Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ICIockwise from upper left): Privateer Arlo Englund gave Yamaha a double victory with his Consolation
win. Tony D.• Marty Tripes and Marty Smith battled just behind the leaders. Hannah s ignaled confidently to the crowd before the racing even started - he was sure of winning, Savitski (201dices with
Stackable 161 and WIS8I121 in heavy mid-pack action.
Feature race
"I timed the gate perfect," claimed
the Hurricane. It was the only sure
way to win in stadium racing getting the holeshor,
"I was so scared I wouldn't get a
good stan. But once I did, I knew that
anyone who would want to try and get
around me would have to kill me first!"
As the 24-bike fiel d of the fastes t
motocross riders in America roared
over the gate for th e 20·lap feature
race it was FMFs John Sa vitski on an
RM 250 Su zuk i and Hannah on the YZ
250 E Yamaha hookin' handlebars
through th e fifth ge ar first turn
sweeper. Funneling in behind were
Pomeroy, Mosier, Croft , DiStefano,
.Smith, Noyce , Chandler and Chuck
Su n with the top 10 spots.
Side by side with Ha nnah through
turn one, Savitski pulled out a slight
lead on Bob as they bounced across the
" C oc a -Cola
C a t a p u l t"
ricocheted off "The Wall ." John
obviously wasn't worried about
hurting good buddy Hannah's feelings
as he held his Bevo Forte prepared
bike in the lead at the complerion of
la p one. But then the Hurricane Kid
isn 't one to let friendship get in his way
either, as he roosted past Savitski on
the second lap to put a stranglehold on
the lead for the rest of the race.
Jimmy Weinen pulled a miserable
start, quickly tried to improve it and
crashed , remounting in last place next
to Yam ah a's Mike Bell , who had
crashed over a downed rider in turn
one at the sta rt.
Savitski bu ckled under the pressure
as well and bailed off, finding himself
near the back of the pack once he
got going aga in. O n lap three
speedst er " Magoo" pull ed his expected
ge toff, putting h im self out for the
T he "Most Sp ec tac u la r Ge t off
Award" went to poor Dann y La Porte
on lap five whe n he lost control of his
works Suzuki on a series of four jumps
called the "Gra nd Tetons." Danny fell
off the bike just in time , as it launched
itself off a banked turn a nd went
cartwheeling into the darkness above
the stadium. Danny had bailed off
earlier in the evening during practice
when he attempted to see if a similar
set of four jumps could be cleared at
on ce . He wasn 't hurt in either getoff,
but was shaken up enough to cruise
around the track for the res t of the
race in las t place.
By th e 10th lap, mid-way through
the race, H an na h had built up a 6-7
second lead onJim Pomeroy. who was
being pressed heatedly by teammate
Cro ft . Many Sm ith lost a little ground
at one point whe n he stalled his
Honda, while the remaining Honda
contingent of Grah am Noyce looked
good until he stalled after bailing off
on the "G ra nd Tetons.' Br ad Lackey
ha d failed to qualify for the race after
bike p roblems in his q ualifier .
Despi te the fac t t hat almost the
entire race had been hardly more than
a leisu rel y trail ride for Hannah, whe n
Bob started around the track on the
fin a l lap the ent ire stad ium audience.
with ann oun cer Larry Huffm an
directing. rose on th eir fee t to cheer
the Hurricane to victory. Not taking
any ch ances , Bob roll ed ea sily over th e
j um ps and th en flash ed th e thumbs up
sign al to th e crowd as he coas ted under
the checkered flag. There was no
do ubt about who the 1977 Supercross
Seri es Champion was . In the IO races
of the Series. the "T ro u ble" kid had
racked up six firsts . one second. two
thirds and one seventh place.
And the new production . Yamaha?
" Excellent. The best I've ever ridden,"
said Bob . How modified was it? "The
po rts were cleaned up a little. but-not
cha nged . T he forks were modified
with so me different d am p e n in g.
T hat's it," Keit h sweared.
2O- P MAIN EVENT: 1. Bob Hannah. 25 lVam). 1.
Jim Pomeroy. 22 IHon). 3. To mmy Croft , 20 IHan).
Gayton Mo sier. 18 (Mail, 5. Marty Sm ith, 16 (Hon). 6
Broc Glover, 15 {Ya
ml. 7. Marty Tripes, 14 IH-DI.
Chuck Sun, 13 IHusl. 9. Ji m Weinert , 12 IKawl. 10.
Tony DiStefano. 11 (Suzl. 11. Wa rren Reid, 10 (Han)
12. Rex Staten , 9 (H-D!. 13. Terry Clark, B IKaw ). 14
St eve Stackable, 7 (Mail. 15. St eve Wise. 6 (Suzl. , 6...
John Savitski, 5 (Suzl. 17. Kent Howerton. 4 (Husl. 18.
Graham Noyce , 3 (Han). 19. Monty M cCoy, 2 (Yam).
20. Carlos Serrano, 1 IHusl. 21. Danny laPorte (Sull. ..
I S-LA P CONSOLA TION RACE: 1. Arlo Engluncl
(Yam). 2. Charles Halcom b (Hus). 3. Marty Moates
IHusl.4. Danny Swartz (Mai). 5. Ron Pomeroy !Yaml. 6.Glenclon J ohnson ISuzl . 7. Koji Masuda (Suzl, B. Ga