Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; LEAKPROOF" III III ~ FORK & SHOCK SEALS l' l' *NOW* t ,. TEFLON@ COATED 0') ...... CN CN aJ s:: ~ -, UP TO 80% LESS STATIC FRICTION SIZES TO FIT. VIRTUALLY EV ERYTHIN G INCLUDING LEADING AXLE MARZOCCHI FORKS. AT BmER DEALERS WORLDWIDE UllVElSAL A«ESSOIIES, INC. P. O . BOX 15744, DALLAS 75215 214-428-8357, 565-1770 Burleson wins Trask Two Day Seventh-annual Trask Mountain International Two Day Trial By Larry Langley McMI NNVILLE. OR , J UN E 4/5 A Superflow 110 The popular Supertlow 110 is used by more than 200 racers around the world for accurate testing of engine cylinder heads and intake manifolds. Complete instructions permit even a beginner to measure flow differences as small as 1%. - -Fo~free-brOch~ ~e.;;Tie-o~phOne~---- .~ ~ COlorado Spr ings. Colo. 80907 (303) 471·1746 I I Cyc le News Want Ads do it :~:~:~: TT and XT500 @{ ~~~tYamaha Owners:r m ~~~nWe have a complete I~~~ J~j1 line ~f accessories :1~f :::;:;: to give you more :;:;:; 1~1 ~ POW~~~~ltn~~tter :lil~li ~~;~:~; We also carry ~;f~ 1~ ~ ~ all the st!lck par~s. :~~I ~:~:~:~ For more Information~:~:~: ;~;~:~: see us or call us at: :f~ iJ~~ T~ " ~MAu" ~t~: '~ ,.,~ .1'. ~;~:~:~ ::::::: 34 tm .••. 24020.Narbonne Ave. Lomita , CA 90717 (f~~~~~~'~~~;) :~:f ::::::: tm bout th e same tim e th e Portland Trail Bla zers wer e performing th eir ve rs io n of " B f az e r - mania 'Lupon t he Philad el phi a 76's in th e NBA Champion sh ips in Ponl an d 30 m iles 10 th e North , Dick Burleson was turn ing his own type of "m a nia " upon th e com petitio n in th e Mot ocross Spe cial T est , th e co ncl ud ing event of th e Trask Two -Da y Qualifi er . The weekend started out poorly for the 200 + ent ra nt s as co nt inu ing ra in m ade riding co ndi t io ns wet a nd slop py . The mud co nt rib ute d to the a u ri rion and less than 100 riders finis hed th e 350 -mi le cou rse . At 7:00 a .m . Satu rday morn in g , it was sti ll rain ing as the first riders pushed their bikes 10 the sta rti ng line t hroug h a sea of mud . So me ma chin es were hesitant 10 sta n a fter sit ti ng out overnight in the muddy impound area selec ted by th e Trask Mou nta in-i\1.C . , and broug ht 60 pen a lty poi nts to t hei r unlucky owners . T he course ra n right thro u gh do wntow n McM inn vill e where the nat ives di d n't see m at all pu t our. Then west u p Ba ker Creek Road (whe re Sm ok ey was taking pict ures) towa rds Trask Moun tai n . Soon the co urse left the roa d onto one of th e many trails wh ich cut throu gh th e area . Speed averages wer e lowered somewhat to compen sat e for th e weather. The riders wer e soon fight ing slop as the course prov ed cha llenging with mud holes and slippery hills 10 get up and down . One trouble spot was a downh ill on pavement wh ich led int o a known cont rol. It was so slip pe ry, a bo ut 20 riders lost it a nd slid dow n the hill rig ht through th e check. T he speed a vera ges picked were reasonable , though, and most o f th e good ride rs di dn't have too much t rou ble hilli ng the cont ro ls early. For riders less tha n (SDT ca libe r o r "A " enduro sta tus , the co urse did get p relly hairy a t times . By noon th e field was red uce d to hal f as riders qui t . T he wet a nd mudd y co nditio ns played havoc wit h ele ct rica l a nd ca rb uret ion svsrc ms . , Afte r check five cam e t he firs t specia l rest. It was a fas t ball s-to -th ewalls fireroad with one slip pery hill a nd a m ud hole to slow th ings do wn. The fas t rid ers d idn 't like it, it was to o fast . " Da ngero us' said mor e th an one ride r . T he ' uphill cost many riders pr eciou s seco nds as th e one-wa y-up rut