Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 l' 0') .-4 NMA 125cc Expert winner Todd Phillips pulls the holeshot ahead of Lenny Giger (701 at the Las Vegas Speed Drome. (Continuedfrom page 2J) TERRYKIT : I ;: ! ... ~. I" ," I I " I ) I), \ '.! 1'1 " I ,,( , :, "I I I" 'I·: I I II I, I ( I l '" ( ( ) \ 1j'l· I I I ( ) f{ N~ Kiu for '78 with Adjustable Travel Mil! Travel Yamaha IT 175/250 /400 '77&. '78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10" Yamaha YZ125'77 &. '78 10" YamahaYZ250/4OO·77 11.. YamahaYZ250/4OO '77 10.. Yamaha YZ 250/400 '78 12" Yamaha YZ80'78 7.5" Suzuki RM 80 '78 7.5.. Suzuki RM 125 '77 &.'78 10" Suzuki RM 250/400 '78 10" Kiu also available for other bikes Write for free literature Out of state call toll free 800-854-4691 90 day money back guarantee Dealer or Direct ... I Advertising t hat works ~~--~ ~_·- -9- bAlUWBBB fiBHBA Husqvarna Motorcycle. - Perts - Service 80li Frwy. et c..rson 11747 E. c..rson St. Lek_ood, CA 9071& 213-880-1364 71~ 1·7112 had the audacity to pass him . Stout put the upstart in his place by th e checkered flag , but it took him two laps to do it . lt was Turner all the way in the second moto as he went out fast and left the scramblin' to Stout and Conover. Conover, in his eagerness to catch the front runners , ran himsel f into trouble as he had more than a nodding association with the Corona tierra firma. The first time down cost him third place as Vinnie DiPadova was there to make the most of Conover's mistake. Things settled down after that and at the finish it was Turner: Stout and DiPadova with Conover fourth. Conover did ace DiPadova out for the third overall finishing one point back of Stout. Thirteen 250cc Pros came to the line to beat "Rocket" Rex Staten and his Bassett Racing Yamaha. As in weeks past it was not to be and Mr . Staten is still King of the Mountain , going wire to wire in both motos. The first moto saw Cross -Up's Marty Miller break in the second spot with Vickson Construction Company's Dennis Rose in third and FMFs Ron Turner, going back-eo -back. in fourth . Lance Burgess, an impressive looking rider out of Hemet Cycle , pulled a super move on the first lap to move himself from fifth to third as they completed two laps. By the end of three Turner had also picked up a spot as Rose ran into trouble and the top runners were almost in' place. Almost meant that Lance Burgess was not quite done and as the white flag came out , Burgess made his move on Miller and pulled out second. The second moto had DG ·sponsored John Greenway jump out behind Staten with Tony Schuler in the third spo t. Burgess again pulled his come from behind number as he picked off Schuler and one lap later disposed of Greenway. Miller was ' also recovering from a bad start as he picked his way through traffic to settle into fourth with three laps to go. As the white flag came out he took his best shot at Greenway and it paid off as he was ab le to pick up th ird. The overall was Staten, Burgess, and Mille r. Results 520 McGLlNCY LA N E. CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 371-1221 " 26 UNATTCHED MINI BEG: 'l . Ray Hernandez (Yam ); 2. Tony 'retoee. Jr . (Suz); 3. Jeff Schaeff.. (Suz). MINI NOV: 1. Dave Odam ISuz); 2. Dave Frear ISuz); 3. Larry Lange ISuzl. MINI INT/EX: 1. Chip Vpgel (HCS); 2. Scott Davis lXUP1; 3. Bruce Bunch IHCS!. l00cc BEG: 1. Rob Chapl in IYam l; 2. Steve Beck (Yam); 3. Bill Davis (Yam). l00cc NOV: 1. Troy Siemon IYaml ; 2. Ernie Beck.. . , .. ~ . ISuz); 3. Mark Loberg . 125cc BEG. DIV . 1: 1. Bill Co~on ISuz); 2. Dave Horn IVam!; 3. Matthew Ziegel.. (Hon). 125cc BEG. DIY 2: 1. Dave Clark (Vam ); 2. M ike Newman (Hon); 3. Mike Knueven ISuzl. 125cc BEG. DIY 3: 1. M ike Pankratz (I(aw); 2. Gary Bradley (Yam); 3. Gary Cranford IVam). 125cc NOV: 1. Randy Buckner IYam); 2. Jeff Clark ISuzl; 3. Jeff Travis lSuzl . 125cc INT: 1. Doug Kondus (Yaml; 2. Troy lee lSuz l; 3. John Layne iSuzl. 125cc PRO: 1. Ron Turn.. (Yam); 2. Rick Stout IVam!; 3. Fred Conover IKaw). 250cc BEG. DIY 1: 1. Kim Stein ISu;); 2. George Anderson IVam l; 3. J..ry Klopsch inski (Yam). 250cc BEG. DIY. 2: 1. Rick Dranford IVam); 2. Robbie Mella; 3. Bill Albridge IHan). 