Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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th en moved pa st Ch ristia n a nd W ood s while Penhall looked very st ro ng in th e lead positi on . After th e hal fwa y m ark . Penhall popped a wheeli e com ing out of th e second turn and Bast slipped u ndernea th the 20 ·year·old Ba lboa star to tak e the lea d . In t he five-la p Ha nd ica p Mai n. Bast ca me from the 50·va rd ·line . and he had to fight it ou t' with you ng Bob McL ain , a second division rid er who wa s m a king h is first stan in the top d ivision . At the start. Me Lain took t he lea d wi th Cra ig Sc h a e fe r . Ma r k Ch e rry. a nd Ba st battling for th e second positi o n along wit h Pen ha ll a nd Ch ristian . Penha ll m a de a brief c hallenge on the outside. bu t la ter lost tracti on . McL a in co n t in ued his sm ooth riding th rou gh out the fou rt h lap . while Bast applied the p ressure to th e you ng rid er. Finall y. the Na tional Champion swoo ped to the outside a nd took th e lead from McL ain and went on to win th e m ain event . McLain took a fin e seco nd pl a ce foll ow e d b y Sch a efer . C he r ry . Pe nh a ll , and C h ristia n . In th e two -lap " King of the Hill " m at ch ra ce . Bast e nded Penhall' s th ree- week winning streak a fte r Bast b roke in th e in iti al sta rt and Penhall g ave him another sho t, N el son Font e return ed to t he Irwindal e d irt ova l for th e first tim e in almost two yea rs. a nd he sco red the victory in the Second Division Ma in , with J ohn Sandon a ta ki ng the T hi rd Division Ma in event . Res ults SCRATCH M AIN EVENT: 1. Mike Bast. 2. Bruce Pennalt, 3. Gene Woods. 4. Alan Chris tian. HANDICAP MAIN EVENT: 1. Mike Bast. 2. Bob Mclain. 3. Craig Schafer. 4. Mark Cherry. 5. Bruce I Penhall. 6 . Ala n Chr istian. FEATURE MATCH RACE: Mike Bast over Bruce ICOSTA MESA. CA. JUNE 3 Penhall . DIVISION 2: John Sandona History was m ade at th e O range Count y Fa irg rounds in Cost a Mesa last Friday night as th e speed way motorcycle raci ng sea son begi ns to speed up ac tion . Pr etty Bobb i Hunter . a l fi-yea r-old high scho ol gi rl from Font ana . won her heat ra ce . a fir st for the three .you ng women com peting in th e weekly program . The t all , blond e beaut y picked up a $150 bonus o ffe red by Select Vans and Ga rden G rove Dat sun for th e first girl tak ing the checkered flag . Hunter took th e lead from th e 's ta rt of event eig ht and was far out in .front of Da ve Br adley when it was all over. T he trac k was tricky for Frid ay's program a nd p romote r H arry Ox ley will ha ve his grou nd crew work out th e problem s in the first two tu rns ; a sit u atio n that tossed many o f t he best rid ers to th e d in . In cluded were Mike Bast . t he N at ion al Ch ampi on. and Bruce Pen ha ll. A "St ud ent Ap p reciat ion N ig h t" cro wd of 7.2 68 was present to see Alan ,C h rist ia n a nnex his th ir d st raigh t Scrat ch Ma in Event win a t Cost a Mesa . T he likeable Christ ian . now livin g in Huntington Beach . CA . will be on hand next Fr id ay nigh t for an attem pt to m ake it fou r in a row. Steve Columbo won hi s second Handicap Ma in of the yea r in a race th at included Penhall , Christia n and Muntean . Kurt St rommer won th e Second Division Ma in in a phot o -fini sh over Kelly Moran . while T h ird Division hon ors went to W alt Foster as Bobbi Hunter had to be content with sixth place as she wou ld be squeezed against th e crash wa ll every time she made a bid. • f moving? --------------------------------------Fill out and mail to: Cycl e News, P.O . Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 old address new address You may stick on your mailing label here. name _ name address _ address city _ Results ,SCRA TCH MAIN EVENT: 1. Alan Christian. 2. M.,k Cherry. 3. Ron PRESTON. ' 4. Scott Sivadq e. HAND ICAP MAIN EVENT: 1. Steve Columbo . 2. Mike Mu ntean. 3. Bruce Penhall. 4. Dennis Sigalos. 5. Bred Oxley . 6. Ala n Christia n. FEATURE MAlO+ RACE: Dave Sims over Ron Prest o n. Well, HOT OOG! That means you've got another coupon to fill out. After all, we have to send your Cycle News somewhere and what better place than your new address? So don't delay, do it today. state zip _ city state _ --'- ~ _ _ ,-- _ zip _ 21

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