Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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$7, Pros $10. Non-memb. $10/$15. 100% p.b . to Pros . 714/581-6400. $1000 purse. MOTOCROSS McAllen MX P",k. Next to M iller Inter. Airport, McAllen, TX. Entry $6 . Ex. $8. money to Ex. McAllen M.C. 5121686-4181 . MOTOCROSS Cycle Haven Pk.. Long Beach. CA. Across from L.B. Naval Base. 1 blk. E of V. Thomas Bridge . Prac. 7:30 am, race 9. Entry $6. gate $1. Pros $12. 33 % rrcohtes. 2131832-6644 . 547 -1B18. July 2 AMA NATIONAL HALF MILE Santa Clara Cntv . Frgrds., San J o se. CA. Bo b Berk h eim er Associates. tnc., 14 Camp Evers Ln., Sco tt Valley. CA 95066. 408 /438-32 10. July 2-3 NATIONAL TRIALS Do nn er Sk- Ran ch, take j Nord en/Soda Springs exit from I-SO, Norden, CA. Overnigh t cam pin g $2 , Dorm (your sleeping bagl $3, mot els and rest aur an t s nearb y. Norm Saylor, P.O. Bo x 66. Norden. CA 95724 . 916/426-35 78 . July3 1·DAY RELIAB TY TRIAL ILI Rogers Camp . 35 mi . w est of Port land . OR. 125 . 175. 250 an d Open classes. Entry $5. 2 terrain tests, easy cour se. Trailsmen M.C.• 7553 SW Eldorado. St. Milwau k;e . OR 97= . 503 /6552724 . MOTOCROSS Barron Fork,Tahlequah. OK. 4 mi . E of Tahlequah on Hwy . 51, 4 mi. S on Welling Rd. Prac.9-1 1 am, race noon . 8 race series, $3.000 bonus to Ex. 91814588421 . MOTOCROSS Sunshme Cycle Pk., Tucson, A2. ~10 to Palo V... de, south to tnICk. Gate opens 8:30 am. prac. 9. race 10. Entry $8. Pros $12 . 100% Pro p.b. Phoenix riders pay only $3 admission (except Prosl .6021795-1490. ITA TRIALS AND SCHOOL Saddleback Park. Orange. CA. Sign up 8:30 am, riders mtQ. 9:45, competitton starts 10. Entry $5 . notrmemb. $7. Beg . Nov, Am, Ex. Sr, 1st time Beg , classes. School taught by Expert rider . Aw ards to top 40% . 71418~70 . MOTOCROS S Mosier Valley MX ' Park, Al lington, TX . Rain or shine $663 guaranteed purse or 50% of gate if rain. Brass to six places. Free keg beer . Gate $3. Nov. entry $5, into $6, Ex. $7. Nov . prac. 9 am, race 10. Intlex.. ptac. 9 am. rece 10 . IntlEx. prac. 1 pm , race 1:45. Payoff to Senior classes only . AU classes. a1 7I2n-9917.267·9153. AME MOTOCROS S Sprockets Park, Bakersfi eld, CA. Gate opens 7 am . peec. 8. race 9. Post entr y only, $8 Sptsmen, $12 Pros . Mamb. required $S. 40 % brass to Sptsmn. AME. P.O. Box 1421 . Reseda. CA 91335. 2131B81- AMC MOTOCROSS Carlsbad Rcw v., Carlsbad, CA. Gate open 7 am, prec. 8-9. race 9:30. No mail entry . $7/$12 post, $2 extra non-memb . $3000 med . ins 100 % Pro p .b.• 30 % brass . 714/58 1·2778 . MOTOCROSS Motorcycle Rcwy. , Oklahoma COy. OK. 4051627·3989. PRO MOTOCROSS W oods ide Mot ocross, 5 mi. north of Sandpoint., 10, Hwy. 95, wat ch for signs. 125-250-0 pen classes. $2100-plus purse. Entry $15, no pre-entry, no camping. 2081263 .032 1. 2~ 51 5 . TMRA NIGHT SHORT TRACK Bent on lane Park, 4 mi. west of Ju nction city , OR on Hwy . 99W. S ;gn up 5:30-6:30 pm . prac. 6-6:45, race 7. Entry $4, Pro $6. M ini thru Open plus 250 and 25 1·0p en Pro c lass es. 50317464505. July4 AMA HARE SCRAMBLES Austin, NV. Race start s at Aust in Rodeo Grds. Dance Sat. nite . BBO Sun . Classes: 100, 125 . 250 . Open . Vets . OT and PP. Entry $15 pre . $16 post. P.O. Box 97. AuS!;n. NV 89310. 702/964·2579. July9 SUPE RBOWL OF MOTOCROSS VI L.A. Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA. Gates open 5 p.m., race starts S pm. Reserved seats avail. at Spo rts Ar ena Box Offi ce, {Dept . NJ 3939 Figueroa, Los Angeles . CA 90037 213/6486131. Al so at Malibu Grand Prix and Ticketron statewiae . 213 1232·33 71 .7141761 ·533 3. HARLEY ·DAVIDSON "ON TRACK" SHOW L.A . Sports Ar ena, Lo s Ang el es , CA . Held in co njunction w ith th e " Su p erb ow l o f M ot oc ro ss. " Display open to the public lOam to 8 pm and 11 pm to 12 am. 213 /360-5236 . NAT10NAL AMATEUR S HORT TRACK QUALIFIER Lad ; cycle Bowl. Lod ;. CA. 1 o f 2 area Qualifiers ; top 5 in each eng in e clas s go to' Championship in W ichita, KS, Au g. 21-22. Gate opens 2:30 pm , 1st race 5:30. Entry $10, 2nd bike $5 . Also school bo y class. 209 1463·3355 369·18 11. I .. HILLCLIMB Billings, MT . 1 ¥.r mi. south of Bm;ng s . Classes 0-250. 500 . 650 and Open. $2.500 purse. Entry $10. Montana Stat e Champion ship . J20.foot hill, OO-x80-x87· . B.M .C., P.O. Box 20421 , Billings. MT. 406125~32 . AMA AMATEUR MOTOCROS S Area 8 Qualifier. Coal Creek Acwys ., Lafeverte. CO. 3 mi. w est of 1 ~25 on Hwy . 7. Lafayett e and Brighton turnoff . Classes: All " A·s" . 125 a nd 250 " B" . Entry $10 " A". $7 "B ." Camping at track . 303/665-5666 . • I~ AME YOUTH DIVISION MX Indian Dunes, Valenc ia, CA. lnteenat'l. Track . $150 guaranteed purse or 85 % p.b ., whichever is greater, to Mini Pros. Point fund for Super Summer Series. Mail entry $10 12 or mor e classes. SBI. post entry $20. Mail entry must be in 5 days prior to event . Mini Pro $15 mail. $25 POst . AME. P.O. A ,M .E ~ Purse Every Frid ay Night In dian Dunes Po st e,mv onlv $6 SpOrtsmen All it takes .10 Pro , To begin v our adver t ising ---------- ca m pa ign AM E 11 for the yea r 125 Pro - 250 Pro - 500 Pro rece iv es a $500 cash prize & top p oint s Pro receives an ad ditional $500 cas h prize AME PO Bo .1421. Resed a, CA 91335 213 -B81-5778 $4,000 me di cal insurance C amp . Saddle b a ck P ark . Is a phone call T o the adver ti sing depar tmen t at Cy c le News 213- 427-7433 August 29 -Sep

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