Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Attention Bultaco lovers! ! Dealers 1976 MK·9 2SO Pu, sang: Boug ht new Jan. 25. 1977 . 10" air-spring front , 9 %" rear travel , Lutt shocks w rreservoirs. 77 rea r-end . DIM's , spl it rear hub, Mettelers, chrome alloy bats, Magura thronkt, square body, Amal carb, K-N fitter, H-O clutch spr ings , much mo re! This bike is in perfect condition. raced twice, used as back up bike, benet' than new . better than 77 MK·10 's. Going to Open class. $1065.00. Call aft e r 5:00 (2131767-8713. (24) European Cycle Part s to clear out7 Need European cycle parts at discount7 Send lists to Broken Service, European Mot or Products. 141 12 NE 28th St., Vancouver, W A 98662. (24) 71 INDIAN " PEE WEE", like new, minor porting, $190 .00 wlhelmet. '67 BSA 441, set up lor dirt - have ~ghts. $1OO.OOlbest offer. 1714)731 ·1388 . (24) 74XL175 Roadracer TZ250 Must be ride of immed iatetv. a uthor lea ving country. Includes fairing . gearing. spares. $1200 or ottee. Robert 171 41522 -9254 days. 646-5284 eveni ngs . (24) rn XLCR Harley-Davidson Limited pr oduction 184 of 1000 made, stock. low miles. $38SO.00. Call weekday 9-5 or Sat. 12-5 1B051 647-6777 . (23/2. 1 1976 Honda GL1000 Help Wanted Limited ed rtion, bea ut iful showr oom condition, 3.000 miles . Bes t offer . Eves. (213) 326-0915. (24) Eso5OO MX HONDA PARTS PERSON . Exp erienc ed on ly . Permanent posit ion. Benefit s plus salary. 338 No. 5.2 sec. Trad e for XT500 Of offer. 4145 Fullington. Oakland. CA 94619 . Evenings cell (415) 533-4090. 124) ().6() B,oadway. Escondido. CA 92025 . 1 7141 746-5711 . 12213.) Mechanics for Harley-Davidson West Numb er 1 dealer on West Coast expa nd ing . needs 2 experienced mechanics. A lso 2 custom mech anics. immediat e employment. Top salary. all co mpany benefit s. Call Bill Bart els at (213) 822 -3426 , M arina Del Rev . YJ mi le from beach .l18fTFN) Professional service mgr. WANTED. Santa Cruz County's largest Ho nda agency has opening now for an aggressive individual. Send resume & salary history . All America n Hon da, 1408 41st Ave.• Cepitola. CA 950 10. (408) 476-8100 . (23/2.1 Service Manager Wanted M ust know Yamaha. Top man only need apply . Yamaha of EI Monte (213) 442·5800.12312.) Honda mechanic/parts man Help want ed - Honda mechanic/p ar t s ma n. EXPERIENCED ONLY 1714) 633-7344 . (2313 ) . . Trainee parts person look ing I am 27 . looking to get into pa rts. I live in San Ped ro ar ea . (213) 832 ·5025. (241 Experienced Honda mechanic 5 day work week , good wOfkmg cond itions. Contact: Honda Mission Viejo, 26371 Avery Pkwy., Mission Viejo. CA 92675.17141831-0122 . (241 Service Manager Super clean '76 Yamaha YZ 175 YAMAHA CAFE 350 . New motor & renseeece. chamber. K-81 , custom dash & rear sets, fiberglass fender & fork brace, much time and money invest ed , $575 .00. Moving forces sale . (2131894-6283 . 1241 1975 Speedway J.A.P.• • • • Best of everything. 22"·19" wheels. luel berrel w/pu mp , extra parts. race ready. Perfect conditton, all for on ly $800 . More tha n cen list. Call Scon (2131927 · Bl 75. (23J3.1 New RM370A Suzukis crated $1.050 - new TS400 A'd on floo, $BSO. Save big on other :"'leW Suzukis too . The Corral Suzuki - Lake Havasu City. A2 f6021B55-3777 . l23/2x) Liquid filled heads For dirt bikes . self contained. Adva ntages of water cooling. inc re as e d re liabli tv , sustained power . Op erating te m perat ure usually less than 260°F. $130 .00 each. Information: lKO , 54059 Burdette. S outh Bend. IN46637 . (21/4.) 