Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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sw~pl <,1 far as Gas Two with his J~: and whi le pitted on Cima Road we saw the Duck (at least we think it was the Duck) go by four times - once towing a guy in . Coliseum Gorge had ice in it, which made things interesting. Interesting also was the roek road approach, especially in the one wash where our group, plus two Diggers, came face to face with a big ugly bull. who kept nodding his head at us as we boogied :>0 by, close as we could get to the far Nail of the wash . One of our crew. Tom with the hire-tanked Kaw, blew a head gasket just past Roach Lake and we towed him in to Pop's Oasis. But he wouldn't stay towed : he got it running again and tried to finish by going up the paved road . It gav," out again for good after about seven miles, and the Bear came on the cn, "We got a guy walkin back down the freeway wearing a white helmet." He'd hidden his bike so well we almost didn't find it in the dark. The Doe and his wife struggled gamely on a pair of woefully uri-trick Yamahas . She did a Flying W from hitting a sinkhole. stayed on the bike. but was whacked so hard in the midsection she had to pack it in at Gas T wo. In all, 28 people collected finisher medallions from the Duck and his wife (at least we think it was the Duck). A simple thing it was, a biker on the front and "B ·V 76" on the back: something uniquely valuable because we'd paid no entries and hadn't expected to receive anything but the satisfaction. If. in 1977, there's still no revived Barstow -to- Vegas race , we'll ride again. And again . As long as we have breath. There's something about us dirt bikers that just doesn't die that easy . • San Gabriel Valley MC Hare & Hound By Terry Rezek ( . LUCERNE VALLEY, CAL.. NOV, 27 The much delayed arrival of winter seemed imminent this Thanksgiving weekend, as the weather reflected the cold ness displayed by the BLM in their dealings with the SGVMC, Last week's Cycle News summarized th e troubles suffered by SGVMC in attempting to bring bad a memorable ra ce. • This year the SGVMC had a hackup plan to produce a 1I0 mile Hare and Hound in a relatively unused, designated competition area near 29 Palms. Fired by a strong desire to bring off a great event, the club spent fou r months of weekends, many weekdays, and more evenings working :>0 the course and complying with every demand of the BLM, no matter DOW petty or ridiculous. Out-of-pocket expenses of individual members ranged in the thousands of dollars. I; In the end, the federal eagle, gorged en Sierra Club castor oil, suffered nental diarrhea and dropped a load en SGVMC's head. Our fault, admitted the BLM. we did things wrong but rather than right them we viii simply deny your permit. Beaten , ktrayed but unbowed, SGVMC fell liack to the on ly area Uncle would let them have and in three weeks, produced a good race in a grossly overused area. En ough riders decided to arrive at the last minute to cause the club to dday the start 30 minutes. I was at the "smoke bomb" (no smoking in San Bernardino County, remember) when the banner dropped and the first riders covered the 6_3 miles from start to bomb in less than five minutes - • BQOGY FEVERl,lt ,would be ha rd to say who was first to the bomb because ma ny .riders discovered wha t they t hought was a short cut behind the bomb hill. Co mi ng through the bomb area at a remarkable sixth overall was Charlie Hamill, his 100 Yamaha wired to the stops. The first Novice through this spot was 1662 - I'm sorry I didn't get your name bu t at the rate you were traveling, I'm lucky I got your number. SGVMC had told me about a tricky section midway in the second loop that they had nicknamed ' "Crasher's Ridge." Since the ra ce was three loops of 37 , 31, and 42 miles this was also a good spot to check the progress of the race. Accordingly, after the Novices cleared the bomb area, I took off cross country by the most direct route to Crasher's Ridge , It wasn't direct enough. I