Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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( }\~C \ N G....iX O ~ ) E" SCA Pf ~.. .~ '" u N' V. Events Sch eduled : Santa Clau s MX Series Oct. 16 - Dec. 18 S18. Su nday Only S9 .50. December 1 CMC N IGHT MX O range c t v , Int. Rcwy., Irvine, CA. 714 /559-0199. DIRT TRACK Half m ile. sh o rt track, TT. Corona Rcwy. , Co r o n a . CA . 714/735·1705, 689·1913. December 2 CMC MX Ascot Pa rk, Gardena. December 3 Clubh ou se. Pre ent ry $9 . post entry $10 . 18 12 A laska St .• Cost a Mesa . CA. 92626 . Entry i nc lud es co ff ee. so ft drinks . dou gh nuts at start; full lunch; no -ho st bet at end . Points hand icaps for true trials riders. real trials bikes. good riders. A nnu al crazy rnoto rcvcl e ind ustry tun event. All w elcome. F r e m on t F remon t . Rcw y . , CA . 27 8-42 6 9 . Taiilequah, Okalhoma . B.-ron Fork MX, Rt. T W elling . OK. 74471. Go 4 mi. east on 51 to Speedys Service StoP. then 4 m i, south. On Sat.. 1st and 2nd Am mot os , on Sun . Jrd . Am . more and 2 Exp motos. Prac. 't il 9:30 : race 10:00 e.m. Claim ed $3.165 in Park . CA . 805/259·8000. RACE MX C o ro na Rcwy •• Co rona , CA. 714 / 73 5·1705. CMC NIGHT I'v''' I r w I I"CE.\..\"E.O Rcwy. , I r •..·Cp.\'l - G r e , CA . 714, ...:;1 /·3 32 3. December 4 PR O PO T PURSE M X C a rlsbad Rcw y ., CarlSbad, CA. December 5 Rc w y •• CA. 67 4-5383. SAM MX Saddl ebac k Orange, Prk • • CA . 714/558-1584. INDOOR SHORT TRACK B enton C ty. Fa irgrounds. 110 SW 53rd St., COrvall iS, O re. F ifth W inter Series. Pra c. 7 pm, race 8 pm . Entry $3.50/e xtra ctass $2/Pros $5 . M ln ls -500cc . 503/753-0923, ( 71 4) 689-6114 C AT. TRIAL Sycam ore Creek Trial s. Airzo na. Sign 8:30 8.m.; start 10:00 a.m. En try $6. CAT. and SATA $4. A & B Classes $2, A & B start about 2:00 p.m . Spectators free. Mufflers and spark arrestors required. D-37TI Asc ot Park. Gardena. CA . Gri pst ers M C. Bo x 272. Placentia, CA. Sign 7:30 a.m.; prac 9; race 10:00 a.m. $4 entry. Grandstand admission. $2. kids under 8 vrs. free. Onty 2 mach. per rider in pits. Rain date Dec. CMC ROAD RACE Ontario Mtr . SpcJwy.• Ontario . CA. Take Havne exit off ~1 0. GP, Prod, Cafe. Money and bress, Gate 7, prac. 9, race noon . Preentrv $12, post $15. Wr ite to wo rld famo us Pat Mann ing , 3407 W . Olive. Burbank. CA. 2131842·7433 . ORA TEAM RACE - Adelano, CA, limed from 17 mi. north of Four Corners. Hwy. 395, right side. Start 9;30 a.m. Six times 25 mi. $400 purse. 20 % bras s. SCAT comm. Ambulance, catering , ORA pts. Photos. $3 ,000 med ical. 7 57-1034. SHORT TRACKITT Perris Rewv.. 80'1 371. PerT's. CA 92370 . Gate open 5 p.m . Entrv . 3 pi us gate. Undef 18 yrI; . must have parent . over 18 must haYft 1 . 71 41657-3678. 