momentarily bonk-necked with st uc k riders . A gia nt mudh ole had even some of th e (SDT rid ers flounderi ng . O ne sta r co n fessed tha t :he got st uc k twice . T he co urse then loop ed over to Sp ri nger Mou nt a in a rea and ba ck! Wh en the rid ers pu lled u p to the specia l test for th e seco nd time , they were afraid that they had gOllen lost a nd were going around in circl es. They were n't a nd got to ru n t he same special test again . Surprisi ng ly, the li mes did n't im prove. By t he end of Sa turda y's ride , th e ra in fina lly sto pped co m ing down a nd t h e s kies sta rred to c le ar. T he impound a rea look ed spa rse as the field was somewha t decim a ted . Ma ny of t he pa rk e d bi kes were unrecogn izable u nder t he m ud while the Tea m Yam ah a bi ke s we re su rp rising ly clea n . It seems th e co u rse ba ck through town ran right by the local Yamaha deal er a nd pr esto . a magic wand a p pea red and th e mud disappeared! As the weary riders wer e relaxing under a welc ome hot shower, the m embers of th e T ras k Mountain M ,C . were a t work scori ng . When th e first da y results were posted , a few su rp rises were in store for the eager observers who ha d pat iently wa ited for the results. Frank Gall o ( Pen) was hand ily lea ding the O pen class wit h a big lead ove r his com petitio n. Burleson was fourth , 40 seconds d own! Ga llo ha d come close to the ovr-rall win at the Rose Cit y, Michi gan T wo Da y a co u p le o f weeks pri or a nd was obvio usly pum ped for another try at the elusive win . Fort Hood winner Bob Messer (Ma i) was sitring seco nd and Tea m Yamaha 's J ohn Fer o was third. Tea m Mai co's Barry Briggs was doing we ll wi t h h is n e w , c us to m ize d , expa nded gas tank . He ran out of gas a t t he Rose Cit y Qu al ifier and made su re it wouldn 't happen aga in . The 350 cl ass was close wit h Ca rl Cranke ( Pe n) lead in g . Bultaco rep Mike Hannon by a sca nt th ree seco nds. Ga ry Youn kin s ( Pen) was th ird just 13 seco nds be hind Hannon . Hannon had co rrec t ly predicted befor e th e event t hat the b ig bores would be leading for th e overa ll with their ea rlier numbers a llowing them a bett er shot at the specia l tests before t hey got 100 sloppy. Tom Penton led th e 250 cla ss with ' 823 points followed closel y by Mark Deyo (Ya m) with 83 0 , T eam Suzuki's T ed ' Worrell was t h ird with 84 1, wit h ISDT vetera n a nd new father Bill Uhl fou rt h at 844 . T he 175 cla ss was a t hre e -w a v co ntes t with H e r cul es m ount ed ' Dr ew Smith holding a co mforta ble 30 second lead over Dan e Leimbach ( Pen) . Rod Bush was third afte r falling down twice in the specia l tes ts . " No t 10 worry" co m mented Bush , " I'm bad -ass in making it up on Sun day." An ot h e r P ent on -m ount e d Leim ba ch , Ted, had a substa ntial lead in the 125 class over Husky rep Greg Da vis, 847 10 897 . . Dick Burl eson went to bed kn owing Sunday he would hav e to su bsta nt ia lly imp rove h is sco res ove r th e co m petitio n if he wanted t he ove; all . Sunda y dawned bright and clear with the for ecast for hot weather , in the 80s . Many of the rid ers left their riding jackets off anticipating the hot muggy weath er which awaited them deep in the woods. The spe ed averages wer e raised co nsid era b ly, tightening u p things . The pit cre ws were off on the ir wa y to various locat ions in the mounta ins . Many of the teams were running "co -op" pit s, since th ey didn 't ha ve eno ugh pit personnel to handle th e gas stops. T eam Suzu ki pouring gas for T eam Hu sky? Sure . As one (Contin ue d on page 54)

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