Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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by a rider a ttem pting 10 ga in ground on th e upcoming wh ile flag la p . D·36 will decide how second spo t will be ha nd led . T he 100 Novice a nd 125 Exp ert Ma ins were iod a y's action eve nts , Form er mini aces Brad Summ ers, Scott Bak er , a nd Sh awn Callaha n staged a whe el to wheel battl e for eig h t laps of the 100 race. Summers led the ent ire event . Meanwh ile Scott a nd Sha wn pressu red a nd then hassled over secon d u ntil Call ahan fell . Bak er remained in second . La yoffs tol d th e tal e in th e 125 Expert Main as Rick Wo ods decided 10 start on th e front row instead of th e pen al ty line (a la heat) and jumped to th e lea d for about six la ps. Meanwhile Oakdal e's Rod Gr eener work ed his way around Mitch Davidson and th en zapped a tired Rick for th e win. Alex Jorgensen moved int o a tie for the VRA Go ld Pla te wit h a 250 Expert runaway while Ted Davidson waxed the Open Experts aboard a crisp A & D Yamaha , • Buttner on top at the Cat House By Mota Depo SALT WELLS VILLA , NEV. N OV 7 Richa rd Bu ttn er (Hus) riding out of White's Cycle in Carson City, continued to domin a te District 36 Cross Country events, . by winning the Cat House Hare and Hound, at a much faster pace then the promoting club expected. His win did not come easily as desert ace Scott Harden (Hus) from the Las Vegas area was leading until he encountered some inud on the salt Oat and Bu tt ner passed him for the lead The course was in a new area and was quite challenging. The run to the smoke bom b was across a salt flat which was very de ceptive. After the bomb a fast ro ad sec tion and th en into sa n dy whoops and up a sa ndy bikeeating wash , then' back do wn the m oun ta in and across the salt Oats, m uddy this time , to the pits. Fifty pe rcent of the riders never got t!!.is far . While Buttner and Ha rden were out front battling for overall two California riders were trying to nail down the 250 Expert trophy. T . Harris (KT M) and J. Lesniewski (Suz ) kept each other in sight the whole race with Harris getting the win . Mike McGown and his son Jim were on a couple of very impressive looking Hercul eses, Mike stopped to assist an injured rider and d idn't fin ish well , Jim finished sixth 250 Nov ice on a 175. The No vices started 15 minutes after th e Am /Ex a nd Jeff Cloutier (Ossa) came from a mediocre start to lead them in and win the 250 class, Bob Edwards (H us) tried to stay up with Jeff but couldn 't. Jeffs dad Gator Cloutier (Rok) third Old T im er B, was real proud and said Jeff had really worked for this race. It was not a small bike course and the 125's had to work to just finish , None of the 125 AM /EX finis he d, so it was u p to the Novices to kee p the small bikes alive, Ed Curran (Hus) did just th a t by fin ishi ng sixth overall Novice . Ru ss W yant "The Flying Marine" gave Ed some tro uble but a flat gave him a DNF. The Desert Bums did a fine job of marking th e course, it was a real desert race where bike, mind and body . preparation were eq ua lly important. Resu lts in Results Section. • .. , if Vote for your favorite rider. Top 25 as of Nov. 19 . Jay Springsteen Dick Mann Brad Lackey Chris Carter Gary Scott Kenny Roberts Tom Penton Carl Cranke Gary Nixon Roger DeCoster Marty Smith Malcolm Smith J im Fishback Jack Penton Gene Romero John Hateley M ike Hannon M ike Bast Mitch Mayes Larry Roeseler Bill Grossi Dave Aldana Lane Leavitt Dick Burleson Rick Marquis , if I O~~i::I------R---O--C-----------1 I Cycle 'News Ballots w ill BALLOT I I be counted I I RID ER NAME ' . COUNTRY I I 1. I I 2, :........ ............................ ........... ...... I I 3. I MAIL TO: RACE OF CHAMPIONS I I Names are not final. 12862 Garden Grove Blvd ., Suite E I I W;lson/Mavnard Prorno t ion Garden Grove, California 92640 I 35

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