Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•• EC=Y=C=~=E=N=E=W=S=P='R=O=O=U=C=T=S Top quality underwear value 11II . .. . . \\~:j: ::: ~,. = ~ . ..:.:..:.:..:.. ....::.:.::.. g !CALI I SUPER 8MM CMC NIGHT MX by D ick Kay's 1.0 r-- 0) ..-I 1976 BAJA 1,000 196 ft . 13 m inutes, 16 sec. Bikes and buggies slugging it out t o be first in the world off -road ra ce. f amo us Locations : Start, Oso · Negro, valle de Tr inidad , San Felipe. Silent, reel-to-reel. .Sound available. l /S" casette, $4 extra. ()qnge CtY. Int. Rcwy.• Box 5, East Irvine , CA 92650. Entry $6 pet class.. Gain open 5 p.m.: prac. 6-7 p.rn., face 7 p.m. Aduh admiss'on $2.50 ; Ch amp ion Indust ries Rent or buy I 197 6 PARKER 400 202 ft . 13 m inutes 22 sec.. Closeup action in the California/Arizona desert with exot ic buggies and bikes. Five locations. Ree l-t o-ree l. Casette sound track available, $4 extra. NIGHTTT ElSin o re Rcw y ., E lsinor e . CA ... 71 4{826·2 3 86, 6 74-538 3. bda f6.12J*1 . December 11 -12 Decem ber 9 \ ! I Cedar Cit\, DIStri t Multipte Use c Advtsorv BoHrd. 1579 North Main Sl '. uren. 9 :30 a.m . ORV use In area rns cc s sec . To m alu r PI' ~' la hOfl. cco eet M.:lf qan .knsen. C~ Cit';'. -ANO... -- _. -- . _ . _.. -- -..... - - --- _.- - ...._. ..... .. C~":n --_.. ----yE ........ -..... ~-- . Rainbow Stickles $1 DrstFtCl M aMQef . be toee Dec. 7 . &11 ~2401. December 9·10 BLM MEETING R."lWlms DistflCI BLM M ult iple Use Adv lSOf\, Boord lll oohng . Ril w hns• Wyoming , A t Raw lins DISl rlc t BLM headquart ers . 1 p.m . on Thursd av. 8 :15 a.m . Frid ay . DISCUSSIo n 0 1 Org.lll lC ACI, Swee tw ater A,vtll WIld dnd Scenic RlVer Stud\" Sou th Pass Hlslor lC M ining A rea. Han n a and Ov er la nd pla nn ing umt s . p uuhc pres enla tion s. II you wan t 10,make a statemen t con tac t Dl stflct M ananm. BOil 670 . Raw lins., WY 82 30 1 be toee WERA ROAD RACE Texas W orld Spdwy., College Station . TX. Bracket racing on Saturday, along w nh pl'ac and heats. Fin als on Su n day. Saturday night five concert. M ini bike and ant ique races. 71316932SOO; 215f732·2128. DIRT DIGGERSHOPETOWN GP Hopetcwn, Sim i Valley. Calif. $12 mail entry/$1oo post . Sat.: Sase to 1oo112 oo125Occ', . 2J 512 OOMC, 8228 Sale Ave.• Canoga Pk., CA. 91304. 2131887-6684, 1 7·9:30 pm ). Sun .: 350-500 · Open-Hack-0T & PP. Entry and 21 Sase to DOMC. Kirkcolm Ct., Northr idge, CA. 91326. 21313681843 (7·9:30 pml . Rain or shine. No d og s, no bicycl es , no camping , No cd. or memb . req. AMA sanct ion. IRRCC. IA TT ENT ION: Also Sp ecial Dinosaur class on Sunday ). Nov. 29. 