Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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.. _.~_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . - Western hotline o eo ... V .D e V > o Z IA bov e) Dan ny Sanchez in side by sid e w it h DeAnza 250 Pro w inner Bill Carpenter (63). IBelow) Larr y Ripley won the fi rst DeAnza 250 Pro moto. IA bov e) Ric k Hatch puts the pallS on an unidentified flying Yamaha. showing how effective a Sycamore Creek dust screen can be. (Below) The winner of the 100 m ile race, J im Halford. continued. Victorville , this time , suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of th e Redlands riders, tieing the shops wit h on e race ea ch. Victorville took th ree first place trophies home , while Redlands riders took firs t in eig ht of the CRC classes. The match race will cont in ue next week at DeAnza. Resu lts in Results Sect ion. Halford's 100 By John Ehrhart PHOENIX , AZ, NOV . 23 Jim Halford won the rough and dusty Sycamore Creek 100 on his Yamaha YZD 400 for his third straight desert victory. Holland's back and sent him to the hospital. With three sid ecars and six bodies cluttering the track , the moto was bla ck -flagged and C randa ll /Sw art, J.T . Whitney /S o Wh itn ey and R . Wh itney/Jones fin ished o ne, tw o , three. The seco nd moto lead was sna tched in th e first turn by R . Whitney/Jon es with J.T . Whitney/ S o Whitn ey and Langosh /McDowell in hot pu rsui t. Unable to catch the unleash ed speed of the Whitn ey/Jon es rig, they finis hed uncerem o n iou sly in t ha t order. Overall fin ish saw R. Whitn ey/Jones in first . J.T . Whitney/S o Wh itney, second a nd Cra ndall/Swart . th ir d . The next sidecar motocross series race will be Dec . 4 a t Sprockets Pa rk . Hubbs and Carpenter take DeAnzaMX By Ron Lawson SUNNYMEAD, CA , NOV . 13 Patrick "H otdog" Hubbs (Suz ) has been making a habit out of destroying the 125 Pro class at DeAnza lately. Armed once more with his TDT Suzuki. he ca me ou t aga in to repeat past pe rformances. Hubbs pulled the holesh ot in th e first ro und , bu t Pizza Hut's Ro dney Brand (Suz) was right on his ta il. Falling in behind were Sue Fish . on a Crown Cycl e Yamaha , and Ray Summers ( Ya m) . As the race progressed , Hubbs and Brand opened more and mor e of a d istance between themselves and the tw o Yamaha riders. The order didn't change all th e way to the end of the race . In round two , on ce again . it was all Hubbs. Brand stayed within striking distan ce , but never found a n opportu n ity. Fish fini she d in third again . T he 250 Pr o class had a close on e bet wee n Larry Ripley (Yam) and Bill Carpenter (Suz). Throughou t most of m o to one, how ever , it was KTM mounted Da nny Sanchez in the lead. Carpenter was close in second wh ile Ripl ey work ed his wa y up from a n early cras h . On lap 10, Ripley took over second and st a rted chasing Sanchez. His work was made ea sier wh en Sanchez fell in a turn , a nd dropped back to th ird . Ripley went -on to win . followed by Ca rpenter , Sanchez and MickJacobs (Su z). In the secon d round , Carpenter pulled the holeshot while Ripley and Sanch ez di ced behind him . On the thi rd lap , Ripley fell again, handing his position to Sanchez , who then took over th e lead. After four laps, he fell , returning t he lead to Carpenter, who managed to sta y up , for a change , long enough to win th e race. O verall st a n di ngs went Carpent er , Ripl ey, Jacobs, a nd Sanch ez. At 395 Cycle Pa rk th is week , th e vs. Vi ct orvill e d u el R edlands Halford , owner of Southwest Motorcycle Sales in Glendale, Az. , was fresh off a second overall and first Open A rider at the Tonto 150 the week before. He had also won the two previous ra ces of the Arizona Desert Racing Association , the Snowflake 100 and the Vulture . Second overall and first in the 250 Expert class was A .L. Haydis from Parker, Az. He took over second pla ce on th e last lap when Phil Bird , who had been ailing since a foot inj ury on t he fi rst lap , broke off a foot peg. St anding with h is right foo t in a pan of ice water after the race, Bird said , " It wasn't so bad if I d idn't have to run the whole thi ng on a broken foot. " Bird , a Phoenix contra ctor, sa id Halford had things prett y much his own wa y. " I felt I co uld get closer to him , but he would just go away," he sa id . Marty Haak , another expert added, "T he guy's lucky , too ; he gets suc h a good start ," He in d ica ted he was not happy with his Suzuki's performance and said " I' m looking at KTM 's. " Haak was third in Open Expert and fifth overall . Larry Cullen had found his KTM a few months ea rl ier and used it to become the first amateur, eighth overall. His memorable moment came when he popped around a corner to find two minibikes and their riders blocking the trail better than Br ode r ick Crawford of Highwa y Patrol ever di d . The result was a new ven tilati on hole in th e bottom of his lea th ers , but no damage to his 250 . It wa s h is first race a s an amateu r. Cullen is a grocery cle rk in Mesa, Az. Many riders were looking forward to the race because it is one of few not based solely on time . Mass starts are used , by class . Prior to unleashin g the novices , Phil Auernheimer , the promoter , lectured them once again that the race is not won on the first lap , since the novices always have a 'good pileup just past the sta rt. They crashe d anyway. Experts had their p roblems too . Keith Mayberry crashed only 100 yards from the start , breaking h is collarbone. There wer e few substantial inju ries; on e , other broken colla rbone, Mark Samuelson , and RobbieJohnson broke some toes to be li ke ex pert Bird . Auernheimer said a rough race such as this will ha ve fewer injuries than a fast on e . In th e latter category was Gila Bend , where there wer e five broken collarbones alone. Another rider to have bad luck, though not of such a painful nature, was a usual top finisher , Dave Miller. He said , "I try to finish every race I enter ," which he did after losing a lap fixing a flat tire. The resulting poor finish determined he would not be going to Mexico for the last race of the year. Lor i Matassa of Scottsda le also persevered to finish the race. In her first ra ce against "the boys" as a 250 Novice, Matassa finished 10th on her Maico . She fouled a plug on the back side of the ' cou rse which slowed her. Matassa said she couldn't ra ce tlle girls anymore because of a lack of com petition. " I usually win with the girls, but hardly any sho w up . One's 21