Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Continued/rom page 15) little shaken . J ohnson b rought the winn ing bike in a t 3:0 1. for a ti me four m inu tes fa ster. Still . between El Rodeo and the finish , WaIIingsford was three minutes faster than J o hnso n , accord in g to SCO R E resul ts . Ru tt en was thi rd bike in , 16 minutes be hind the winning tim e . Bro oks and Bal en tine found their early snafu too much to overcome , b ut they still worked u p to fo urt h . O gil vie was the fift h o ne to fin ish . winnin g h is class by 13 m inu tes. How did he ri de a ll t he way? " Everytime I started getting ti re d, I found somethi ng to keep m e pumped ." said O gi lvie wh o ad mitted he had t ro uble hold ing o n to th e bars on the fin al leg . Mike J ohnson fin ish ed on the KTM , taking second with Kelly in the 250 cla ss. J ohnston , a desert vete ran bu t Baj a newcomer, felt d isappointed in his performance . He sa id he'd been unable to turn it on as much as he felt he sho u ld have , but vowed to do better next time . Finger' s partner Ric Seco r ra n ou t of ga s aga in on th e H usky. after he'd passed J o h nst o n . but wa s a b le to scrounge som e and m ak e it to the finish, for third in class. Baj a veter a n Gene Cannad y tea m ed with Gary Drean on a P]- I L ub ricants Hon d a four -stro ke and fin ished eighth and sixth in Class 22 . R ight behind (t hree m inutes) was another PJ·I Lubricants Honda , with AI Bak er and John H at ele y ri di ng . H a teley had been d icing with O gil vie . before getti ng a flat tire . Baker then took over at EI Rod eo but only go t a sho rt distance before he crashe d hea vily. Baker was evacu a ted to San Diego . wh er e at last . unoffi cia l report, he was )n good condition . H a teleyr ode th e last part on a nearly bald rear tire and spu n out within sight of the finish -line crowd . Ka pl an b rought th e Class 20 winn in g Hu sk y (e q ui p ped with leading -axl e H usky forks a nd m odified swingarm) and waited until eno ugh tim e had passed to be sure of th e win . Ka pla n's partner Pa yton wa s o ne of t he first to co ngrat u la te Steve R io n , wh o fin ish ed second . For R io n a nd Scott Pfeiffer, it was th ei r fir st SCORE finish after severa l impressive rides were halted by m echa n ica l ills. Town resid ent s had filled u p severa l hi llsid es wa tc hing th e st a rt. Ri d e rs learned quickly that whenever there was a la rge g ro u p to slow down . for th e Mexi cans had bu il t se ve ra l la rge bumps and di tc hes o n th e course. so me of wh ich had to be kn ocked d own by SC O RE personnel a fte r the fir st dozen riders co m p la ined . Bik es co m p le te ly domina ted th is Baj a Int ern a cion a l. N ine of th e first 10 overa ll wer e two-wheelers; 12 of t he first 15. Fo r Roeseler , it was his th ird I nt e r n a c io n a l wi n and ano t h e r chapter in his co nt inu ing domination of SCORE events. • Riders: We have over 400 parts and accessories that make doing-it-yourselfeasy. '-' You belong on your motorcycle. Not bumping aroun d in pa rts stores. That 's why we h a ve over 400 parts and accessories that make repa ir-work easy. We package them and label them clearly so you can find what you n eed in a snap. And if it's a job yo u can do yourself, you can be sure we make the pa rt. Beck/ Amley. If yo u look for our name; you won 't have to look very h a rd at all. ~ ~ ~ ~~NlTla;~ Dealers: Contact your nearest Beck!Arnley Distributor Now 'EX/ARNEfCORR" Beck/Arnley Corp. 548 Broad Hollow Rd. Melville, L.I. . N .Y . 