30 71324·6621 . e Over the andlebars only $4 By D on The most comp lete Baja tour book ever! Twelve Over 100 ruu-eorcr ' an d black and wh ite photographs. And much m o re ! Garetv . A co uecnon of detailed, large reference maps i n color h ighl igh t . short sto ries and ea sy re adr nq o n t h e theme of m m or c v c!e s~ irlt $9.95 and th e peo ple wh o h ave It. First ed i tio n How to Win Motocross Escape by Trail Bike Abs olute ly f ines t b ook Tells t he on o t lroad motor c y cl e ridi ng tec h niq ues ever ot f e r ed . you swers all the qu estion s abo u t eq uipm ent, star ts. co r- B i l l ners and rough st u ff , w hoops and ,-----I Bro kaw . Exper t ride r. tel ls how to rid e the har d st uff . easy . Illustr a ted downh ills•. m ud and passing, and e x p e r t t r ick s . A grea t $ 6 co nfidence -bu ilder . only $3.75 lat est ed iti on . ever y- t h ing taught in Gar y Bai ley 's racing scho ols. An - Mail to Cycle News Products. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 90801 BUY w/sound $40 . RENT 1 week w/sound $ 7 . + deposit $40 . $47. 1 1 1 1 0 Silent Pr od ucts 1 $42. 0 have Californ ia resident s add 6% sales t ax ' Incl ude N O t a lil f o r D O OkS ) Address Cily 1976 PARKE R 400 1976 BAJA 1,000 0 X -Large 51 59.95 _ _ 56 53 .75 $4 _ - -- --_ _ Stat e ___ __ _ . Z ip _ I I '1 I 'I I , -----Enclo se check or mon ey o rder A DD RE SS: Cycl e News Products. Bo x 498, Long Beach. CA 90801 ~ 42 0 0 $4.95 o MXCATSHIRT Large Small Medium o CN RAINBOW STICKlE o ADVE NTU RE TO LANDS END (Bike Baja) o HOW TO WIN MX o ESCAPE BY TRAIL BIKE o OVER THE HANDLEBA RS c hec ked atfight . I unders t and I may ret urn any C ycle N ~ Pro du c t ..for lu ll ref u nd With in 30 da ys i t I am no t ~ tisf ied . Name 0 Silent $ 6. one week + deposit 536. Please rush me the Cycle News $36 NEVADA LAND USE MEETING Nevada State Multiple Use Advisory Board, Showboat , 2800 E. Fremont. Las Vegas, Nevada, To make statement or for rna info, comact BLM, Rm. 3008 Federal Bldg., 300 Booth St ., gene. Nevada 89509. 7021784-5459. 702J385.6403. December 10 NI G H T M X F r e m o nt F remo n t 4 15 { 88 1· 1039, R cw y • • CA . 2 7 8-4 2 69. RACE MX Co rona RCwy. , Coron a, CA. 714{735-1705. CMC NIGt"'\..~? .... l r w ' :E..~l e I r ~c.·p-:~~ d a r e , 71 . ...:)7· 3 323 . Rc w y . , cs • AMA SPEEDWAY BOARD, WEST.DIV. End of year social, wards. election for 19n board, etc, Beef and Brew, 2380 Fair Oaks Blvd .• near Fair Oaks and FUltOD . Ave., Sacramento. CA. 7:00 c.m. Entry $2.75. No host cocktails and Hors d'ceovres. Pre-enter before Dec. 3 to S. Roonev, 3210 Balmoral Dr., Sacramento, CA 95821.91 6/489-ll476. BIKE SWAP MEET Movie Wor ld Exhibit Center, intersection of 9t Frwy . end Knott Ave.• Buena Park, CA. Indoor motorcycle swap meet. 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Call for info, 2t 3J588.1l763 or 588-3636. December 11 December 12 CRC SANTA C LAUS EN D U R O L u cerne v tv., ca li f •• Camp Rock r d . Two easy l oo p s, em Phasi s o n ti m e 100% troemes kee pi n g. fro m Santa. surprises t o all k i ds. Women, m in is & C r i de rs under 16 go one rcce, othe rs t w o rcc es, Pre-e ntry $ 1 2 plu s t wo SASE to 760 1 A r ll ngton~ R ive rside , CA 9 25 0 3, $ lu for CRC m e m bers. Two & three m an t eam s add SI, fa mil y t eams f ree . ' Post entry $ 15. (71 4 ) 6 89-6114 da ys . AME M X I n di an Dun es V alenc i a . 