Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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overa ll. working his way up from way
back at t he bomb . Second went to
Rich Wa tson . with Cha rles Pett y in for
th ird . The "C " bike cha m p was Mark
Lewis. with Dan Go nza les seco nd. T he
Trail Bike class had a few prob lems so
we won't co m mit ourselves.
Ab ou t halfwav a round the second
loop Roeseler ' f'; u led a plu g . letting
Broo ks ~e t by. The plug cleaned out
and Roeseler bega n to work on his lead
agai n. He an d Brooks went a t it for
severa l m iles before La rry regained th e
lead for good. By th e tim e th e ra cers
rea ched the ba ld kno b hill th ere was
very little passing left to do. The
Senio rs wer e really spread out.
Pere n nia l Dick Ca mp was 12th. Bob
Dellipl a in e at 27t h and seco n d Hea vy.
Allen J ohnson was 32 nd . Francis
Christia nsen a t 34 th . firs t 250 Exp ert.
T he next 250 was at 79th . Mr. Ed
W illiams. Will Evela nd kept a 20 ·bik"
lead over Dav e Don ey. T he cha rge for
hom e plate was over terra in like a
ca lm ocean with gradua l rises .
Roeseler go t a big sho t in t he arm b y
beating T om Brooks to th e checkered.
Bru ce Ogil vie stayed a he ad of "Sp rin t"
W a llin gsford for first two -five-oh
(250) . Dwa ne Carter got off a nd
dropped ba ck to sevent h . Don Boese
captured th e covete d firs t overa ll
p la teau . a lso first Hea vy. George Earl
finis hed second ove rall . first "C" bike;
Dave Thomspon th ird overa ll. second
"C"; fou rth was first 250 Art Graj..da .
The hot ShOIS said t he course was
lOO fast and dusty . The warm shoes
liked it. ' 0 one complained abou t the
markings and that's good . Rescue
Three did their usual fine job .
The seized legs trop hy goes lO Ken
Makos . who lost h is seat at Check On"
of the second loop. Then . lO add insu lt
to inj ury. his bike acq uired a fla t tire .
O n Satu rday . festivities (ot her than
practicing the bomb) incl uded a fiveevent mini bike race for the
develop ment o f fu tu re de se rt aces . Get
this - 100 % troph ies!
Fourt;, 250 Monte Lee and friend. Just two riders stirred all that dust.
Bob Balentine ate dust for a f ew m iles - thanks to Phil Stumbo - then
surged ahead to deal out the biggest dust dosage.
OVERA LL: 1. Larrv Hoeserer. 2. Tom Brooks. 3.
Br uc e Og ilVie.
OPEN EX: 1. Larrv Roesler. 2. Tom Brooks. 3. Ed
OPEN AM : 1. Pat McEvov. 2. W arren Good man. 3.
Grant J ennin gs.
OPEN SA EX: 1. Dick Camp . 2. Bob Deiliplame. 3.
Dick Graham
DIV I EX: 1. Bruce Ogilv ie. 2. Brent W alhngsfo rd. 3.
Bob Rutt en
DIV I A M : 1. J ohn Tobin . 2. Mart in Edwards. 3. Don
Brand . Jr .
DIV I SA EX; 1. Frank Chnstensen . 2. Earl Roesl er.
DIV II EX : 1. Tom Gran t . 2. J am es V inc ent . 3. Ron
DIV II AM: 1. Sandy Bc berrson. 2. Dave W asden. 3.
Brad Hunsinger.
TRAIL EX: 1. Charhe Hamill. 2. Doug Martin
TRAIL AM : 1. Je t! Hamm er. 2 . D.L Donnan. 3. Juan
TRA IL SR EX: 1. Wilbur Eveland 2. O;:vld Doney.
250 W.O. EX Dawn Grant
250 W.O. AM : Linda Eng strom.
DIY II W .O. AM : Lulda Chrrstensen.
OVERA LL NOVI CES: 1. Don Boese. 2. Geo