'n, 25O Maico, $1500 new W heelsmith up pipe. (213) 799-36 10. (21/4. ) 72 BSA GOLD STAR 500cc. Betor front end . S&W rea r, plastic tank & fenders, lights & st ock tan k, $600 or best offee. (2131422·384 1. (24) Horney lover forces sale Must be experienced. Good pay. Kawasak i. Yamaha . Norton . Encino Cycle (213l345-0475. 12 412xl S he wo n't take it out and play with it an ymor e. so we 're sel ling her . like new, XR-75 Honda. Offers and ;nlormation (2131425-69OB 1241 . Harley-Davidson or Yamaha RM250A mechanics wanted. Must be experienced. 5 day week, good pay. Dale's Mod..n cycle. 225 E. Baseline. Sa n Beranrdino . 17141884-6964. 124ITFN) Job opening 3 years experience on partS. Contact: City Cycle Center, 8423 Rosemead Btvd.• Pteo Rivera , CA. (2131 861-6217 . (2131 861-4139. (2413.1 Experienced mechanic 5 day week , patd medical, commission with guarantee. Foothill Yamaha, 7139 Foothill Blvd.• Tujunga . CA. 12131352-3277. Ask 10' Ro n. (24ITFNI Parts counter man Xlnt. cond.•many extras. $6SO.00_(213) 439·5817 . (24) XL350 with 410 kit Webcam, Mikuni. Mulholland forks . Curnutt ga sJoil, moved up , 0 10 with Cheng Shin. Jardine pipes, many extras - best off ee. (213) 433-5n5 0 ' (7141598-237 1. (241 750 Shell Yamaha Excellent condition. Built in late '76 se ason by Shell . Ridde n only 4 times, extr a wheel. brakes, pipes. Price $3.000.00 0' off ee. (2131 860-6283 0' 1213) 866-2796. (23/2.1 370 RM Suzuki Experienced Honda/Kawasaki motorcycle parts man . Top pay. Tli City Cycle, 904 1 Kateha. Anaheim, CA. Ask fer Joe or Colman : 1714) 821-471O. (24/2.1 1976 , Metz eler front. 38 an d 36mm Mikun i. re mote reservoir shocks, clean, well ma intained, $850. 17141 753-3862 . 12313.1 Wanted - Honda parts dept . Road race 7 parts manager & two counter people. Experienced. Paid vacations. p'ofn shar ing. Orange County area. Understanding is my product. Keith Cod e Rider Improvement Program. (2 131~. (2313xl Resume to : Cycle News. Dept. HMV. PO Box 498 . Lonll'Beach . CA 9080 1. (2412.) Like new. extra tan k. sktd plate and many more extras, mo no-mod . Must seu. $675.00 0' best off ee. (21313452915. 1241 'n RM 25OB S ,W shock, AI Baker fork kit, Metz elers, clea n. fast $1.000 . (213) 326-7471. (24) 3 bikes plus trailer 75 Honda TL2SO triels. $575 . 72 Honda CB175. $375. 3SO BSA basket, $75. 5 rail trailer , $125. 17141 982 · 0887. (241 76 Husky 360 WR Spark arrestor, Pres to n Puny. gas Curnuns. lites, tool beg. less than 1.000 mi. $1050 .00. Cal. lie. 12M6837. 2 ca,bs.17141987-5B26. (241 Silicone aluminum bronze valve guides or 244-3164. (24) 1976 Yamaha TT 500 Terry fork kit . air caps, 350 Cheng Shin tront tire. 3.5 gallon Vesco plus stoke tank. Pro-Tee chain tensioner. ext ra gearing, W hite Bros. pipe plus two other pipes, flow ported cv White Bros ., K&N filters , sew valve spr ings , R.M. Su zuki back shocks. Mint condition, . '75 Yamaha 400 MX V6$CO tank . fork kit, lots of extras , good co nd o Must .... $690.00 . (213) 966-7320 . (2412.1 1974,250 Husqvarna 6 speed $1.100.00. Call Mike Cappello aft ee 5 p.m. 1805) 8244700 .1241 Laid-down shocks, long travel front . many e xtras . $650 . Call f2131943-71B4 before 5. aft ee cell (2131335-8679. (241 '72 " Husk y" 250 '73 Kawasaki F11 74 swingarm, S &W shocks, much more . Like new, $4SO. 0 . Lance (714) 633-2574 day. f7141 645-8567 . . 