Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1978 05 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t _ • A ttending t he NMA race were lIeft to right l M ark Merideth 1 , Les 41 Emerson, Las Vegas Mayor Briare , his son , and NMA's Ted Moorewood. moved into th e fou rt h place spo t and as the c hec kered flag ca me out. Giger act ua lly go t h is green m achine a irborne to finish th ird. Phillips took the overa ll win with a 1-2. Em erson finished second with a 3· 1 score and Lenny Gige r snagged th e t hird pl ac e spot with a 2-3. Resu lts XR 75 EXPER 1. Mark Meredith IHonl; 2. Mike T: Heers (Hanl. XR75 NOV & INT: 1. Barry Eckess (Hon); 2. Sean Gilboy IHon); 3. Johner KightlHonl. POWDER PUFF; 1. Cidy Dumo ISuzl; 2. Deena Blythe IVaml. PEE WEE STOCK 6-8: 1. Ryan Clark; 2. Nicky Pounds; 3. King Richard. JR. CYCLE STOCK INT. 9-11: 1. Paul Denis llta); 2. Rick Hemme (Ita); 3. Kurt Hendricksen Utal. JR. CYCLE MOD. NOV. 9-11; 1. Todd Bess; 2. Oon Feeley llta l; 3. Michael Knapp. 83a: STOCK 12·15 DIV 1: 1. Terry Dreyfuss ISuzl; 2. Chris Gables; 3. Man Bobington . 83a: STOCK 12-15 NOV. DIV. 2: 1. Paul Parrott (Yaml; 2. John Dobbs ISuz); 3. M ike Bess (Suzl. 12·15 STOCK INT ~c: t . Chris Easterling (Yam); 2. Darren Young (Yam); 3. Cindy Duma (Suz). 12·15 STOCK EX o-aJcc: 1. Scon Burnwo rth ISuzl; 2. Steve Schmitz (Suz); 3. Chris Heissee (Suzl . JR. CYCLE STOCK NOV 9-11: 1. Todd Bess ISUl); 2. Michael Knapp: 3. Brad Gentry ISull. J R CYCLE STOCK NOV 6-8: 1. Sean Frampton (Suz): 2. Scon Brazil; 3. Aaron Shupp . 9-11 STOCK INT o-aJcc: 1. Johner Kight IVaml; 2. Paul Denis IYam); 3. Rick Hemme (Suz). 9·11 STOCK NOV o-aJcc: 1. Russ W inkle; 2. Sean Framp ton (Suz); 3. Bruce O'Neal. lOS OPEN 12·15: 1. Scott Burnworth ISuzl; 2. Mark Meredith ISUl); 3. Eric Kehoe IVaml. JR CYCLE MOD INT 9-11: 1. Rick Hemme ISuzl; 2. TImmy Tomaselli IIta); 3. Kwt Hendrickson (lta l. JR CYCLE MOD NOV 6-8: 1. Sean Frampton ISuzl; 2. Kevin Clark; 3. Carlos Licon. 12·15 NOV MOD ~ DIV 1: 1. John Cobbs lSuzl; 2. St eve Alked (Yam);3. Billy EvansISuzI. 12·15 NOV MOO OIV 2: 1. Chris Gable (Yaml ; 2. Jon Wr ight ISuz): 3. Man Bobington (Yam). 105 OPEN9-11; 1. Paul Denis (Yarnl; 2. Johner Kight IVarnl; 3. Kurt Hendricksen ISuzl. 12·151NT MOD DIV 1: 1. Billy Hili IVaml: 2. Nino bunerowe (Yaml ; 3. Sean Gilboy ISuzI. 12·15 INT MOD DIV 2: 1. Chris Easterling oesee ossee osaee (Yaml ; 2. J ohn Hemme (Yaml: 3. Darren Young (Yaml. 12·15 EX MOD DIV I : 1. Ted Brady ISuz): 2. Chris Heisser ISuzJ 3. Scon Burnworth (Suzl. ; 12·15 EX MOD DIV 2: 1. Mark Meredith (Suzl; 2. Erik Kehoe IVaml; 3. Eddie Perry (Vam). 9-11 NOV MOD o-aJcc: 1. Russ Wln kler: 2. Sean Frampton ISuz): 3. Rickie Oobbs (Vaml. 9·11 INT MOD o-aJcc: 1. Joh ner Kight (Yam); 2. Rick Hemme ISuz); 3. Billy Dalton IVaml. l 00cc STOCK NOV: 1. Tommy Ba..ker IVam): 2. Chris East erling (Yam) ; 3 . Kenny Campbell (Yam ). 100 STOCK EX: 1. Adam Renteria (Vaml; 2. Robert Marks (Suz): 3. Chris Heisser lSuz). 100 STOCK INT: 1. Eric Baker ISuz); 2. Arth ur DeLeon: 3. TIbbs McCu llough (Vam). 125 STOCK NOV: 1. Chip Mill er IVaml; 2. Deems lvasson; 3. Bob Licckeno . 125 STOCK INT DIV 1: 1. Stan Grimes IVaml; 2. Kenneth Hedden ISUl); 3. Kevin Gabler (Vaml . 125 INT STOCK DIV 2: 1. Mike Murray (Yaml; 2. Phillip Johnson (Suz); 3. St eve Mclaughlin (Suz). 