Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Desert R iders Geo rge Zu ber's Specia l 10" Pa ckage $60 .00 with t he purchase of a 1977 Ya m a ha 175 , 250, o r4 00. Consider these features: 10" travel leading axle forks Large tank Skid plate Adjustable 10" travel monosho ck Factory retrof it k it f or obta in ing green s ticker Rear 10" Travel Plus Dampening Modifications Enduro Riders includes: Speedo & lights Yamaha of Covina Yamaha of Pomona 1017 W . San Bernardino Rd. Covina. Calif. 213-332-6249 546 W. Ho lt Blvd. Pomona. Calif. 714-622-8414 Yamaha of Montclair 5462 Holt Blvd. Montclair. Calif. 714-624-9651 wlm BECK/ARMLEY'S TUBEREPAIR KIT, YOU WON'T GnCAUGHT FLAT! THE NEXT BEST THING TO A SPARE TIRE. . • Conrclnsossorted pat ches, ce me nt, scra ping tool. • Weat her proof, Crushproof con ta iner fits in to o l compor tm e nt or m o u nts o n fr a me . tAl ~~E~"~,,,~/"~ ' BECK! ARNLEYCORP." 5-1 BROAD HOllOW ROAD , MELVILLE. 1.I .• N Y 117 8 46 To err is human.... to get marks for it is trials u.s. Norstar The "Boot for Champions" Trans Am Model Motocross or ISDT Sole Sizes 4 to 13'1> , ' MUNARi Import er and Distribut or Galaxy Wh olesale, 12811 Main St., Garden Grove, CA 92640 (7 14 ) 638·7173 Texans take Arkansas hillclimb H OT SP R INGS, AR , JUNE 5 Cross-co untry gear box AVAILABLE FROM BECK/ ARNLEY CORP. AND YOUR REGIONAL BECK/ARNLEY DISTRIBUTOR CENTRAL PIPELINE (71 4) 638·7174 T exans do m ina ted the Wheelies M .C. hillclim b at the Arkansas Fun Festi val. Mike Polley won both th e 125cc a nd 175cc class. using a Yamaha and a Suzuki , respectively. Hen ry Poll ey won the 500cc class with a Yam ah a . Mike Jones and Tom Ha irsto n used Big D Cycle Triumphs to ta ke on e-two in th e Open class . Local rider s Roger Ma yn a rd and Bo Malone used Yama h as to up hold th e hon or of Ark ansas in th e 250cc and 40 0cc classes . • Jorski sweeps experts at Barron Fork MX By Ben Johnson TA H LE QU AH, O K, J UN E 5 Trey J or ski took a pair of t rick Suzukis to the win ne r's circle , swee ping fou r m otos to win bo th the 125 a nd 250 Expe rt classes at Ba rron Fo rk Raceway. In doi ng so , Jo rski too k ho me the lion 's share of a S3,OOO purse offered by th e Ba rr on Fork Raceway as part of an eight -race series whe re the experts receive S3 ,OOO a ra ce . The 125 Ex perts looked to be the best clas of the day. Mike Patt erson (Suz) too k the lead over David La hey (Suz), T rey Jorski (Su z), a nd Joe Burke (Suz). These four battled for the lead for three la ps u nti l Pa tt erson dropped back to th ird and Jorsk i passed La hey for first. No one saw Jorski again as he built up a 15-secon d lead on La hey and Burke. On th e next to last lap , Burke p assed Lah ey on the off-ca m be r first turn hill a nd finis hed seco nd . Wes Patt er son (Ya m) fini shed thi rd . Second mot a acti on sta rte d with Mike Patt erson in th e lead aga in , wit h Jor ski, Craig J ohn son (Yam ), and Wes P att erson right beh ind . John son dropped to fifth as J or ski took th e lead on th e secon d la p . W es Patt erson moved u p on Mike Patterson bu t co u ld n't get by. Ch ecker ed flag time a nd J orski had a 15-secon d lead aga in ove r M ik e Pa tt er son an d W es Patterson . As th e 250 Exp erts lined up for th eir first mot a . J or ski looked like the m a n to beat. j orski. a mi d west hotshoe, proved he is one of the best riders in t he area as he took the holeshot over Carlton Curtis (C -A) , J oh n Da y (Ya m ), and David La hey (KT M) . Curtis b a iled off in the first turn and fell back 10 p lace s. On the first la p . La hey passed Day, with Wes Pa tt erson (Ya m ) a lso passing on .the second la p . Du ring th is time , Cu rtis had been passi ng nearly t hree ride rs a lap . bu t with th ree la ps to go , he broke his chain, ending his b id for t he fro nt. Jor ski won by a large m argin wit h Lahey . Patter son . Day, and Da vid Ellis (Yam) fin ishi ng in th a t ord er. T he se co n d m o to p rov e d unbeara ble for the rider s as th e du st . had go tt en th icker an d t he hea t worse . Non etheless. racin g resum ed as Lahey gra bbed th e lead over Jorsk i a nd Day. On th e seco nd lap , J or ski passed La hey down th e fro nt stra ightaway for th e le-ad . After th a t everyone slowed down because of t he du st. Jorsk i took th e checke red with anot her big lead for th e overa ll. • Results in Results Section . Sue Fish is the Women 's Champ, by one point. Sass wins five classes at M RA Pueblo RR By Debbie Johnson PUEBLO. CO . MAY 29 Hot tempers, disputed race results , and an eagerness to finish the last race left Rocky Mountain roadracers fatigued last fall as th ey packed th eir b ikes awa y for win te r . Bu t winters a re long and dreary in th e Rocky Mountain regi on , and by th e opening Mountain Roadracing Assn . (MRA) race a t Pueblo Motorsport Park in Col orado on Ma y 29 , all th e old exci te me nt had ret urned . Racers leap t from their va ns before they'd stopped rolling to hug, shake hands , an d B.S . wit h the rider who'd beaten them every race last year. . For riders like Bruce Sass, who won five ra ces a t Pueb lo, the winter had been a tim e of seasoning. J ust back from a novice win at Road At la nta , Sass fini shed as much as ha lf a lap ahead of second place in some of his races. The track , a fast , two-mi le circui t , seems to be conducive to such spread -ou t racing , perh aps because the start is a t the beginning of the qu a rt er m ile d rag st ri p . But , in Middleweight Ca fe, Sass found Tom Marquardt and his trick Honda 550 to be tough co mpetition . Dicing it up in the closest race of th e day, they changed leads often , and Sass took a decisive lead only in the ninth lap of the IO-Iap ra ce . New thi s yea r wer e cash prizes in each cla ss, as well as champagne for each first place winner . In addition , contingen cy prizes were awarded by B&G leathers. A race of th e day was added to th e racing sched ule. As th e fina l race , it was a run -off be twee n top ride rs in eac h of th e previous races . 25 new riders tr ied racing · in the beginners' class. Reen a Manka , one of only a few fem a les racing . led th is race for nine and a h alf laps, but crashed. The race was won bv Mark La Marte. Resul ts in Resul ts Section . Fish and Stenersen dominate Women's Championship at Cyclerama SAN ANTONIO . T X , MAY 28 -29 Cyclera m a hosted the Firs t World Invitational Women"

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