Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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riding a Cycle City Maico and third
was Rey Longoria on a Bultaco from
Beeville. A surprisingly strong fourth
p lace effort . came from Chuck
Schoenfeld on a Husky. He was riding
Novice j ust three months ago.
Steve Foster dominated the Over 30
class on a 125 Honda , winnin g both
motes. Llo yd Longmir e went 2-2 on a
250 Penton a nd David Parker was 4-3
on a-chain throwing 125 Yamaha for
th ird overall. Both Longm ir e and
Parke r had earlier ridden in their
respective Amateur classes as well.
Scott Zettner showed true gr it by
riding a stock Yamaha TT500 to th e
seco n d rnoto victo ry and second
overall in th e Open Intermediate class .
T om Wes t was first with a 1-2 sco re .
Results in Results Sec tion.
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Dan Holman rode his automatic Rokon to first Open in the Wheelsport Hare
recent transfe r from the Novic e
di visions, was fourth . Wayne Eskew
was fift h on his ancient 250 Elsinore.
The 250 Novice class was won by
Houstonite Carl Price (Ya m) . T om
Guidry (Suz) fro m San Antonio was
secon d and Frank Pa tt erson (Kaw) was
thi rd.
Ronnie T ay lor led bo th moros of the
125 Intermedia te class from sta rt to
fini sh but it wasn 't as eas y as it m ight
sou nd . He got tremendous pressure
th roughout both ra ces fro m four or
five d iffer ent riders. Mike T angeman
finished seco nd overall . Mike Maloney
from Rou nd Ro ck was third. and Jack
Beckham fourth .
Mark Olgu in was a big double
winner today, winning th e 100 class
and the 125 Novice Division A. In the
100 cIass Ma rk 's-only th rea-t in the first
moto was Rob Murdock. henceforth
known as Black ' Ba rt . It was St eve
Turner in th e second moto, but no on e
really go t close.
Harry Laye r won the minis on a
stock Yamaha wh ich he had to borrow
after blowing up his trick YZ80 during
Results in Results Section.
Fine weat her; split
program, k iller hill
at Cyclerama
By Greg Labbe
SAN AN TO NI O , T X , FEB . 13
With temperatures in the seventies , San Antonio's Cyclerama
ran a full Amateur and Expert
program under their new spl it sh ift agenda . It consisted of two hours
of open, practice in th e morning. th en
the Mini. 100. a nd 125 Novice motes:
another half ho ur of practice befor e
the 125 Intermedia te , 250 No vice and
all th e Experts raced ; a nd yet another
half hour practice followed by th e ,
Open Am at eur and O ver 30 motes.
The idea of three brackets ofracing is
that any rider who doesn't want to
hang around all day can come out to
the track, pract ice , race in his bracket.
and go home . all in a matter of about
three or four hours. .
Run with precision by Jim N idiffer.
the program was right on sched ule
throughou t the day a nd was an
unqual fied success. Unfortunatel y.
he avy rains durin g the week had left
the tra ck muddy in a few places.
Although the sunshi ne was d rying it
qui ckly, passin g was difficul t .
requiring more than the usual amount
of guile in order to out-fox an
opponent and get by. The downhill
whi ch saw three or four cr a shes.
sen t t~o Am ateu rs to th e hospital
with broken bodies. Opinion on th e
sa fety of th e h ill seems to be d ivided.
Most experienced riders thi nk it's a
gas. \ It is quite a thrill to launch
you rself off of a 75 -foot hill that a man
can't walk up, but you hav e to have the
confidence and the motorcycle to do
that. The hill , as is . is far too
. dangerous for no vice riders and only
serves to di scourage novic e and
beginning riders fro m racing.
. The Minis got the day off to a fast
sta rt. Harry Layer took his ultra smooth Yamaha of San Antonio YZ80
to both moto victories and the overall.
Mike Dick ey had to fight" his way all
the wa y through the pack and into
second place in both motos for second
overall followed by Bryan Taylor in
third .
