Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ALVA NATIONAL Mini Bike & Sc~oolboy QUALIFIER MOTOCROSS June 26 U~d er t~e ~ E~ S treet Bridge (~wy MARYSVILLE 70 ) CA. '. . (40 m l es n~ r th of Sacra~ento on Hwy 70 ) i at M ys vi lle city ar l i~i t . CLASS::S 0-65cc 0-65cc 0-85cc 0-85cc 0-10;cc Tom Greene (253RI took the inside line to win the 200 Handicap race at Cycleland. 'B iggs riders trophy at Cydeland Speedway By Patty Piston CHICO, CA, JUNE 4 Tom Green rode hard to win overall in the 200 Handicap race at CycIeland Speedway. Green fought his way from sixth place up to third, pushing second place rider Troy Cummings . Cummings went wide in turn four and Green took over second in the sixth lap. Moving on the first place rider, Pete Up ton, Green made his move in turn three of th e last lap and took over first after Upton had held it for 11 of the 12 laps. All th ree riders trophied and they all reside in Biggs , Calif. • Resul ts in Results Section. Wild animals halt Nor-Cal speedway • series By Greg Joyce SACRAMENTO ,CA ,MAY27 What if they threw a race and nobody came? Or, what if somebody came and nobody threw a race? The latter was my predicament last Friday night when I reached the Cal -Expo Fairgrounds in Sacramento. After driving for a solid two hours from San Francisco, through rush-hour traffic and after working all day at my regular job, (aw, poor baby) I reached the pit-gate only to be 'inform ed that the night's race were cancelled. When I asked for a reason as to why there were to be no races, I was told by t he young lady a t the gate that the 4 -H Club was ha ving some sort of event next to the race track a nd there wou ld be ani mals a nd people all over the p lace . "What?I ," said I , "You've got to be kiddingl" Well, she wasn't kidding a nd there were no races . A couple of other riders showed up and we had some rea l exciting bench -races over a few six packs. After winning th e main at least four times I made the trek home. The litt le lady met me a t the door with the day's mail in hand; a post -card which read, in effect , this week 's races have been cancelled. • years) year s ) Less t~an 48- wB years) 12~-16- Max rear years)17~ max. front years) SCdO OLBOY i)- l OOc:: 7-15 year s) Min . 48 ~ WB SUf ?ORT CLASSES 'J-60cc Nov . 61-8'Jcc Nov. '31-100cc ~ o v. Bertram wins Red Arrow Spring Enduro IS FO R~A rro ~ LONG BARN , CA , JUNE 5 Expert rider David Bertram rode his 250 Husky to first overall in the Red Arrow Spring Enduro with a score of seven , nudging - $10 f i r s t class $8 second class. Fees: By M ike Kinsella out top rider George Hendrix (Yam) by one point. Ra nd y Carles (Husky) took third p lace with 10 points and Tim Dey (KTM) ca me in fourth with 13 . Some 313 riders entered t he event. Most of them finished the 86 ·mile co urse, which many described as a time -keeper's run because of the prevalence of fire road . However , because of th e dusty conditions and th e 85° temperature, the course la yout was just right. Between the six chec ks the speeds were 24 , 20, 28 , 36 , 30 and 24 miles per hour and a lot of th at territory was covered by forest paths. Riders were also introdu ced to sever al mil es of the Sierra Nevada 's finest example of volcanic ro ck - th e rock was stre wn over ridgetops like so many thousands of little booby traps. Quite a few feet got whacked but the rocks weren 't damaged at all which should come as a big relief to concerned en vironmentalists . The route contained a couple of real neat water crossings which were deep , wide and solid bottomed and which watered out a lot of motors which had been prepared to resist dust but not moisture . It was a darned good way to end the . spring enduro season. T he Sonora Pass ' M .C . did a great job in everything except co u rse m arki ng , which was just this side of terrible . T he road tu rn s were the worst , but ther e were a lso a couple p laces in the woods where the trail split into three or four possible turns and the riders had to gu ess th e right on e. But on the other hand this was made up for by the excepti onall y nic e -look ing girls at th e checks. • 7-11 12-15 7-11 12-15 7-15 (916 ) 695-2727 . 695- 2088 Camping at track $ 3 per We best••• Re- fo r mu l a ted t o penetrate movin g parts q u ic ke r a nd e xte nd c ha in life throug h mor e e fficie nt lubr icati on , Now the proven seller is better than ever, New form ula, d ra matic new can. You can't be at Petroch em's Chain Life for c lea n smooth ch ain opera tion or as a preassemble lube. drill ing and tapping lube. open gear systems a nd a hun dre d othe r us e s . ve ~icle. the I Spark Plug Contact Chain Klean cle.ns everything l a Non flamma ble : non co ndu ctive . Re moves oil, wa x or grease in minute s . Once you 've us e d it you 'll never be witho ut it! New 20 oz. shop s ize is a better buy , PETROCHEM Manufactured by Champions ChoIce, Inc. Honda Triumph :JOE. cSa'tkE.H Motorcycles Try us for Tnump h p ar t s UPS same day 2509 8roadwav BMW Sacramento. CA 95818 916-452-5491 Moto guzzi P.O. Box 5966, Orange. California 92667 Ascot Every Thursday Night Motocross 41

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