0 657.s9n. ECRA 5ANTAClAUS SERIES MX Wo rld /Escap e Country . TrabucoCyn ., CA. ~ CO east on 8 Tor o. 7 mi. CO righ t 0 Coo6l,'. Corner. then 5 mi. Entry '7 memba.. ' 10 nonmembs. Prizes for Ieeders. Best 7 of 10 reces cou nt. Oct. 16. 23. 30: Nov. 6. 13. 20. 27 ; Dec. 4 , 11. 18. 7141581· 6400. Rac ing D-36ANNUAL MEETING HolidoV 1 , F.irfield, CA. 9 M Lm. Secure dates for 19n. Clubs and promotera invited 10 get doles. 209/463-4320. December 4-5 0 - 37 L AST CHANCE ENDURO Charlies Wagon Wheel, 15 m i. N orth of Red Mou nta in, CA. L imed from Hwy. 395 & Trona Rd. Three 4()..mlle loops each day. C's go t w o loops per diY. Double 0·37 po ints. F in isher p in s and tro Phies. K eyti me 7 a.m . Ma il en try SPEEDWAY PRACTICE Elsinore Rcwy. Hwy. . 71 at Lagonla. Elsinore, CA. 714/674-5383 or 714/826·2386. MOTOCROSS P h a e ·n I x , A Z • 602/992-0359. MOTOCROSS OeAnza Sunnymead , Park. CA . 735-1301. MOTOCROSS Mosie r Valley MX· Park, EUless, TX . Pro , Am. 405/ 5 67 · 22 4 1. o 1402 Motocross Every Saturday 24 hour Info. Call 714-830·8 0 10 G ate opens 7:3 0, Practice 8:00 Ra ce 9: 00, Finished b y 2:3 0 + Youth Division (Pee Wee thru Minis) ~ at all events ~ 213-881-5778 Beg . , In. , InL, $8.00. Pros $13.00 No Membership o r m all entry r eq ui r ed " !I 'Not affiliat ed with Sadd lebaek Park 9161 635-5240 . ECRAMX Ra c i n g W orld /E s c a p e Country . Trabuco Cvn.. CA. I· 405 to east on EI Tore. 7 mi. to right @: Cook's Corner. then 5 mi. Entry $7 memb s.• $10 nonmembs. Start 9:30 a.m. 30 % brass. 714/58 1 ~OO . • au Ion CMC MOTOCROSS Dunla p Cy c le Par k . 22 50 E, McKinly . Fresno, CA. 93703. 38 m i. east of Fresno on Hwy . 180 10 Dun lap Rd .• turn right 4 mi . to track. Open 6:30 a.m.: prac. 8:00 race 9:00 a.m . 2091233 ·1834. Jr. MXers Loose on the Streets MOTOCROSS . Deschutes Cycle Park. 65147 N. Hwy . 97, Bend , OR. halfw ay btwn . Red mond and Bend on Hwy . 97. 9:30 a.m . Entry $7, $10 for Pro. New owners. 5031389-3334 . MO TOCROSS Desert W hee ls M e . Edwa rds A ll Forc e Base. co met For b es and Laecastee Ave.. Box 37. Edwa rds. CA 93523. Take Hw 'r'. 14 to Rosamond. take Rosamond Blvd . to Edwa rds Sign 7 8 :30 a.m .: race 9:00 a.m . Entry $6. $8 Ellp. Sa~ day brass 33"'" gilt ceruucate TO 1st & 2nd place Eap . Fr ee ca mping . Spectators fr ee . 8051258-4250. m $1,000 Purse M X December 7 . ;-;- 801/524-5348. DIRT TRACK Half mile, short traC k . TT . C orona Rc wy ., C o r o na, CA . 71 4/73 5- 1705, 6 89-191 3. ~~~:dl~.~ack Park Dac. 5 - Indian Dune s Dec. 12 - Escape Co untry Dec . 19 - Indie n Dune . , ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ IT Every Sat urday Night Beg - Nov - Am - Ex Mini thru Open Gate $2.00 Race $3.00 Elsinore Raceway 714-826-2386/674-5383 ADRA Race Schedule J an. 9t h - Desert Duel 602-252-1900 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 213-830-7519 ~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~,~ ~ Decem ber 8 Dec:. 