In th e 100 class Kyle Landrum was
caught up in a first turn crash but
worked his way to fourth by the end of
the first moto . He came back to win
moto two and the overall after fir st
moto victor Scott Stephens from
Houston cras hed on the downhill .
Rodney Womack from McAllen was
second overall.
They kept it interesting in the 125
Novice class with constant place
swapping and crashing. bu t Mike
Meeks ended up winning both motos
for the overall. Ruben Ramos fro m
McAllen went 2·3 for second over a ll
and Bruce Phi llips fro m Pt. La vaca
turned a 4- 2 into third.
Ali eyes were ~n #66 , Dicky Turnbo
from Whitney. Texas as th e 125 Pros
lined up. But when the gate dropped it
was all over for Turnbo as he had his
doors blown off in both motos by
Shau n Kelley from Houston . Turnbo
tried to press Sh aun ea rly but could
not match his pace on th e brutally
rough Cyclerama course through a full
25 m inute moto . Kelly went I -I and
Turnbo was 2 ·2 '. Robert Coreale put
in great come from behind rides to
score third overall and David Stutts
looked good on a Can-Am in fourth
It was an amazing performance by
San Antonio's Rob Reynolds in the
250 -0pen Expert class. Rob , who
hadn't ridden in six month , and rid ing
an old red -tanked Penton . moved
from mediocre starts in each moto to
the front of the pack and won each
moto going away, Dicky Turnbo had
the lead early in th e first rnoto , but his
Husky " er p ed ," ending his ride .
Second overall went to Barry. Ritchey
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130 riders turn last
Roamers ice race
into slush race
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from Bel-Ray.
(213) 921-1055
By Suzanne Thumhart
Harry's Roamers ran their final
ice race of 1977 in 66-degree
spring sunshine, and 130 riders
quickly converted the ice to six
inches of slush and water that splashed
and sprayed over spectators lined up
along the first straight.
Twelve minibike entries led off the
day's contests with Jam ie Gibson
(Ya m) fin ishing first 10 end her days as
a min i-rider on a happy note . jarnie's
b irthday last week made her too old
for the class , but her fellow riders
voted to let her compete with no
handicap anyway . Tony Edwards
(Ya m) was second with Mark Iler
(Hon) th ird.
The Third- Wheel class clea rly
belonged to Dave Carriker for 1977.
He took his fourth straight win in a
hot· and-heavy
. (cold
l ight? . . . Ed .] race between seven
ent ries who all wanted to be first . Glen
Fisher slid by Jerry Capacious on the
inside to take second and force Jerry hiridered by a loose exhaust pipe - to
settle for third. All three rode
Yamahas . Da ve says his success comes
from "e veryt hing just clicking on the
bike th is year; it just runs SO strong."
The over-the-hill gang fielded its
second Old Man Mini and drew ten
entries who couldn't d ecid e whether to
be to ugh or silly so they d id a little of
both. Brian lIer (H on) mixed it up
p layfully for the first two mores , but
gritted h is teeth and cranked it on,
roaring inside of Lee Morris (Hon) to
cin ch first place. Morris had second
and Phil Edwards (Yam) was third.
They even tempted Sonny Anderson,
Brian's father, to get back on the t ra ck
after devoting all season to cheering
from th e sidelines.
Al Nesshoefer rode his 125cc
Bulonda (H ond a four-stroke engine,
Bultaco frame) to his third first place
of th e season , coming in ahead of Fred
Schutz (Hon) and Bria n Iler (Hon) .
Who says only purebreeds ever win ? AI
stepped out to a cozy three-bike lead in
the first lap and never backed off.
By the start of the main in the 175cc
Bare Ti res , the track was slo ppy
enough to make falls a messy business.
Even without falling the riders had wet
butts and stripes of water up their
backs from the spray kicked up by the
bikes' rear tires. First went to Dave
Beck (Yam) , second to Kevin Walker
(Hon) and. thi.rd tqjPeI,.stutts ~~· ) ~
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