250cc NOV: 1. Paul Schr effl.. (Han!; 2. Greg Herris (Yam); 3. Pryor Campb eil lSuzl. 250cc INT: 1. Troy Manning; 2. Brad Smrth (Yam); 3. Louis Hernandez (Yam). 250cc PRO: 1. Rex Staten (Yam!; 2. Lance Burgess (Yaml; 3. Many Miller (Suz). OPEN BEG: 1. M ikev Rpgoff IYam); 2. Jack Dodd ICZJ 3. Jim Speight IMa i). ; Hines, Phillips smokeNMA Las VegasMX By Caro l Campbell LAS VEGA S, NV , MAY 6·7 Most of us who have ever ridden a National Minicycle Association Series race, have found ourselves heading out to a quiet little place known as Las Vegas and for most of us, .we ha ve left that same quiet place say!ng to ourselves, "never again ." Thmgs were different this time because of a man by the name of Les Emerson and all the Las Vegas people who were willing to stand behind him 100% . The race was held in a spot called the Las Vegas Speed Drome which is owned by the City of Las Vegas and is leased on a weekly basis only. Mr. Emers~n literally started with nothing and WIth a lot of hard work . he and his crew bu ilt one of the toughest and most demanding motocross tracks ever seen. There was no home track advantage for the Las Vegas riders because, due to the time element, the track was built just two days prior to the Series race. One of the highlights of the weekend was when Mayor Briare of La~ Vegas was caught getting into the action as head flagman and, if the smile on the Mayor's face is any indication of how he felt about the sport o~ motocross , we are very likely to see him at future races. The 100cc Modified Expert class adapted to the rocky terrain with ea se. The first moro found T im Hines (Yam) with the holeshot , but right behind him was Drey Dircks (Yam). Robert Marks (Yam) and Adam Renteria (Yam). The battle was on between Hines and Dircks. Hines would pull Dircks on the straights, but Dircks would catch im the corners. Meanwhile. Marks and Renteria were having their own battle. Handlebar to handlebar they flew into every tum, but Renteria made his move on the inside and left Marks in a cloud of dust to go int o the third place spot. Hines and Dircks were still going at it hot and heavy and by the fifth lap Dircks was right on the back tire of Hines and as they both went into a sweeping tum , Dircks cut under Hines causing H ines to go over the berm and giving Dircks the lead and the first moto win . The second moto again found the new Yamaha support rider, Tim Hines out in front with Dircks running in the' second place spot, Robert Marks and Adam Renteria were again sitting in the third and fourth place positions, I but up front Hines - rernembering s the' first moto - flew around the track , making it virtually impossible~ for Dircks to even get within stri king ' d istance. Hines finished with a 2·1 score to take .first overall, Dircks" settled for second with a 1-2 and" Renteria finished with a 3·3 for third overall. One of the most exciting races of the two day event was the 125cc Experts." 11 was exciting not only for the spectators, but for the overall winner as well . Reliable sources say that >: young Todd Phillips (Suz) was picked " fora Team Suzuki support ride. The first moto found Phillips, Lenny Giger (Kaw ) and Paul Emerson ' (Suz) out in front of the pack. Giger ~ tried every move in the book to get around Phillips but for eight grueling laps it was a stand off with Phillips taking the first moto win . The second moto , it was Phillips ' again out in front. but Giger was breathing down his neck -. Meanwhile , Emerson was busy trying to get around the third place rider. Up front Philli ps and Giger were still going at it tooth and nail and, as Giger made his move on Phillips, disaster struck for Giger. Losing control, he went off the track, bumping him all the way way to fift h . Giger's m isfortune now put Emerson q within striking distance of Phillips and J strike he did. Before Phillips knew £ what happened , Emerson was almost wheel to wheel with him through every '" jump and turn . The chase was on and o with only a lap and a half to go . Emerson made his move on Phillips to q take the second moto win by only half a bike length. Meanwhile , Giger had

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