Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Above) Broc Glover (17) got a 125 class holeshot, and Danny LaPorte (7) is buried - but not for long. b ut Ha nnah ha d wor ked right up behind "The 0 " to seco nd. Wha t followed fro m that po int to the fini sh was t he most exciting clash of th e seri es as th e Su zuk i a nd Yam aha team leaders ta ngled ca bles la p aft er la p in a pa ss and repass m at ch t ha t ha d th e some 4 .000 specta to rs c1a mmer ing for m o re. Tony 0 - " Ha n na h rides like he 's crazy ~o [ tried to keep m y dista nce whe never he got in fro nt of me. I di dn't want him to take me down wit h h im if he fell!" Bob - " Ill' got back in front of me ac h lap . but th en I'd get him back again in t he turns by swinging out way wide where the sa nd was smoother and I cou ld keep m y speed up ." Tony 0 - " Gett ing slow sta rts all series was re ally what ' had been keepi ng me from staying u p wit h Bo b. I fina llv ha d hi m nea r me a nd was ab le to stay ~it h him ." . ., Bob - "T ha t' s wha t rea lly he lped L e in t he se ries . a lways gell ing m , ho les h o t s. L e a vin g th a t th r o ttl e • pegged a nd fanning th e cl utc h ." , T on y 0 - " I was a ll set to 'get Bob on the last la p . T he n I m issed a gear . on the wh oop s and got p itc hed over t he ba rs." Quickly recover in g from his fa ll, Tony held onto seco nd pl ace as Bob whee lied h is Yam aha across the lin e . for the overa ll win . Ma rt y Moates co llected. t hird a hea d o f Cla r k . Sum ney , Stackab le, J oh n Savi tski on the FMF Suzu ki. G reg Ro bertson o n th e facto ry Ossa . Monte McCoy and Mosier . Han nah disappeared into t he pits. leaving Tony 0 to collect t he c ha mpagne and kiss mean t for Ilan nah fro m the trop hy girl. A few minu tes la ter. H a nnah reappeared . with his ow n tro p hy girl to co llect his 1977 Flo ri da W im e r -AM A Se ries Ch am pio n tr o ph y. . " I guess since it was m y seri es 1 get to p ick m y o wn t roph y gi rl ." sa id H anna h befor e lea ving t he t r ack agai n, thi s t ime wit h his trophy and t rophy gi rl. • (Right! Danny laPorte w ith the track 's official drinking buddy. (Left) Hannah. however, brought his own. (Below) Jim Pomeroy, leading Hannah (2) played with his new toy unt il he broke it. Results- 125cc : 1. Danny laPorte , -, ISu zl. 2. ~roc Glover 2-2 (Yaml. 3. l eonard Chiesa 54 (Suz). 4. Furman Gray 115 {Suzl. 5. Glen Johnson 10-7 (Suz). 6. Dave Bow kan 9a (Honl. 7. Jimmy W alker 4·17ISuz). 8. Mark Barnett J.. 19 15uz). 9. James Fitzgerald 7-14 (Yam). 10. Jon Leak --3 IVaml. 25Occ: 1. Bob Hannah ' ·1 (VarnI. 2. Tony DiStefano 3-21Su zl. 3. Terry Clark 54 IKaw l. 4. Marty Moates 9-3 (Ossa) 5. Pierre Karsmakers 2·12 (Yaml. 6. Steve , Stackable 8-6 (M al). 7. Tony Sumney 11-5 (Yaml; 8. Gaylon M osier 7~ 1 0 tMai). 9. John Savit ski 12-7 1 uzl. 5 10 . M onte McCoy 10-9 (Yam). OPEN: 1. Don Kudalski 3-1 (Pen). 2. Rick Burgett 1-4 (Yam). 3. Joey Gratton 4-2 (Yam). 4. Karl Taylor 5-3 (Yam). 5. Billy Grossi 2-9 (5 uzl. 6 . Pat Moroney 6-5 (Husl. 7. Jeff Jennings 7-6 1 u2). 8. John Calathes 10-7 5 (Ma il. 9. James Wa llace 9-8 (Suzl. 10 . Monte Anderson 12-10IB ull. ' ..Denotes a placing outside the top twenty . 7