Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• _._._._._~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.- . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ =Western hotline ~ t ~ u '" Z z w o >- '" ~ o r 0. Steve Montague (14) man aged to argue t he 250 Pro lead with winner TIm Tolar at A M C's Saddleback MX. then tro uble struck.IBelowl Richee Collins ISSc) and M ike Yorba tied on points . The w in went to Collins w it h his second mota victory. Warren Reid crashed in the first mota, won t he second mo ta and em erged as overall CMC 125 Pro victor. taking third p lan' m o m'y. T o m Cross (Ma i), and Stev e Roark (KTM). had a h andl e ba r ra t t le r goin g into th e seco nd rn ot o wit h Cross gett ing rh« nod for fo un h overa ll. • Results in Resu lts Sec t ion . Reid and 8ell skim top of CMC $ 1. 000 purse By Patti Trotter CARLSBAD. CA. FEB. 27 Collins barely beats Yorba at AMC Saddleback By De nnis COX ORANGE. CA . FEB . 27 " I made Collins work for it. " said Mike Yorba after. a ra celong duel with KT J\1 rider Richee Collins at AMC's Sadd leback 8 Sunday motocross . Yorba . riding fo r Orange County Suzuki. had so me work cut o ut for him as he rode both 250 and Open Pros tieing for first in both classes on points but taking second with last moto tie breakers . Richee Collins (KTM) had his hands full in th e b ig . bore Pro battle with e ver - present Mike Yorb a . Yo rb a . rid ing a sto ck RM . pressed Collins the ent ire race a nd took the first m oto win. Bu t Yorba was just nippe-d o ut of the seco nd moto win and Collios woo the all -importa nt second mo ro ti e brea ke r. T his gave Collins the win and Yo r ba seco nd o verall fo r the d a y. Kevin Rodgers ( Mo n) forsoo k t he surf a t Hun tington for t he sun a t \ Saddleback and piloted his two-th irds Moru esa ( no clut ch or brak es) 10 two thirds for the da y. Watch o ut for Kevin if he should get thr ee thirds. Seventeen 250 Pros sho wed up to d o battle . in this hotly co nt este d cl ass. St eve Montague (Suz) . Tim Tola r (Suz). and Mike Yorba (Suz) had a three way battle for the lead in the fir st moto with Mont ague taking th e win . Yorba the place . a nd T o la r th e sho w. The second moto was a ll T o lar's as he cr u ised in for th e se o nd m ot a win a nd th e ov e r all , Yorba rode an ou tsta nd ing second mor o , com ing u p fro m a bad start a nd fall . to take second overa ll for th e day. J onas G aaf madr- .i; a . Suzu ki .sw ep, in tilt' .2;;05 ..":. • Brian Myerscough was the first on e around the corner as th e 125 Pros went off th e lin e, follow ed b y Rand y H ess ( FM F), J eff T om lin ( H o n) and G ary Ogden (F MF) . The kid o n th e Red Ro ck et was not too far behind , and within a very few laps Warren Reid was breathing right down Brian's neck . As he ca me out of the hairpin turn . Reid went • down totaling th e front brake lever. He was up and going without losing his seco n d pla ce . Third p lace Hess managed to get around Reid for a very shan time. Hess, Pete Wanket (FMF) and Gary O gden were pushing hard to stay with the leaders. Ro n Turner (FMF). who had gotten a last p lace stan worked his way up . Hess , Wanket a nd O gden got a three wa y dice going ' whi le they were digging into and enjoying the super tacky track (the rain a few days ago did wonders for the adobe). Dan Schramm (Ya m ), Robert Elliott (Su z) and R adical Ron wer e clo sing in on H ess & Co . When J~e'y.• i'1J ~ got ~ togt;.tp~r• .it.•--;3.S . ~~ _. unbelievable pack of full -on ra cers . Crossin g under th e checkers in orde r we re Myer scough . Reid , H ess. ,w anket and Ogd en . For t he second m oto H ess blasted off the line to lead Gary Denton (Suz), Ogden . Reid a nd R adical Ron . By th e second lap O gden had done away with th e riders sepa ra ting him and th e leader. As th e laps elapsed Ron Turner. Reid a nd Danny Turner (Fra) h ad knocked off H ess. O gden a nd every one else . As they ca me off th e dow nhill a nd approach ed th e drop-off th e th ree lea di ng riders were side by side. Danny an d his Franks Honda ou tgassed T u rner a nd Reid . th en as T u rner a nd Reid were co mi ng over the wh oops Reid go t by Rad ical lea ving h im to finish th e ra ce in third . Hess a nd Ogden were nex t , with Wanket a nd Schramm foll owin g . T he final points for th e race went to Warren Reid , H ess seco nd and Danny T u rner third . J ohn Smith (FMF) and Mike Bell (DG), each aboard a new Yamaha . gave a st and -up-cheer demonstration of f in esse , strength and good sportsmanship. Shortly after the stan of the 250 Pro race Smith took the lead as Radical Ron Turner and his fMF Suzuki parted compa.ny on the downhill. After Smith , came Val Tarnietti (Mai) , Bell , Ro bert Elliott (Suz ), Scott Montgomery (Suz). Mike Palhegyi (Hus) and A lan Smith (H us) . Bell bumped Tami and went after Smith. Elliott got arou nd Tamietti for third and Palhegyi was pu shed back by Alan Smith and Tim Lunde (Mai). At the Suzuki tower Sm ith lost the lead to Bell . The moto ended with Bell. Smith. ( West ern Hotlin e continue d on fx!geH~ •. •• "~.' ... ..