Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1..0 r- en ,.....; rI-< II) .r:J S II) u II) 0 gun kate. PROTECTIVE FINISH Developed by AI and race proven in professional mota cross. Kits include: new precision tapered damper rods. progressive wound long -travel springs and all necessary components to generate new hydraulic valving. (Kits insure no hvdraulic-lockl and fea· ture fadeless damping action. g"Travel g"Travel a "Tr, . el CR 125M2 RM250 / 370 RM 125/125A $59 .95 $59.95 $59.95 AL"BAKER R&D 1!:l174 Raymer St Nuy~ 91405 12 131 99 7 70 5 5 Cdl,turnld PhOM Van Above: playing in traffic on en Adelento comer. Roese/er romps Adelanto Grand Prix By Dale Brown ADELANTO. CAL.. N OV. 27-28 LarryRoeseler(360 Hus) won the Sunday race of the Adelanto Grand Prix , a two-day event sponsored by the California Ra cing Club . This race, run mostly on roads' around and through the city of Adelanto, was entered by 700 riders, who spent a couple of hours grossly ignoring speed limit signs. Roeseler was beaten to the first tuni by brothers Brya n and Goat Breker (370 Suz and 400 Kaw) . The two ran down fireroads together, badly dusting Roese ler . Goat went into the lead for awhile. only to have his machine sieze, Bryan led the remainder of the first 12·mile loop and much of the second. but his bike also broke. That put Roeseler into a large lead , which he never gave up. With nearly 500 riders in Sunday'srace. Larry had was in the company of other riders all the way . Despite the speed difference, he encountered no problems dealing with lapped riders. With nine laps around the 12.1 ·mile course (108.9 miles) to complete. Roeseler finished the event in 1:58.86 total. 1Inofficial results indicate that Max . . Eddy (400 KTM), Morgan Malocco (400 Yam) and Mike Johnston (400 KTM) made up the remainder of the top four. Saturday's event for 0·200cc machines. Women and Minis. went to Novice Eric Swan on a water-cooled 125 Yamaha. Eric worked his way up from a start one minute behind the Experts. passing all of them by the last loop . John Foster (175 Yam) led the race for awhile on elapsed time, despite the fact that he started alongside Swan. The last two loops decided the race. In at third. Ron Rein holdsen (175 C·A) was the first Expert. . • Resu lts TOP EIGHT OVERALl: 1. I.arrt _ lHusl. 2Max Eddy lKTMl. 3. MoJ_ MoIoca> (Varni. 4. Mille Johnston IKTh1l. 5. Jim - - . , • 6. Tony S-.s, 7. Steve Nemce. 8. Bil SeItzman. Roeseler'1 .....-- 66 mph lor 1DlI.9 miles. Barstow to Vegas with the Phantom Duck By lane Campbell COYOTE CAMP. CAL. NOV . 27 e made it. We did it and it was beautiful. Last year we'd set out with a party of twelve. augmented by a couple of Dirt Diggers -. gelling as far as Pop's Oasis with (I think) nine bikes. One Digger and friend went on W in the dark to finish in the b lazing light beams of a helpfu l four -wheeler. This year we started before 8 a .m , with a party of four from our camp ca rrying lime bags to help the Duck mark the course, along with a fireman and his kid (who rode a black -tank Greeves) , and the doctor and his wife from last year. There was little or no ceremony at the start this year. Th race had been killed by bureaucracy again; nothing would change tha t. . There was nothing to do except get on our bikes and do it. We were joined by a n estimated 150 to 175 people, most, riding in small groups. some even riding alone. T he Ph a nt om Du ck: . unofficial trail ride. in its second year had about do ubled in size. A cold and windburned hour after true sundown. three of our party, plus ' the Doc. came straggling in to Blue Diamond /Pahrump more or less together. using the headlights of ther few who had them. The fireman and his boy finished sometime later. As YOU ) can tell , it was not a race. Our point this year. as last. was the same - tha if a bunch of damn fools onl motorcycles want to ride from Barstow to Las Vegas. there's no law that cam stop them . This time. however. the law was on l our side. When one of the pitworkers, jawing on the CB . said. "Well. I'ver had a TOad repor! . a weather report . a rider report . how 'bout a Smokey report ?" the Bear answered. "This is! Smokey. what d'you want to know ?" They were out there. working from the; roads. even had a bear in the air as they say. keeping watch. spotting off course or broken down riders. using; the CB net to keep the pit crews an families advised. The help came in handy. for just before Soda Lake somebody had wiped out a lime mark at a tum. so everybody (including us) went too fa south before' crossing the lake (and b the way . missing 17 miles of delightfully nasty uphill sand). Even as we turned to dead -reckon our way to Halloran. we could see plumes of dust , vanishing off to the south. Grey Fox'

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