0 (24/2.1 Konis, Trickit, Bassani, xtras . $250 . (213) 947 -1127.1241 125 - O.K.W ., wife's bike. Make offer. Atter 6 p.m . 17141646-4789.1241 Twin discs fron t, sing le reat', Barnes wheels, lucas racing magneto, Ounstall exhaust & cytinder, Mikuni carb oWeighs 365 Ibs . wet! Ask for Gene at Suzuki City (213) 674-143 1. (241 1976 HONDA 1000. 6000 MILES. ALL in perfect con dition except for broken lower motor case. Terrific buy for someone with mechanical a bility. Asking $1250 or offer. f8051543-0636. 1241 . 19n Suzuki RM 250B Xlnt. cond., ext ras , desert rea dy or MX. Mechanic's bike. After 7 p.m. 12131799·2416 . (241 Rare 1937 DKW 490cc twin Go od condition, not registered, running . fairly complete. $700. Bunon. 1025 W . Parr Ave., CampbetI . Calif. 95006. Phone (408) 37ll-0436. (241 '76 RM 370 Suzuki plusl New blueprint eng ine and tra nsmission wit h receipts. AJI the extras you can name for desert. Raced once. See to believe. $900 lirm.17141627·3900. 1241 19nRM25OB Owned by factory technician; excellent condition, Buy it and race a trouble-fr ee bike for a change. $950 firm. CallTom at 17141991·1556. (241 CLASSIC THUMPER. 1955 AJS 500 twin . Str eet lega l. exce llent cond., many extras, &585 or make offer . 1714) 827·2650 . (241 . '75 CZ 250 red frame Air forks , new shocks, runs good. $600.00. Also '76 ess than 200 mi., street legal , Hoda ka Road Tcad, J $400 .00. After 2 p.m. 17141988-6885. (2412.1 '76 YAMAHA VZ125C, excellent condition. ext ras , ridden ve,y little. $600.00 .17141626-9874.1241 . Need BSA (500 single) B50SS or B50T - basket case for parts - Bo b Davis 17141559-5336.12412 .1 Clea n 1975 Yamaha 400 mono 1976 te Maico AW 440 , up pipe, 010. Uni, Oia. E. cellent condo$925 .00. (213) 457 -2483. (24) 500 lntermediat e, My num b er is 20 . plus used Bultaco part s. rims , fames. forks. swingarm. etc. (213) 353-7068 Trick Norton 750 Co mmando '77 Suzuki RM125B Steal my AW 440 Laverda 1000's 1974 Bultaco PLUsang 125, $450 Extremely excellent condition. priced to sell qua. Can before 11:00 e.m . or aft .. 11 p.m . 1965 V.W. Bug California Special, $650 .00.1714) ~2620 . (24) Brand new condition, never raced. Must sell $795 . 17141521·1n1. (24) Don't buy used S-t!!! 1974 and 1976 - low miles - bot h like new. $2.500 - $3.500 firm. Bill. (312) 343 ·2805 0' f3121345-3452. 1 241 1967 BSA 650cc, $495 Good condition . co mp letely stock, Wixom fairing , new dutch . recent tu ne-u p . Also have 1948 Indian 12OOcc, 95 % restored. $2195 . 1714187 1·7738. (241 Flat track TT pipe, Shefl racing frame , spare parts, $2200 .00. (213) 633-3768. (24) Have any new bike, work ing at home. Send envelope & 2 stam ps for details to : Box 3543 Beverly Hills. CaM. 90212 , hurry. (24) Mammoth entry 14' fully equ ipped . sleeps 6. very good conditKln. (213) 539-122 1. (241 750 Yamaha Must see . $675 .17141495-1217 . (241 Motorcycle trailer Journeyman Smuggler trailer Harley Sportster and 74. Triumph 650, Honda 750 , Kawaski 903Z1 , and Norton 850 . Westco Sales l2131 447·9494. (241 '72 FORD VAN. CLEAN. low miles. ott -road suspe nsion. 11x15 mud & snow tires , nu -peint . chrome s pokers. extras. $31SO.00 or off... 1714) 598-6567 . (24) 3 rail traikw. exceuent condition . $275 .00. (213) 831· 1097. (24) Vesco. Web cam . 