) Metzeters. ported, Mikuni. Maguras . Regina dutch chains. Inter-em bars. S&W fork springs and more. $400.00_ Ask for Jell days 12131 240-2230. eves. 12131 722-0108_11 91 . Think that you and your bike are" Tough? Be at tho Rockingham 24 Hour. May 27th 10 see if you 81'e right . Purse $300. Entrtes now being aceept od.12151687-8422. 1 191 1978 TT 500 frame and parts Yamaha IT 175, 1977 IMge. modem Honda dool.... 5 days. paid vacations. medical insurance evailable. Kolbe Cycle Sales 12131 348-7866. ask lor Rick Rogers. (19) J Top notch salesmen Neodod IOf 2 posi1lons in high volume So. Cal. deolenhlp. Must be sharp. top caliber. Contact: Whittier ~ 12131 945-3494. (1 9) Never used - minus engine and hubs - everything etae included. Bolt in 'fO\D' motcw and you got a new &COOl - .500.00. Doug (714)528-0046.118> 500 miles. OlCcallent. San Diago ...... .795.00. Bill Russo 17141765-n63. lIB) 250 HONDA ELSINORE MT. 1974. New pist. & rings. $375. 360 Yamaha. 1971. BetOf 10Jks. Konis, 250 KTM. 1976. now front end . $875. Alter six l805) 4959671_I1B) Classic Gold Star DBD34 '58 ExperlenCe desirable - pay rommtlflSl-Ole with ability. Storod this last lour veers. .1300. Runs gr__ 1415) 726-9625.11 81 Paid holidays - pai d VIICIIIion - medical plan. Phone Bob Ernde. Honda 01 Oceanside (7141 433-QI3O. (19) Bultaco 1977, 250cc Honda parts person wanted Salesmen lookll! Aggressive _ noodod 10 ... now ellClusMl products. We psy 10% cammisslon. M_ territories Parts. .... & _ . AppIicatiol .. now being talten. Expeiieucad. aggr-.ive erwgetic _ only. Orange County No. 1 _ deolership. (714) 842-6751 Of 171 41541-8694. CTFNI Wedge barrel. WIM up pipe & forks. S&W shocks. ldnt. concU625.12131447-3772.(19) , Long Boac/lVamaha 121 31597-3317.(20) Honda mechanic wanted Trident Rickman Road Racer Puraang. ridden six times. excellent, best offer. 12131 831-3506. 11 91 Custom bike trailers open . Phone I8Cll) 272-7472 Of write Pro Racing I'foducts. 3639 So. 2110 E.. Satt lake City. Utah 84108. (19) Many extra. come as standard equipment on our trailors. CoIl 12131 3&>-7365 lor more info. 7 days end .... till 8:00 p.m. (20) Motorcycle mechanic sharpI Honda HR 75cc, 1977 TZ-750C Monoshock OW-31 _ - Mack pipes - 36mm carburetOfS ClJ frame set. Just rok. now. Fresh motor. Call Harry Klinzmann AMA m 1714 534-7678 OfAI at 17141 635) 8522.119) Chamber business for sale Fun Of PO" time. Cone rollers. POlCIO "'-. nibbler. patterns. building jigs . silencers . _ k ""ostOfs, preformed _ pipe. lJ-bends. hoot shields. shMt stool. miaceIIar-.s. Saaifoce.17141 83B-2902.I191 Moving East - must sell Dry lJIke Race Car. 12' long. stool Iramo. fiberglass _ body. built by Polaris. uses snowmobilolmotorcycle engine. roll bar . rtfIW tires . Original cost '1.400.00. First . 200.00 takes It. Also B' x 6' Rot Bed MICSIM trailer wilT tiros wl6 x 2 • 2 ltOfage box. .150.00. Call(714) 534-4315 - 1 bIod< from Disnoytand.(19) Parts Manager, Mechanic, Sales With tools. with parts sales _ience_ Top position. no Ioy--offs. basic guaranleod. plus excellent percenUge . The Outrider. 10545 W. Plco Blvd_ Los . Angeles. CA 90064. Mr. Anton IOf .ppo;ntrnon1 121 31 Must have _ Y amaha OlCperienco. Paid vacation. and holidays. Send resume 10: P.O. Box 34423. Bethesda. MO20034. 13011428-0030. 