got be at by Cordis Brooks who had a tremendous lead over Roeseler and Bruce Ogilvie . A later report from the pits had Brooks starting the third loop with a 10 minute lea dl At the -finish line, "a surprise awaited. Cordis' luck had caught up with him again and he was down and ou t somewhere on the backside of loop three. Sketchy reports from the field said he was OK but definitely out of the race, Short ly thereafter, Larry Roeseler came t hrough as the winner and, of course, first O pen Expert. As you might expect. Larry liked the course and the abundance of markings but commented that "with so much n~ trail , he was forced to go slow ," Sure. Larry, sure. Nat across was Bruce Ogilvie who also got first 250 , with Brian Wright 'setting second 250 and third overall, Max Eddy came nat for fourth OA and second Open. He rode the entire last loop (42 miles) on an extremely flat rear tire. Comeback award for the day and first Senior trophy goes to Art Knapp, in at fifth overall. Bill Saltzman at sixth overall was riding a Saltzman - Special consisting of a punched out Honda engine, a Husqvama tank, and a unrecognizable but probably American frame. If that bike ever breaks, it'll take a team from the U. N. to repair it. A little further back, at tenth overall, was Jim Owens , first Amateur on a 250. Rick Schumaker took l Sth O A and first 175 Expert in spite of riding most of the race with a battered and bloody nose, having caught a rock thrown by a passing big bore bike somewhere on the first loop. Charlie Hamill hung onto the first Trail Expert spot at 17th OA. First Open Amateur was Ron Hill, having survived a series of minor disasters on "Crasher's Ridge. " First Woman and 70th OA was Trudy Beck . Trudy had no trouble at all on "Crasher's Ridge," The first Novice to appear at the finish was Ron Irby at an unbelievable 76th OA. Ron cut his riding teeth on those super fast ORA courses and brought his fast habits with him to the District. Somewhat further back at 108th was the next Novice and first 250, Bob Zumwalt, Four places later at second 250 Novice was Don Brand. These two ran the whole race just about that far apart, • '~~":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.":B!.~ ~ ~ 250 EXPERT: 1. Bruce Ogilvie (H-D). 2. Brian W right lHusI. 3. Jody Belknap IHual. 4. Ken Miller IHusl. 175 EXPERT: 1. Rid< Schumaker IKTMI. 100 EXPERT: 1. Charlie Hamill IYaml. OPIEN AMATEUR: 1. Roo HiIIIHuaJ. 250 AMATEUR: 1. Jim Owens IYaml. 2. Garry Ccnnor lVaml. SENIOR: 1. An Kanpp lHus!. WOMAN: 1. Trudy Iledr.lVaml. OPEN NOVICE: 1. Roo Irby tHus). 250 NOVICE: 1. Bob Zumwalt lVam!. 2. Don Brand lVarnI. Christmas gif!s for . ~ certificate ~ fur \l; that exceeds $30.00 in accessories (Valid until.Jan. I, 1 97~) This offer only good at: ~l'f T&OYam.aha ~ 2402u Narbonne Ave., Lomita, CA 90717 ~ (213 ) 534-2311 LADIES. needglft ldees7 ~ fl ~ I I l'f i 3E~::7~J&~~~, ~ ~ ~ 'W ~ motorcyclists i O n e of California's largest ki Y h stoc lng am a a Dealers in P a r ts a n d Accessories 'Someday You'll Own a Yamaha' We heve experienced sales peop le to help you. ~ Sundays 10 - 3:30 M ChrIstmes haws beginningDec. 14 Weekdays & Saturday9 - 9 ~~~~~~~~~~"~~~f}. U.P.s. Mail Order Anywhere Many Christmas Specials Children's Boots . " $39.95 Children's Leathers ... $29. 95 Adult Boots . ." $59.95 and up 10% of f on all helmets and riding a ppa rel FREE Suzuki windbreaker with bike purchase FREE tire mount with any tire purchase FREE winter tune-up with this ad . Suzuki MX blcvcles available NOW Results OPENEXPERT: 1. Larry RoeseIer IHusl. 1. Max Eddy lKTMl. 3. Bill Salttman lHonIHusl7l4. Edza,p IYaml. 5. Terry David lVarnI. 6. Bob Gilbert IKTMI. 7. Dave Rogaczewski lVaml. 8. Ron Holst IKTMI. One coupon per customer Ile4J.mufs 6 - . _ " 829 W. Colton Ave., Redlands, Calif. ~-~ 714-793-2041 . "-; Goodyear is Carroll Shelby 213-538-2914 r-------------, Rickey Racer I I I I I 444A Ea s t Monterey Po m o na . CA 91 768 714 .622 0533 I I I 1._------ -----_.1 19

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