11746 (516) 694·7730 3130 East Maria Street Compto n. L.A.. Cal. 90221 (213) 537·9210 R t. 1 Ind ustr ial Park Westwood (Boston) , Ma.• •. 02090 (617) 329·1700 2917 Ba iley Avenu e Buffa lo. N .Y. 14215 (716) 838-5533 6950 N.W. 46th St ree t Miam i. Fla. 33166 (305) 592·3395 8214 Wellmoor Jessup, Md. 20794 (800) 638-4437 .." . ... Hardin IHusl. 8:36:59 .0; 3. A.C. Bakken/Bob Rutt en (Hust 8:48 :04.0; 4. Tom Brooks/Bob Balentine IKTM l. p resents 9:03:07.0; 5. Gene Cannady/Gary Drean (Ha nl. 9:40:43.1; 6. AI Baker/J ohn Heterev IHonl 9:43:20.3; 7. J oe J onesITodd Martella IHusi. 9:55:58.9; 8. Den by Oailey/J ay Orendorff IYami. 10:19:46.2; 9. Dr. John Eichart/Rick Lee IHonl; 10. James CotteenfTed Weeks III IMai). CLASS 21 (25Occ 1. 8r uce Ogilvie (H·O), 9:13:09.9; ): 2. Tom Kelly/Mike Johnston IKTMI. 9:26:45.4; 3. Rick Finger/Ric Secor (Hust 9:37:39.5; 4. S te ve HolladaylWayne Cook (Honl 9:57:00.5; 5. Andy Kirker 213-693·9608 Yamaha - Maico IKTMI. 10:34:55.5; 7. Tom Fagg/Craig Chaney 1 ssl. 0 Parts & Accessories 1955-19n ISuzl. (Yam); 4. Dick GrahamJKen Newton IHusl. 13:10:23.9. Bultaco MOTORCYCLE KNOBBY (Yaml. 10:30:53.5: 6. M ax Swi tzerfMark Knudsen Par k/Dave Ho leman Gene Shillingford &: Sons, Inc. Green Lane and Radcliffe St, Bristol. Pa. 19007 (215) 788-7878 Milne Aec:essories 429 N . Azusa Ave. Azusa. Cal. 91702 (213) 334·5183 Nichols Motorcycle Supply, Inc . 4135 W. 126 Chicago (Alsip) ,- m. 60658 (BOO) 323-8654 When you drink the beers - Don't shift the gesrs: CLASS 22 1 0Yef 251ccl: 1. larr y Roese/ er/Jack Johnson IHusl. 8:32:15.2; 2. Brent Wa llingsfOfd/Scot 10 :35:40 .2; 8. Ken ,'f\. \J 3035 Bellbrook Dr. Memp his, T enn . 38116 (BOO) 238·5458 7421 N.E. Beech Portl and . Ore. 97213 (503) 288·6948 Fay Myers 2015 West Alameda Denver. Colo: 80223 (303) 744·7155 Results 10:54:22.8; 9. Daniel DibbfMi chaef Rose (Yaml ; 10. Art Wee kly/Rick Muller IKTM I. CLA SS 20 1125c 1. Mitch Payton/J eff Kaplan cl: (Husl, 9:55:21.9; 2. Steve Rion/Scott Pteitter IYaml. 10:09 :08 .4; Ph il S mith . 10 :20 :26 .5 ; 4. Chuck Cartledg e/Dennis Mclaughlin (Yaml . , 0:26:25.5; 5. George Eri Heath Hibbard IHusi. 10:27:48.2; 6. Don / S ear/Mic hael Rose ISuzi. 10 :45 :27 .5; 7. J eff S mith/To ny Murphy IC·AI. 11:14 :00.4: 8. Ed Curran/Ph ill Smith. 11:28:26.0; 9. Scott Coutt sITom lamar IHusl; 10. Frank Gould. CLASS 38 lover 38 years oIdl; 1. Oick Vick/J ohn Wa tkins IHus). 10:36:30.0; 2. Walt A xhefmm m Sm ith lHoni. 10:50:30.4; 3. J ack FroelichlBruce Lewellyn You 'll fin d our skin pa cked lin e conveniently displayed at over 8000 dealers across the cou n try. New & used parts Shipped anywhere Same day service Rink-A-Dinks 1595 Carr S t., Lakewood. Colo. 80215 303-232-3600 " J •• ~L.a~ Maico Ossa Alba is moving soon! Watch this ad KTM! ---1«;?'~tS-~' 720 Broadway Chu la V ista. CA 92010 714-427-9166 .A ~ eUL.T~CQ SALES OF DALLAS ~";:!,,..e . .~~ a Competition Motorcycles . Sales P a rts . Sen/ice Mail Order Servlt:e ' ... a Specialty Try us first for the hard to find Bultaco ~rts 1176 Mississippi. Dallas. TX 75207 » (214) 638-2010 . I I I I . .... ~~:Ae.. 1 or , ~'sa~ e 'io 1\~. _____ .~ J. 16 yea, . of p rid e & .ape,iencel • -. , . . WIIM·.... Road "- ce lite:'M X . ..30 d ai ly ~~~::~pp,. accept ed Bl d v -----~~~~ t0608 I GfIlftClPri . Sp;Ndwrt w. . .. ..... ··' 1l5 11.A,Wu h inglon . M X Nylon & LN,h., M X lAettMrs DeNt1 Towing ~ (Expen , . pai n . • nd ~.J . 31

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