Glo ver and Honda
t e amsters N o yc e and La ckey.
Englishm an " G r a h a m Cra ck ers"
Noyce was enjoying his first stadium
race while another Eu ropean . Ben gt
Ab erg . was h ating it and never got
,past th e qualifiers . DiStefan o tried to
'close on Mosier in th e first few laps ,
lonly to d rop back and get za ppe d by
Ch andler for seco nd spot. Befor e th e
fin ish Broc Glover got by as well , wh ile
Noyce co ntinued to hold off Lackey
for the fina l tra nsfer.
Two semi- q ua lifiers gave mo st of
th e riders who d id n't qualify earl ier a
seco nd shot at getting in the feature
rac e, wh ere th e big bucks were to be
made , J immy Weinert and Ken t
Howerton earned the right to transfer
in the first semi , with Marty Tripes
and Warren Reid pulling off the top
two spots in the second ,
The next 20 fast est r iders who didn't
qualify for the feature got to duel it
out in the 15-Ia p Consolation race for
somewha t less bucks and glory. Since
they had been unab le to get into the
main program , Yamaha 's two factory
riders Pierre Karsmakers and Rick
Burgett knew a win over th e privateer
cont ingent i n the " co n sy" was
necessary to save face. The gate shot
forward and so d id the Yamahas as
Pierre took to th e point ahead of Arlo
England , Burgett , Charlie Halcomb ,
Roger Brown, Jack Kees and Ron
Pomeroy. Texas sta r Brown tri ed to
put a move on Halcomb on the second
lap but only su cceeded in putting his
Penton through the haybales and out
of the race .
bs Pierre was pulling out a small lead
on Arlo Engl und as the race
progressed toward th e mid -way point.
Suddenly the team Yamahas began
having problems. "Burgett broke the
chain on his bike to retire from third
spot. Pierre looked down at his engine
'as the bike slowed . , . the engine
'pop p ed once ... and then it died .
Pound ing his fist on the saddle in
disgust, Pierre pushed his way back to
the pits as Arlo Englund saved the day
for Yamaha by taking over the lead
with his product ion machine and
holding it all th e way to the finish . San
'Diego's Ch arlie Halcomb held onto
second spo t with his Moor e and Sons
sponsored Husky over Marty Moates ,
Denny Swartz, Ron Pomeroy and Glen
Johnson . J. )
~ ~
(A bove) Weinert and Howerton burn off the line for the semi-qualifier in a last ditch attempt to make the Feature.
(Below); John Savitski brought a trick pit crew along with him under the title of " Bevo's A ngels." (Bottom) Brothers
Ron and Jim Pomeroy sandwich toge ther off the line between Marty Moates and Kenny Zahrt.