Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th em missed t he arrows fo r th e sha rp tu m. "T hey should have ri bbons for such a sha rp turn . I ended up go ing t hroug h a sec uri ty chec k tw ice!" Max .sa id , Ab out th e course m arkings. Frank Ga llo said. " Litt le things hav e been getting in m y wa y in th e past few ra ces . A wheel at Trask. another tim e a n ignit ion . I too k m y tim e to check out every arrow . T here was so m uch dust on t he road you had to ." Yamaha too k the top two pla ces in th e 250 class. La rry Thompson led wire -to -wire , La rry fin ished th e first day on zero t hen foll owed it u p on Sunday with a con sistent ride to ta ke th e hon ors, Mark Deyo placed second onl y seven points ba ck , th en in third was Tom Pent ona mere five seco nd s behind Deylo. In a tight race a ll wee kend th e I i 5 victory went to Rod Bush on a Pento n ., Only four points behind after two,d ays was Dan Le imbach also on a Penton .a nd a no ther' th ree points saw Yamaha mou nt ed Alan Deyo in th ird . Penton a nd Ted Leim b ach took t he 125 win a hea d of Hercul es' Mike Rosso . Rober t Strod e finished third on a Ho nda . Mark Deyo was imp ressed wit h t he cou rse as a who le. "T here were a lot of ro ads b ut th ey ha d to have th em to ge t to the trail s. Once you got to th e trails th ey wer e reall y worth it" he said. ' Sunday's sta n time was moved up on e h our. T h e co u rse wa s run ba ckwa rds a nd sho rtene d a bo u t 20 mi les. St ill , t he times between th e ch ecks had to be lengthened because of th e added di fficu lty. Not too many r iders found it difficult to zero Sund a y's checks ei ther . One exception was Ke vin La Voie of T eam Pent on . Du ri ng the last pan of Saturday's rid e h is bike's c a r b u r e t o r st a rted t o g iv e him prob lems , Aft er a verbal shootou r, over ice -cream Saturday n igh t . Kevin decided to remove th e carb and chec k out the pro blem in the short 10 minute work time Sundafinorning . As the 60· m inute sign flipped Fra nk Gall o a nd Don Iva n roared off. Kevin was able to lim p to the 20 yard line and aga in began to wor k on the engine. Once there , he spent a n additional n ine m in utes. The sta rt area was quiet as th e other riders were well into th e hills. As Kevin rem ounted he sa id ''I' ll get those + ",# % (guys) ." and started out. He flew 50 feet off on e of the MX jumps on the wa y to the trail s. T rue to his word , Kevin came to che ck one on his min ute . He m ade u p close to 10 min ut es in the first sectionl By checkpoint two he was a co mfortab le 15 m in utes earlyl Beca use of th e d ust problem on Sa tu rd ay the MX specia l test was changed. On Sunday a grass m eadow with four jumps was used in ad ditio n to th e regu la r track. T hIS lime . however . t here was no pra ct ice la p and ea ch rid er sta rted off by himself. T his was a grea t im provement over Satu rd ay. . AI Raker h ad a open class Yam aha entered b ut co u ld n't m ak e it in time fro m Baja to ra ce . Bike # 164 spe nt the weekend in the impound a rea . • * Re s u lt s OVERALL:Frank Gallo (Pen) 1023 . OPEN ClASS: 1. Frank Gallo (Penl 1023. 2. Barry HigginS (Mail 1045. 3. John Fero (Yam) 1052. 4. Nate Pillsbury IMail l 075. 350 CLASS: 1. Gary .Yonkins (Penl 1065. 2. Tom Young (RokI 1146. 3. Mike McGowan lHefI 1176. 250 ClASS: 1. I..atry Thompson IY amll 045. 2. M..k Devo IYemll052. 3. Tom Penton (Penl 1057. 175 ClASS: 1. Rod Bush IPeni 1060 . 2. Dane Leimbach (Penl 1064. 3. Alan Deyo IYami 1067. 125 CLASS: 1. Ted Leimbach (Penl l 100 . 2. Mike Russo (Herl 1130. 3. Robert Strode lHon11324. UILD T ENEW 0 ESI FOR ON PU POSE. Marzocchi mag nesium-slider 9.5 inch travel forks . Probably the best forks mone y can buy. When your arms don't get tired. you last longer and go faster. Awesome torque and horsepo wer pour out of this engine to rocket you out of corners like you've just jumped up a class. TO WI • Specmcatons s ut n eet to C hange WIthout rene e c ~ va Dlslnbutmg Co .. Inc. 1977 GD montesa When all is said and done . you'll buy the bike you think will win you more make it really competitive ",Straight out of the crate, the new Montesa only needs races . The bike with more torque and horsepower than any other. And a your riding skill to do what it was built to do. suspension that keeps that power on the ground where it belongs . Win races! With Marzocchi ZTi forks . forward moun t Betor gas shocks . chrome moly Check out the entire Montesa VB line at ]J" double-downtube frame. bullet-proof engine with Motoplat COl ignition. the new your dealer now. You've got literally nothing NDN BUILT TO WIN Montesa is strictly all business. to lose- especially your next race! Youknow how much you have to trick-out a typical Japanese motocrosser to Viva Distributing Co., Inc. , 10625 Vanowen , Burbank, CA. 91505 (213) 766-6101

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