30mm Mikuni, Powroll pipe , Super Trapp. gas Curnuns, e nd uro class winner. Call Jack aft.. 6 (2131699-3079 . 124) '77 Bultaco, '70 Yamaha cn 250 Alpina. 225 miles, like nu , bofk en in neetv' . $900.00 .1 75 en duro. stree t legal. $175 .00. (2131 692 -2680. 1241 '76 Maico AW 400 and trailer Very fast, very clea n, well maintained. Three rail trailer , never used. Take both $1.100 . (213) 696-891B. (241 FOR SALE - ' Suzuk i RM80 mo,MHld by R&D. $6SO.00. (2131 868-6796. 1241 BRAND NEW 1977 YAMAHA motorcycle D.T. 250no mileage, won on T.V. show, $850.00, . including tax and license. (7141 830-4068 1241 o enduro; 1973 BULTACD-360 PURSA NG - great co ndition - seldom ridden. $100 below book wholesale. <2131 541-8595 . 1 2412 1 . '75 Husky 360 G.P. · New top en d. new wheels. Must sell. see to a ppreciate . $6SO.OO.121 3) 949-3571 . (24/2.1 · ··Cycle trailers .. .$199 & Up··· '74, 250 YZ, $500. 35mm Canon Forgot bikestand Saddleback 1. 2 & 3 Reil - Major Brands + 4 & 5 Rail Customs - Smatl or tergewheels. AJso Utility & Veh icle T,a;Jers & Hitches. MS (2131767·1757.l23ITFM Trade for camera equip. Canon F-1, Pentax-MX. Nikon F2A. Minolta XE·7. bike super condo (213) 697-8758. 12418.) left sta n line C.M.C. 5-29-n small tu~Honda rep . Call - I'll pick up and reward or info . appredated. 17141 956-7513. (24) Air Accumulator Kit St _ front wheel wash oUt (SUpeT triek on RM125BJ - equalizes fork pressure - max . travel - no springs - un limited ad justment, $32 .50. P.O. Box 201. Mt_ S t..ling. OH 43143.1614) 869-2050 .12214.1 250 CZ, super clean, $350 Runs good, upper end, lower end new, extras. Call aft.. 1 (2131835-7663 . 1241 '75 Bultaco 250 Only ridden s ix times, like new. Must se ll. moving out 01 state , 12131964-0447. (241 72 Yamaha 250 MX New piston, rings , a nd trans. Needs mino r work. Must se ll, moving out of state. {2131964-0447,·l24} '75,250 CZ Air caps, gas Girlings, race ready, $400 ,00. 12131 4282576 . (24) '66 Triumph Metisse Fresh engine - Ceriani forks - long travel Curnuns Magura tevers - glass in good condition - B-W tools go with bike - $700 .00. Aft. 6 p.m. (213) 358-5471 . (24) '76 RM 250 Suzuki Fast. reliable, rear Metzeler, WOfk shocks. plus xees, s $800.00. (213l 836-8276. (241 Speedway - 1972 Jawa Engine to xlnt. condition, fuel, oil and extras. Race ,eady. very dependable. Clean machine. $1100 .00. 1714) 8794968. (24) TRACKMASTER Kawasa ki. fresh FBl motor , COl. spa'es. $1100 .00/off... Dennis 1 ) 482·7797 . (24) 303 Kawasaki H2-R roadracer Fresh engine, Michelins. spares, $2000.00 . Dennis (303) 482 .779 7. (241 '76175 KTM & '76 125 YZC - KTM 175. e.cellent condo $630. 125 Y2C. runs great. $4OQ. (213) nl ·7831.l23/2x1 For sale 1976 Yamaha XT500 Enduro - very clean - low mileag e - $850.00 . (213) AT 4-3566 or f2131288-14B7. (241 r n Yamaha YZ100D Only 2 hou rs used, in storage, $675. (7141 37~73 15 . 124) '67 BSA 441 cc. runs nifty. Call agai n 12131~ . 1 241 '76 Maico 250 AW Immaculate condition, W he elsmith up-pipe & pegs. Lots mor e trickery , Must see to appreciate, $900 .00 or 01ee. Ask 10' Kelly(213) 325-5489 . (241 73 CR250 HONDA. LOOKS S HARP. runs g,.... Gra nd Prix barrel and carbo Never raced, trail ridden only. Go;ng to 0011_. mus! sell. $4 SO .1213132~. 12 41

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