805 {25 9 -8 00 0. C M C MX c a r rs e ae Car ls ba d 714 { 727·1171. Par k. CA . Rc w y. , C A. MOTOC RO SS Cy cl e Haven Park, L on g e eacn , CA. 213{ 8 32-6 844 o r 21 3{5 4 7-1 8 1 8. 0 ·37 DUAL ERD-SCRAMBlES . Shadow Mtn., CA. limed from Ad elanto on Hwy. 395 , also hom Hi Vista . Entry .$7. Start 9 a.m. Hilltoppers and Desert Donkey MC. Beginners, pie plates, sidehacks welcome. Finel 0-37 race of 1976. Desert Oonk ev MC , Bo x 62 t 2, Torrance. CA. 90504. 2131964- 5668. . BOS5-CM C SEMI.pRO M X Sacto OHV Park, CA. Nov. race 8:30; Pro., Int. race 1:00 p.m. Entry $8-$15. 30 % bress. 100% Pay-bck. all classes. W rite 2210 Kimwood In.. Rancho Cordova, CA. 95670 . 916/635- 5240. eCRA SANTA aAUS SERIES M X Rac ing W or k1JEscape Cou nt ry. Trabuco Cvn., CA. J.405 10 east on EI TOI'O, 7 mi . to right Cook 's Comer. then 5 ml. Entry .7 membs.. $10 ~ rnemb&. Prizes tor leaders. Best 7 out of ·l D' races count. Oct. 16. 23. 3D; Nov. 6. 13. 20.27; Dec. 4, 11. 18 . 7141S81-6400 . cr ' SA M MX S ad d te b ack Oran ge. 714{55B-1584 . P r k., CA . RA C EoMX Cornna Rewy,. Corona. CA.. ott 91 frwv Gal*" opens 8:00 e_ : nr ar m_ 9:00; rae'" 10:00 a.en. 7147351105. 689 1913 ORA SilVER CUP INVITATIONAL Red Mtn. area, CA. Umed from Hvvy. 395 and Trona Rd. Start 10 a.m. Top riders by i nvita ti on, Dual ORA pts . 7141373-4647. INDOOR SHORT TRACK Dou g l as et y . F a Irg r o u n d s. Rosebu rg. Ore. Prac. 6 : 30 -7 : 30 , race 8 pm . Minl s·2 5 0 cc . Season H igh Pt. brass . E n tr y S4 je x tra c la ss $.2Pro s $5 . ~n~~6~5:20 5, De Anza Park. Sunnymead. CA. located 10 mi. NSI of RNmsKte on Hwy. 60. Theodore B!l it . New virgin hill. .100.00 to tnt rider over lop. Super Hill. Stock . Mod ified classes plus 250-360 St ock beginners class. Silencer • • kiD swttr:he5 req . Sign 7:00 a.m. Gate $ 3 ; entrv $6 ; SDflC. $2. 714.'653 ·5B40 BLM U TAH MEET IN G MX Cat Shirt $!J-.95 HILLCUMB 8 32 ·2303. VOTElKCOTA TRIALS Trail ride. school. trial. Free entry, 10 e.m start. North of VIy.• call l or info. Boyd 21Jr780. 6300. BEGINNERENDURO Weatherford, TX. FIVing P Ranch . Key time 9:00 a.m. Entry $5. Write 8604 Calmant . Ft, W orth , TX. 76116. Appro x. 50 m i. long , Trailb lazers MC . 81712 49-2282. ORA RARE DESERTSCRAM . Red Mm . Area, limed from Hwy . 39S and Trona Rd.• CA. 8 a.m. start for 0-200 Beg., Beg., Powd er Puffs, M inis, 9:20 a.m. start for 250 & Open Beg" all senior Beg. 10;40 a.m. starts for 0-200 Nov., all senior Nov, all Powder Puff Nov. Noon start for 250 & Open Nov. 1:20 p.m. start for all Am . and Exp. 20 % brass, fini sh p in s . SeAT Comm. $39 5 pur se. Photos. Ambulance. 