12 Race Schedule ~ 817/ 2 67 -9153. MOTOCROSS Indian Te rr i t ory RcwY., P ragu e , OK . U ClJ 2-30 minutc motos-Jrs. & Beg . 2-40 minute motos-Int. & Pros Every Friday Night I! S ClJ $3 ,000 Medical In surance (thru Dec . 3) SEMI-PRO M X Hel vet ia Par k. W est Sacramento. CA. \·80 to Harbor Blvd.. 7 mi. along river. 30 % bra ss. 100 % pay -bck. to pro . A ll classes. Nov. race 8:30 a.m.: Pro. lnt. race 1:00 p.m . Pro $15. others $8 . 22 10 Kimwood Ln.• Rancho Cordova, CA. 95670. ClJ ..0 ~J Saturday Motocross SADDLEBACK ~ Sunda y, Dec. 5 Sunda y, Dec. 12 B OSS~MC ... (714) 557.3323,':::1:~ 92626 Trabuco Canyon Indian Dunes Others on Sun @ 8:00 a.m . lor 3O-mi. loops. 100 % b rass . Sla rl er and f inish er pin s pl us Sant a goodies. 2131320·1015. - CM CMX Saddleback Orange, 714/558·1584. - r-- Coda Me.a, Ca. .... 3882. Torrance. CA. 90510. W om en & min i on Sa t. @ 1:00 p.m .; t pr 25 mi . BONNEVILLE USE MEETING Bonneville Salt Flat s Subcommittee of the Salt Lake Distr ict Multiple Use Advisory Board, Salt Lake District Offi ce Conference Room , 2370 South. 2300 West . Salt Lake City. Utah , 8:30 a.m . Discu ssi on on managemen1 and use of Salt Flats. To make presentation. call before Dec. 5 - Frank Snell, MOTOCRO SS Baron Fork.r. "ranrecuew, OK. 918 /456'0421. CMC Box A .M.E. Chrislmas Fun Run , Califor nia CitY, AME MOTOCROSS Spillway Park . San ta Maria, CA. US 101 to Broadway off, follow Sign s to Pk.. Sign up 7 am. race 9 am. Entry S6 J r/lnt ; Sl1 Pros. Over The Hili Gang Nortn vs So"""'iJffiOouble p ts. race. 30% brass all classes minis-Pros. Free ON camping. $4000 med . Ins. 7 805/9 3. -6171 . Prk •• CA . $3000.00 MEDICAl lNSUUNCE CMC NO.1 RECEIVES NEW VANII .~ CA., limed from ga ll cou rse. Bolt 0-36 EURO-SCRAMBLES Plymouth. CA., 30 m i. east o f Sacramento on Hwy. 16 , or 18 m i. southeast of Placerv ille on Hwy. 49 . F ifth annual Lil ipu tian European Sc ram b les. All classes. Ove r n ight camping. Sh ot gu n sta te. Ra in or sh ine. F in iShing p ins an d decals. $8 entry. Start 8 a.m. Dirt Diggers North . Box 338 Orange.ale, CA. 95662 .9 i 6/652·7800. CMC lICfJlSEtRlUllfD $8." PE' f U ' Race with AME SRA FUN RUN ENDURO ' WafF~DAfN~HT·'WW.DAU days. Entry $7. pos t $9. Pros $15. 100% Pro p .m .. 30% b rass. tr ee camping . ATATRIAL S8ddleback Prk., Orange, CA. Classes: kids, Beg., Women, Press, Industry, Nov., Am ., Exp. Riders meet 9, start 9:30 a.m. Entry $5. Giant raff le, $1 can win Bul Sherpa T. 213/342-0683. 714/653-2633, 714 -581 -6400 AMC MOTOCROSS Carlsbad Rcwy•• Carlsbad. Ca lif. Gate op en 7 am. prac. 8-9, race 9:30. No mail entry . $6/$12 post . $2 'ltlra non-memb . $3000 meel. ins. ccv . 