125 'STOCK EX: 1. Troy Fitch ISull; 2. Marv Chapman (Yam ); 3. Kevin Steel e tKawl. 250 EX: 1. l enny Giger (Kaw); 2 . Paul Emerson lHonl: 3. Kenny Krumme (Yam) . 250 NOV: 1. Bob Moor e IVam); 2. Bruce Peters IHon); 3. Mark Jones IVam). 250 INT: t . e rjan Pet ers (Suz); 2. Pete Yerkovich IHonl: 3. Scotty O'Neal (Yaml. 100 NOV MOD: 1. Tommy Bosaker (Yam); 2. Tom Pette (Yam); 3. Chris Easterling (Yam). 100 INT MOD: 1. Scon Burnworth ISuzI; 2. Eric Baker ISuzl; 3. Arthur Deleon. l00cc EX MOD: 1. TIm Hines IVaml; 2. Drey Dircks (Yam l; 3. Adam Renteria (Ya ml. 125 NOV MOO DIV 1: 1. Dennis lvarsson; 2. bob licikeno; 3. Robby Guevara. 125 NOV MOD DIV 2: 1. Chip Miller; 2. Dave Hunter (Suzl; 3. Troy Simon (Yaml. 1251NT MOD ON 1: 1. Steve Alcon IVaml; 2. R,ck Ceerle(Honl; 3. Kevin Gashler IVaml. 125 1 MOD DIV 2: 1. Stan Grimes IVaml; 2. Eddie NT Hedden ISUl); 3. Shawn Little ISuzl. 125 EX MOO: t . Tod d Philli ps ISuzl ; 2. Paul Emerson (Suzl ; 3. Lenny Giger IKawl. Staten, Williams grab CMCIIRC MX bucks By Patti Firth-Trotter ORANGE. CA . MAY 7 The combined efforts of Conti nental Mote-sports Club , Franks, and the folks from the IRC Tire Company resulted in a very large purse and a fantastic day or racing . The race had o ne new p lan for the Pro riders; They were paid by moro: most found this to be totally in th eir fa vor . David Williams (Mai). took the holes hot in the first Open Pro race . Val Tamietti (Track-N vTrav el Mai) wedged into second ahead of Bassett Yamaha -riding Rex Staten. Will iams kept full on t he gas . holding the Maico on to the max. Staten had gotten by Tami and was making his move on Will iams. Lap seven is when th e change came. W illiams went ba ck to second with Tarnietti riding a strong th ird. "Rocket" Re x Staten went wire to wire in the second moto , taking a n ea rly unbeatable lead. Rex and t he Yamaha were go ne . not to be threat en ed by any of th e oth er 30 riders. Williams rode second ah ead of Oc ean Pa cific Sunwear Suzuki -riding Da vid Gerig . Tamietti and Alan Smith (Hus) follow ed . Smith got by T am i and Gerig by the fourth lap. and the n on t he sixt h. Smith smoked around Williams for second. Tami took one place from Gerig, putting David to fifth. By the l l th lap , Smith seemed to be having som e more of his rott e n luck and ' he dropped back to fifth with Wi lliams. Tami and Gerig moving up . Staten PUI $250 in his pocke t aft er th at round of ra cin g . Steve Blackman did his holesh ot number aga in on his Alb a Honda sponsored Mai co in [he first 250ccPro moro, St eve had the lead for th e first lap before David Gerig (O P Suz) grabbed it awa y from him . Clark J on es SEE YOUR HI-POINT DEALER FOR THE LARGE SELECTION OF TOOL BAGS s SCORE CARD HOLDERS HI-POINT RACING PRODUCTS 3709 W. E;ie Ave.• Lorain. OH 44053 . . . _MN.IIIII""llllllltlllllll...l lWtMIHIl IMII IIII IIHI""tItII UII ...I , . Service • Parts • Sales ~ D M G ~I J We Race & Service t hem all 1505 S. Pacific Ave .. San Pe dro. CA 213-832-88441833-1301 1I 1I 11 ' . tn lllctll l liIIIIIInHlllll .... P. O. Box 2327. Amarillo. TX 79105 9 604 Oates Dr.• Sacramento. CA 95827 FINISHER PINS WeMakeEmAsk Lenny lor Sampl.. C::".M~ PI_tlnl ttn s. NUl St. SuIte 131 Los .......... CA ~ . Z1~ 27

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