Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the ~ lialn NORTHERN DATELINE ang Chain Used by: / Kenny Zahrt Team Bultaco Bultaco MX Tea m Yamaha I.S.D.T. Team Don Sanford ...., Hond a Enduro Team Frank Schoenbackler 11 01leads eventual w inner Mike Garrison (2) and the other 100 Experts through the first turn at Rockyhill. Canadian takes 250 GP at Se,attle Raceway Kenny Zahrt of Team Bultaco 0 o o 'The chain that fights dirt' Alan Seddon (Yam ) from Coquitlam British Columbia , scored a decisive victo ry in the W ashington Motorcycl e Road USA Distributors 4422 Glacier Avenue San Diego. California 92120 . I •• Q!tt ;' \",..,"V.~.~ Raci ng Assn . (W MR RA) 250 GP class at Seatt le In tern at ional Ra cewa y's seco nd ro a d ra ce of t he seaso n . Can ad ian rid ers co nt in ued to sho w well in t he GP classes, as Sed do n and Greg McR ae from Qu esn es, B.C . , gave the crowd th e best ra cin g of th e d ay. Top Northwest rid ers Bru ce Lind (Ya m) of Seattle, a nd Dan Thorsen (Yam) from Portl and m ade th e b a tt le for first place a four-bike race. He at one of t he 250 Grand Prix cla ss sa w Lind jump to th e lead with Thorsen and Seddon fo llo wing . McR ae had problem s a t th e sta n a nd found himself in last pla ce pla ying catch -up. In la p two Seddon go t by both T horsen and Lind , holding first for th e remainder of th e heat. There was no more than a bik e's length between th e top three riders for eig ht laps . Heat two was a car bo n copy, exc ept th at McRae got a good sta rt a nd jo ined in. T he re was no mor e than 100 feet from first to fourth pla ce. They were hangi ng it out and th e crowd loved it. Seddon fin all y pull ed out a sho rt lead by t he last la p to tak e th e win . Seddo n sai d th e 80· wea t her hel ped becau se he had cha nged to Mich eli n tires, a nd th at he was reall y pum ped a fte r taking th e win - it was his 37t h birthda y. • U.S.A. (714) 283.~76S Fast Service Luft 5110cll5 Gas Adjustable Rebuildable Free Adjustment Service Write or ca ll for more inf orm ation and f or t he de ale r nearest you. Luft Shock Factory (213) 341·0448 Deal er Inquiries In vit ed ANA Silencers • 40 He who lives by the throttle d ies by the throttle. $I3.o0each $poMOr of Chuck Joy ner Net"l . No . eo Also ev erything for the competitive ,.cer Davis Race Specialties Star Route. Box 780 Forest Grove. OR 97116 503-3&7-8710 By Cosmic Cat & Co . PORTERVILLE. CA ,JUNE 3 to have more co nt ro l ove r their bik es at th is ou ting for wrec ks wer e few on th e Rockyh ill tr ack. wh ich is noted for its some times slip pery su rface. Out of the seven quali fyin g mains , fou r were won by riders lea ding flag to flag . So was the case of th e I25cc ru n. Todd Parker (Ya m) was on point on la p one a nd st retched it to a eig ht -bike leng th win at t he chec kers. Lee Prit ch ard ( Ya m) a n d Scott Cude ( Yam) followed early in th e ra ce but Cude lost third to Rodney Sulli van (Ya m) on la p two just befor e the jump. Sulli van cl osed o n Pr it chard a nd pulled a longs ide in th e third turn of lap three b ut fa iled to ge t pa st. Sullivan tried aga in on th e final lap and succeede d , taking seco nd a he ad of th ird -p lac er Prit chard. Th ~ closest race of the eveni ng was th e 500 Main . Ki rk Smith (Su z) grabbed th e It-ad from Fred Gi ll (Bu l) in th e swel'pe r on lap one . Gill was ba ck ou t from sta rt ing th e second la p but Smith stayed a longside th e whole tim e trying everyth ing he co uld to get by. St arting the third lap , Sm ith took th e lead and third placer J eff Lessely ( Ya m) m oved pass Gi ll for seco nd . All three went over th e j u m p side by side and it was Lesscly out front throu gh t he sweeper a nd starting th e fina l la p. Lessel y's lead e nded in th e first tu rn when he went do wn , giv ing th e lead a nd the win to Smith . Gill was six leng t hs back in secon d a nd J am es Crisp (Yam) a not her six back in third . A la n Seddor 11 71) beat Dan Thorsen 1 241. Bru ce Lind (146) and Greg McRae in 250 GP at Ken t . 7831 A lab ama St .• #1. Canoga Park. CA 91304 Dyno & national competition proven, No horsepower loss or change in jetting, etc. on 4 strokes. Passes AMA noise levels, 1l1!" thru 13/ 4" I.D. 6" & 8" long. 2l1!" O .D. Guaranteed not to fall apart. Parented Q ualifying for the October Tu lare Invitational co n tin ued this week at th e Rockyhill Speedway in Port er ville. Rid ers seemed KEN T , WA,JUNE5 Dealer Inquiry to: 0 Rockyhill's turn to host D·35 Qualifier By Gary Morr is Mike Hannon Bultaco Int'l. !!1 a: a: o :li > ~ > '" ~

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