71413734647. Of 65J.26J3 01 653- 7979. IT A O BSERVED TRIA LS Sa dd lebac k Park , Oran ge. CA . F irst A n nual French C h amp ionsh ip Ser ies. A ll ri ders w elc o m e. Easy sec ti on s for k idS. Beg. & Women. D i r t & enduro bi k es m ay b e used . Har d sec. f or Noy/ Am/Ex. Pr iz es for ever y o n e t h at r id es all fi ve ev ents o f the ser ies. T ires & t un e s, gl o ve s, Renth ai ba rs! spark p lugs. IT A 714{87 9·0570 . 879·0570. MOTO CROSS An t elope crce k Borc~er. j Xs'~:37 3 3~ 0 6 {27 · 6 5 1 , AMA M X C ent e x MX Cam er on 5 12{4 46 · 32 8 2 . Park , T X . MOTOCROSS Co al C ree k La f a y e tt e. 303 {443-08 25 , Rcwy •• CO . M O T O C R OSS Cyclela nd MX Par k . Ro l and, OK. A m . E xp. M in i . 5 0 1{7 83·5 8 22, 646-2 148. CMC MOTOCROSS Moun t ai n High Int' l MX Track, North For k. CA. From South . Hwy, 41 th rou gh Fresn o , 2 2 m i. to O ' N ealS. N F ork turn off. f o llo w si gn s 16 mi. t o t rack . Gate open 6 :30 am..: p rac.. 9 . $ 7 mail entry . S~ post. Pros $ 15 . 100% Pro e.e. , 30 % b rass. 57 80 E. H o lland. Fresn o, CA 9 372 7. 2 09{2 91 · 8 79 3. $750 MO TOCROSS Rab brt Run MX Pa rk. Exit 27. US 7S North . $250 pet c1ass wt th 15 rider minimum . Troph ies to 5 places for , ama. Sign 8 a.m.; rac e 10 a.m. 214 1348-8110 . SPEEDWAY PRACTICE E lsinore Rcwy .. Hwy. 71 at La 90n la, Elsi nore. CA. 7 14 { 6 74- 5383 or 714{826-2386. MOTOCROSS Phoen i x , 602 {992·03 59. AZ. MOTOCROSS D eAn .zZl Pa rk. u n n v m e ae , CA . 714{653· 2633, 735·1301. s ECRAM X Ra c i n g W or l d /E s c a p e Coun try, Trabuco Cyn .• CA . 1 · 4 05 to east on El Toro. 7 mi . to right @ Cook 's Corner. then 5 mi. Entry $7 mem bs.. $10 non membs . S ta rt 9:30 a .m. 30% brass. 714/581-6400. MOT O CR OSS Swan, T X ., Hwy . 6 9, 2 m i. south of Int. 2 0 b t w n, D allas an d Shrev ep ort, f o llo w signs. 11 :00 a.m , $6. 2 14{4 5 4· 2 7 3 6 . 21 4{595· 34 09. MOTOCROS5 County L ine Cycle Par k. ~vini' / l~' 8 .Pr10 'g lAg': 817{46 1·3710. 0 ,36 WSRA H A R[- SCHA M \i 1t S 16 1 t...lo"..·I1 ... Ft·"'..·.... NV lut . mt 1 ... o "O"Ih t"flll ul W l""....n' '' 'r... u.... tj .~ r Kood Pr r ... ' lry $1!J p.... , ,.. ,I .V SJO . , "' ••• " ' lI y l.kllot·.. O..r '- ' '' ' " " Ulwls 5 ' ....1 1000 .1 In IOl ·:f.l,H 1I1/U •• 977 ,,,., Decembe r 15 CMC NI GHT M X Ora ng e ety. int o Rcwy ., Ir vin e, CA. 714 { 5 59·0199 . DIR T T R A C K Ha lf mile, shor t trac k . TT . C oro na Rcwy ., CA . C o r o n a. 714{735- 17 05. 6 89-1 9 13. AMC MOTOCROSS Saddlebaclt Park. Orange. Calif. Gate ope n 7:30 am , prac. 8-9. race 9:30 am . No mail en lry. ' 71$ POSt. 12 5,2 extra non- memb. $3000 med. ins 30 % same day bra ss. 100% Pro p.b. 714.'581 ·2778 . CYCLE NEWS CLOSES Christmas vacalion tOl' Cycle News slarts . Otf ic~ vacanl until Dec. 31. Don 't call, do n't wr il e, and don't read. J ust hang on ' hI Ihe 31st. 213 /427· 7433 .

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