30 % brass-, 100 % Ex. p.b: .? ' 4f581-2n8. 5 12/4 4 3· 4 3 5 3 . 714 /3734647. 714/ 826·2386, 503163 1·1550. SUNDA rs. CA'lSBAD AU S" SUNDA rs . S DUIACr AD Santa Claus series point leader (Nov. 13 1 Tony Camarino - Honda Trailsopen for riding 7 am til dusk (closed Dec. 5 onlyl 7 days a week MX track open 5 days a week CRC F AM ILY ORV RALLY Lucerne vi v.. Ca li f. Enduro scoring, classes for Bugg ies. B aj as, 4X4, m ini trucks , an d all ·g lrl crews. 60 miles" easy family event. Pre-entry $ 25 and two SASE to 7601 A rlington, R iverside, CA 925 03. Post entry $30. .w.... 4" In.. _ .,57 .... $10 ,est: , , S12 .... SIS port G.t, .,... 6:30 , ':3":30. ~a 7:JO.I :30 , fist " " ' , every other Wed. Night starting Jun. 16th South Bay Park Speed w ay alsc e.c.R.A. MX to be run as usual Puyallu p Rcwy . Prk.• Puyallup . W A . Gate opens 8:00 a.m .; Stgn 'hi 9:30: race 10:30 . Am . en lr y $6; Pro $8. 100 !l Expt . pay -bck . last of year-end Benes. OK MX CHAMPION SHIP 12. 714/52 1-0171. AMENI G H TM X I ndi an Dunes V a l enc i a, N IGHTTT Elsinore E ls ino r e . OBl. PT. CMC MX 249 -4 77 0 . MOTOCROSS . Austin M X Park, Austin , T X. P r o, Amateur. LAUGH·IN TRIALS Saddleback Park, Orange, CA 12 observed sections scattered around one lap of park. Start 10 a.m. from w ebcorCvcte W orld 4 15/8 8 1· 10 3 9, 1 2131 2JHI ..., Sat.. Dec. 4- Sante Claus Series MX S un.• Dac. 5- NMA Sante Cla us Grand Prix lGrand Prix track) 361S • In. . Inter. :S7 . . . SIO poIt; p,.s: SI2 . . .. SlS pht Gne.,eM 7:30. ";'-"p 7:JO.I :30. prKtitt 1:00.':00, I'm ' :30 Every Saturday best 7 out of 10 weeks (Sportsman O nl y ) All Classes S rarts 8 :01 a.m .• M ulberry . Ak , two m i. S. on Hwy . 215 off 1.40 at Mulberry. $12 entrv. Circu it goes thr ough AI( . OK, KS. MO. 91&42 7· cash. 9181 456-8421. CA. 213/323·1142. N IGHT M X Po st en t ry $2 0 . Three-man teams add $ 1 per r id er and ma ll togeth er . Ent r ies and Info : ca li f . Enduro Assn •• 1825 Calle Ctervos, San D lma s, CA 91773. 442-8043 or 213 ..~! 1st ad 3n1 SIINDA rs. SADOlEBACI Sat. Santa Series. Riders meeting 9:30 am. Racing begins 10:00 am BLACK JACK CIRCUIT ENDURO \"1fffJ . • Continental Moto-Sport Club E veryone w e[c<;>m e Ca lendar listin gs are a free reader service. All information is the responsibilit y of the event promoter. T o be certain , ca ll th e phonc number listed before going to an eve nt. " ....\,-.. .•• ,.. ~A~ The Four Aces M /C ~ ~ is supporting the Dist. 37 Hill- ~ toppers & Desert Donkey's Duel ~ European Scrambles on Dec. 12, ~ 1976 in lieu of Hopetown. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * • * • " • II:: ~ KALE ~LH" ;DULE Dec . 5 - Carlsbad Dec. 12 - Saddleback Dec. 19 - De Anze INFO 7 14-58 1-2 77 8 4L

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