1201 879-3350. I22l '77 Suzuki RM 250 Mechanic Uke new. never raced . must see. extras. $975.00. (213) 89«lB5B.11 9) Honda mechanics IMge Honda _ In Western Massachusetts noods experienced mechanics nowl Excellent income potential. plenty 01 work. ContaCt Andy Popoli. PopoIi·. Honda, Rt. 20. Westfield. MA 01085. 14 131 582-6661. 11 91 Honda mechanic wanted Commission. lNe-deys. - ' t. _ round employment and benef.... Ask lor Paul 171 4\ 531-o742. lTfN) Service Manager Excellent opponunitY lor ambitious . aggressive. take charge orientalod Individual. This is • Iorge well . ....blished Honda dealership in the Los Angeles ...... Paid plan & benefits. Mail short inforrnat resume to : Cyde News. P.O. Box 49B Dept. DP. Long _ . CA 90801 . You win be ccntaeted for a confidential intervlew. 1211 Move to Billings, Montana Need oxporionce motOJcydo rnec:hanC lor Vamaha end Suzuki deolership. Totally now ItOfO. excellent working a>ndition and benefits. Ask IOf BiD Young. call 14061 652-1130. 11 91 HondafYamaha mechanic Imm. opening IOf rnec:hanC with Honda-Vamaha experience. • 9.00 per mfg. llaHat. hr. Locatod in beautiful northwest. Plenty 01 work. Call Bob Of John 1503)~ 9) .11 Yamaha mechanic needed CancoIloct, ask IOf Biscuits. CYcte Town :. San Rafael. CA. 1 4151451Kl335. 1201 Opportunity knock! Excellent, stock, belt offer. 12131 831-3506. (19) Good condition - $400. 171 41 968-5496. 1191 V.maha & Kawasaki _ionce dosirod. Encino cydo (21 3) 345-0475. (1 9) ~4!"::'~~:'~ n Honda Parts Person Full time. OlCperienCoc:t only. Call: City Cyde Centor 12131 861~17. ask IOfDave.12ll MX riders wanted 125cc & 250cc class Southern Cold. KawasaIti is seeking two riders In tho 125 and 250 ......... Partial sponoors/llp available. For information call: Southern CoI~. Kawasaki. 607 W. Katolla A...... Orange. CA92667. (7141997-3780. 1191 $2,000 per month We nood _ with that kind 01 ";Iity. W..... the biggest. busiest. best equippod shop ... ound. Out 01""0 weI<:ome. ContaCtDMG MaicoISuzuki 1505 S. . Pscific A.... Sen Pedro. cA 90731. 12131 832-6844 Of 12131 833-1301.(1 9) chamber. racing hood' f XL 350 C&J frame C&J frame and swinga rm. Betor tong travel forks, ElsinOJO..... MS bars. Allyou nood is engine. wheel. and shocks. $375. (213)676-3386. 1191 Honda BMW parts man & mech. Yamaha mechanic wanted Do~ $225.00. 12 131248-8467. 11 91 Apply Lakewood Honda. 11747 E. Carson. Lakewood. CA. Ask IOfSt""" 12 131B60-1 354.IT FNI Large motOfcycle dealership. Excellent salary. plus corrwnission. paid vacation. uniform furnished. excellent _ing condltions. 1714 831-0122. ask IOf 1 Radwan. 120) 1976 Montesa 250 enduro Cactus knuckles? Frigid fingers? Scot-Pro Hend Gard IOfdosartIstroat. • 17.20. Shipping inctuded. NW PARTS. 245 N. 99W. McMinnville. OR 97128. 119 1 We can sell your usad bike M ust be cteen. no rust,. no tom I88ts. AU legal street equipment intact. Wo - . . ATC 90s and Qddesey. Can 78. 400 RM Suzuki Ridden three times onty. exceUent condition, injury forces sale•• 1350.00. (714)751-7119. (1 9) 1976 Suzuki RM250A. $695 WOJksPerformance shocks. R:R 4 poc:ta! duel reed box. full bcxe tires . Fox fOfk kit. lloating r.... brako. (213) 973-8754.1191 Ontario Honda 17141983-0695 Of 12131331·7115. 119) '66 Bultaco Matador original 1976%,370 RM Suzuki Special Mint condition. collector's item. 305 miles• • 1175.00. 12131776-1905.1191 FMF pipe & porting - Bassett aluminum swingenm. Fox air 10Jks - WOfU Performance shocks - heavy rims & spoI

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