Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Mc Lain , Bas! jumped to the lead in the first turn a nd never looked back, Pe";hall made a d esperate attempt to catch Mike in the last two la ps of the four-Iap per, but he fell sho rt ' by two bike lengths. Bast took th e checkered flag followed by Penhall, McLain, and Christia n . Foll owing that tough lineup , Bast then defeated Mark Cherry and Ron Pr eston in his second outing , and he put away brother Stev e and Bra d Oxley in his t hi rd ride of the evening. Mike Faria , the northern Californ ia ace , and Da ve Sims were Bast 's vict ims in his fourth event , while Dennis Sigalos and Bo b b y Sc h wa rt z attempted to SlOp Mike in his fina l event but came up short. It was another speedway ridi ng lesson by ~he nation's best , and he now enters the National Championship looki ng for his fifth U.S . title . Alan C hristian , after his las t pla ce 'finish in t he openingrace agai nst Bast, won th e remaining four races on his . sche du le to IOtaI 12 points , whil e Mark Ch erry d efeated Penhall in t he ir last a rid es 10 also scor e 12 points. In _ fourlap runoff for th e second , p lace positio n, Christian was able. to put away Cherry. Results MI AT C'l The Molson Diamond Grand Prix held at Michelin-equipped bikes swept the first Mosport, Canada, was another impressive ~......... three places while taking the first win for Michelin in 197.7. Michelin racing two places in the 125cc race. tires made the winning difference These- successes at Mosport are in the 750cc race with riders good reasons to think Michelin taking the first two positions at the first . . : for all the tire your money finish line. In the 250cc race, can buy! 1-0 Q) ..c o ..... ·U o " . 1. Mike Bast 15, 2. Alan Christian 12. 3. Mark Cherry 12. 4. Bruce Penhall 11, 5. Steve Bas19. 6. Ron Preston 9. 7. Bob Sc hwartz 8, 8. Kelly Moran 7, 9. Dave S ims 7, 10. Mike .Faria 6, 11. Denni. Sigalo. 6, 12. Bob Mclain 6. 13. Brad Oxley 5, 14. Jim Nshbeck 4. 15. M ike Munteen 2. 16. Crei9 Schaefer 1. ,, By Dennis Greene COSTA MESA. CA. SEPT. 30 T he fin al regular night of Speedway was run this past Friday night at the O r ange Cou nty Fairgrounds . It was a special night " hoste d by Select Vans. Select Vans is the spo nso r of several top riders and their N um ber One rider is Ron Preston. Ron is among the top five rid ers who will be go in g out to win the Na tion al title in two weeks . Ron 'won th e Feature Match R ace over Dennis Sigalos and a lso earned a rid e in both Main Events. During th e intermission show, Select Vans gav e away several t housands of d ollars' wort h of van accessories, a fill ing en d to a grea t year for both Ron and Select. > Kelly Moran turned 17 last week a nd without a do u bt has won th e Rook ie of th e Year Awa rd . T his was his firs t sea son on th e b ig bikes an d he mo ved out .of Division Three in his first week . T wo weeks afte r th a t he was winning in th e First Division after four st raight victories in th e secon d . Moran- earned mo re than eno ugh points to ride in the four qualifyin g rounds a nd en ded up in t he to p te n. Kelly co u ld very well be in t he to p three on Satu rd ay night , O ct . 15 when the ann ual ru n n ing of t he U. S, Na tio nal Speedwa y Champ ionsh ip will be held. Cu rrent Champ Mike Bast is th e odds-on fa vori te to ta ke th e title for the fifth time. 'H e has already won the Ve nt ura T rack Championsh ip . th e Cali fornia State C ha m pionship and the Irwindale Track Championsh ip . In th e final event of th e regular pee dway season at Costa Mesa , th e' cra tch Ma in Event , Mike won over three of th e best, Bruce Penhall , Bobby Schwart z and Ron Pr eston. On Oct . 22 . on e week after th e U .S. atio na l, the Junior Speedway riders ill take over the O range Co unty airgrou nds for th eir very firs t true hampionsh ip , 16 riders in 20 Scratch vents . • esults SCRATCH MA IN EVENT: 1. Mike Bast. 2. Bob cnwartz. 3. Bruce Penhall, 4. Ron Preston. HANDICAP MAIN EVENT: 1. Kelly Moran. 2. BrOd xley, 3. Ro n Prest on, 4. Mike Best, 5. Steve Bast, 6. ennis Sigalos. DIVISION II: Dave DeTemple. • I OTO.CYC RES If you must go faster, think first how you'll look in plaster. I woukt fib to add,... this m enage t o th4( rid-. .nd d....,. 0 ' th. followi"i brand• . SUZUKI : The 2 new models of RM 2SQ's are the finest Suzuk i. ever made and are probablY' the best 2 stroke racers in the world today . . -sance975 CROSS This goggMt is the ~ ad dition 10 the line and is fash ioiled aft." the popula , 970 mod el, fea turing a clear inner lens. with fWD (2) etee- teer IIway lenses. The97!X:rOSl l lao features the extra wide (1 l iS'" elastic. adjus table , reinforced headba nd for snu g. comfortable fit . It also has the soft. ablOfbent cha mois innfit'facing over a tho cushion of foam . The rOll-over air venti, both top and bottom, provide plenty 0 1 ait cif cu lati on . MAGURA U.S.A. Park CORP. P.O. Bo x 1030 M.e .I.O. lewistown, Pa. 17044 7171242·0311 HONDA: You Honda peopae haw compiained for veers about not having a racer • weft . the CR 25O's are gr881 and they afe din cheap - there are U\OU unds of used onnaround. it you cannot afford a new one . CA N AM : This is the most powertuI 2SO engine going . TheV a l8 the result of years of power devek>pment and Ir e made fiRht next door . KAWASAKI: The KX2SO Kawasak i has the largest trans. let port area of the new generation 0 1 b ikes .and has • Ir umf!'f'ldous po lentiai lis a winnAt'. I did not mention Yamaha, Harlev Davidson, aunecc or Ossa beca use w e alreadV know they are proven winners. Any of these B eng ines are ready and w illing to wTn a Nnl ional Championship. W hat I am trying to say is - let '. get to wor k . I tor one am tn ed of ~ng 1 or 2 brands wTn ftV'ery tim e, eren't yo u? If I lett ou t your brand , do n'l des pair, there 8te 4 moee just as good as those no ted . • • &K• • • 2415 Brow n Rd.. S t. Louis. Mo. 631 14 Pho ne 314142tHi959 or call Char ley Chapple 313035-5453 - -- - ... .... The Finest Synt het ic Lubricants TC 2-Cycle Lube Moped Oil FC 4-Cyd e Lube Snake Lube TC LUBRICANTS, INC. P.O. Box 261B7.Trotwood, Ohio 45426 513/854-2516 19