Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1977 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rnui } 'I\J1' French World Championship Road Race Baker's gas cap opens, Sheene vvins 500cc 1111 I R(),\ 11.'\1) I> \\ II' I. x 1'\ (. l x I I HlR .... I.RI()l .... «()\II'I .III ()R 250 /370 RM SUZUKI 9 " of Travel 8" of travel for Betor , Ceriani, Kawasaki, CZ, Suzuki, Yamaha, Montesa, Penton, KTM, Hodaka, Designed for air or spring better dampening - smoother action - more control - longer travel. The fron tend kit that beats them all. out of state call toU free' 800-854-4691 90 day money back guarantee Dcalcr or Direct TEIlR rCABJ.J~' PO BOX 1321 Hesperia, CA 92345 714 ·247 ·2646 A nti-Sway Bars " Ou ick Of"I p D . IIPProc:h IRmS eo hold ,".It." ptomiw th., hIPhultdly ptc:ki"9 products from _ _ IOUI'Cft. QUickor"l p,«k. . glled V.,PJlk. Is no t chNp . .. but. in the long run it m.y be the malt inex pensive 'We'( to go.." Custor« VIn ' S Magazine _ F• . n 1'he Quickor killt outstBnding in ~itv - it is ln faet, the best, bes t m9neered that _ 'ft lICqui~ in sonwti"... It II refrething to dilCQlVer • firm th at p1acn qu alitv ahelld of pinchinv J)Mnies. And yet, the Ol,lickor V d . i, pr~ tower than you can bu", Indi' C I eeeleee full pay men t S C Charge my Bank Cud Acct • • , , '" -1/• " "_'·'Ia '_',.. 1'1_ 711 ,elft 12'-'10 11 .VlI 2 "''' ," . :MI ." ellp. _ _ By Chris Carter N.~ A",,_ CitY SUite _ _ Zip [ CIINr . ~ ] 0..1 Inqu i, . ... LE CASTELLET. FRANCE, MAY 29 _ Another win for Barry Sheene, another giant step towards his retention of the 500cc world title; that's the story of the Fren.c h Grand Prix . 100 ,000 e n thusiasts went home from the Paul Ricard circuit asking whether there is anyone who can In"it-' 13920 S.W.T.V. Hwy . - Dept. E BMvwton . OR 97005 (503) &I&.a&OO All illakes 1 0 be n y01l1 ad ver t ising qr ca rnpa iqn Is a phone call the advert ising d ep ar t rnern at Cy cle Nf!VVS 10 213- 427-7433 SUPER SALE .... DAVIS PROTE CTIVE EQU SP33 SHOULDER PAD SP90M X SHOULDER _ CHEST , WSPl WO MAN'S SHOULDER PAD SG 11 SHIN AND KNEE GUARD BM G ADULT MOUTH GUA RD STRETCH KIDNEY BELT. M , L , XL EHT 15'* 23.!* " . , . , .. 15.95 15.95 3.95 " 3.95 THIS OFFER WILL NOT SE REPEA TED THIS YEAR VALID ON LY THROUG H THIS AD . .JIM DA VIS MOTOSPORT 22 n BDX 100Z BURBANK , CAUFORN'A 91505 TELEPHONE (213) 762·2045 ~ "'- stop Sheene and Su zuki th is season , American St eve Baker , fast est in practice on the works Yamaha , was ahead of Sheene fo r half of the ra ce until his petrol tank cap sprung open , throwing fuel on his visor. While he stru ggled to clear it, Sh eene rocketed past to take com m and. Baker was never back in the hunt but even so Barry's victory wasn 't easy. for veteran Italian Giacomo Ago stini on a .fo u r -cylin d er Yamaha came through from last away to chase the British boy over th e line, But the result was never in doubt despite Ago 's record-breaking efforts. Baker was third . and he 's now 20 po in ts behind Sheene in the ch am pionship chase with six more rounds to go . Sheene's super ride overshadowed another excellent pe rfor m a nce from St eve Parrish on th e other Texaco Heron Su zuk i. He was six th ho me among top class opposition. Britain 's other chances of victory a t this five-race Grand Prix were dashed in the 250cc even t when Barry Ditch burn on th e factory Kawasaki tumbled fo r t he sec on d week in successio n when lying seco nd behind his Japanese tea mmate Kiyoha ra . Ba r ry wasn ' t hurt . but shortly after Kawasaki had a no the r blow when Kiyohara 's engine stoppe d with a broken cra nksha ft. T h at sho u ld ha ve given Mick Grant a debut victory on t he little Kawasaki. He had been closi ng on th e lead ing pa ir at more than a second a lap until the leaders stop ped, but wit h t he race in his pocke t the Yorkshireman's cha in sn a pped. South Afri can Jon Ekerold went on to win his first Grand Prix with fellow countryman Alan North secon d and Australian Vic Soussan th ird . Tom Herron was seventh home a nd holds third in th e world championship table. Ekerold was secon d to Takazumi Katayama in the ~50cc event while North 's engine seized when chasing the Japanese ace. George O 'Dell, ba ck on his rebuilt ex -Rold Biland o u tfit, was second home in the sidecar ra ce to Fr ench man Alain Michel but because Biland, quickest in practice, d idn't fini sh the ra ce, The British star now lea ds th e world cha m p ionship by four points. There was no doubting wh ich rac e the crowd had come to see , though. By mid -aftern oon the rra ckside w as packed and eve n th e start grid for the 500cc event was a sea of pushing and shovi ng jou rn a lists. photographers. me chanics, offi cials and ha ng-n s on. W h en rel uct a n tly they moved away. it was to reveal a front row made up of Baker, Sheen e, and French hop Michel Rougerie. It was Sheene wh m ade th e best getawa y with Baker no much la t e r t o fire up . Gia com Agostini was the last to push hi machine into life. At the end of the opening lap, Italian student Virginio Ferrari wa ahead of Baker and Sheene with th pack streaming out behind them. Ag had scooped up 10 riders already. Ago had taken four more next tim around and it was obvious that h would be a serious threat to the leader if he maintained this pace. After fiv laps he was up to 10th place whil Baker and Sheene nipped ahead lo Ferrari the next time round. T Could Baker win this one? It looke like it. His Yamaha was quicker tha the Suzuki as Sheen e confirmed afte the race , and Barry had odie problems to cont end with. 'A blocke sinus forced him to try all manner remedies on Saturday night. so muc so that he 'd lost his appetite an

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