Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 12 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I NORTIERN DAm. ~ it so nice for the specta tors. The riders , on the other hand , really t liked the tra ck as the re was lots of traction . . Lots of ac tion in the 100 class with Tim Mu lvely (Suz) just out of a cast, getting a second overall , and first to a good rider Scott DeRoco (Yam ). The 125 I ntermedi a te first moto was won by Da le Castl em an who got th e holeshot, W ith second and third battling it out , Jeff Rogers (H on) got second , a nd Joe Martin third . In the second moto Dal e Castleman started out well , but DNFed, First overall went to Jeff Rogers a nd second overall to Joe Martin. A super race of Experts, the first moto Tad Gumbmann (KTM) took a first over Eric McKenna (KTM) The second rnoto Eric worked h is way from next to last in th e first lap to first , th en in th e last lap he crashed. Tad Gumbmann, th e winner , ha s had two broken legs, a nd it was good to see him in the winners circl e again . • r$-< Q.) ..a E Q.) u Q.) Q . Spinners TT By Cosmic Cat & CO. PORTERVILLE, CAL. , NOV . 11 (Above) Freight train at Porterville Spinners' TT track; it's Steve Monger chasing Scott Podergois chasing Scott Dinkins chasing Jim Birkle in 250 Expert. (Belowl Robert Land (11) working on a Mini Expert lead. cr owd roared yes. Bast beat Ferrell but not by much. Salt Laker Tommy Dickerson , who fell so much in the July meet ing that he was nicknamed Tumblin' Tommy, had been do in g his homework. ' In fa ct he n ever crashe d once in this meeting. . on ly spun out. • Results in Results Section . . Dunlap MX changes track By Sharon Green DUNLA P, CAL. , N O V 7 T he trac k a t Dunla p Motocross was run ' backwa rds , and th e program was re versed. T he change was to everybo dys liking . Danny Maxwell: prayer helps. 34 The Division III Handica p Main was one of the best of th e Young Lions' rides as Mike Nish in the pole position kept it to win . W es Brunnerwas out ' early in the event with, his sor e left knee. Danny Maxwell and ScottDickerson collided , Scott going down giving Danny a second. Nish , who reputedly drives a race car like h is dad do es . flat out, won three of the six Division III events, giving him a clear superiority. First you buy a kida bike , then you rent him a stadium. . . Th e Handicap , M ain was outstanding. Faulkner led until he fell . Ferrell stre tc he d flat out on his bike in th e last straight to beat Marsh by,six inches, with Bast neve r m anaging to get ' past th ird place. In th e Scratch Main Bast took .the lead from th e' number two positi on a n d ,the othe rs just got progressively farther be hind . Asked if they wa n ted a match race after th e trophy, presentation, the The 125 Intermedia te Class was a battle betwee n our local fast guys . Kevin Phillips (H us) was th e lu cky one in the first moto to ge t the checkered flag , wit h Jim Ellis (Suz) on his rear tire followed ' by J ohn Longin oit ti (Yam) and Chi p Chapman (Hon). Ellis fin ished firs t th e , second moto , wit h L on g ino itt i a nd Cha pm an be hi nd . Phillips DN F d . J im Kratt (Bu l). sho wed alot of class for a Junior , riding th e 250 class, a nd th en ro de his Fathers bike in th e Opne Junior rac e , winning both. T he 125 Pro and 250 Pro cla sses wer e ru n tog ether, and wha t a rac e! Sammy Holl and (Ho n) a n d Tim Worth (H on ), close friends, on and off th e race track , really put on a sho w. Tim finished first in both motos with Sammy rig ht beh ind . Milan Garrett (Ca n- Am) fin ally ca me ou t of a slu m p period to win th e 250 Pro mon ey. Milan has rea lly been having h is , troub les: b ut Sunday, he looked his ~d ~ L • Rain at Corning By L. Moore CORNING, CAL. . NOV . 14 Action Raceways ' had an offand-on rain wh ich didn't make The 17th Annual Veterans Da y TT scrambles was once again a . success. The threat of rain loomed late in the day, but the track conditions were good and rid er turnout exceeded 160. Porterville's Robert Land (Yam) fired into the lead of the Mini Exp ert ra ce with powerhouses Mike Garrison (Ya m) and Rob Ely (Yam) in close pursu it. Land held and Ely go t by Garrison for second on lap two . Ely made his move for th e lea d on lap fou r, go ing by Land over th e jump. but Land slip ped back ' into fir st comi ng out of th e swee pe r. The ju m p was again the scene of action as Land missed a gear letting Ely pass James Crisp (Suz) used an early lead to ta ke th e 500 cc Junior contest. J oe Schmitt (Suz) and Paul Shafer (Suz) diced for second th rough lap one with Schm itt t a ki ng th e distance. Kent Bowser (C -A) made it two Por ter ville wins in a ro w when he came from beh in d to ta ke th e 200cc Expert bo ut over hard-ch arging Br ad H elt on (Ya m), who had led th e ra ce u nt il the last la p . Brett Bu tt erfi eld (Yam) led flag to flag to win th e 125cc Junior Mai n . Derek Land (Yam) simply outra n the . 250cc Experts whil e Steve Monger (Yam) had to come fro m back in th e pack for secon d . • Riders blitz Pioneer By Ann Carr O AKDALE, CAL. , NOV . 7 Only th e Sportsman Bantam weight riders com peted on a close basis tod a y as most events wer e decided by th e end of the first lap . Min i ex pe rt Jim Cu nningham re turned to do mina te the 80 an d 100 even ts. Tracy Hays was shut out by Jeff Mason and Mike W ilson for no poi nts . O the r Min i Ma ins were captu red by Todd W in kler ( 100 Novice), Scott Rose (80 Junior ), a nd J eff Jon es (80 Novice). Jeff retu rn ed in tru e form afte r a baseball layoff to blitz a prot ested event in wh ich di m in utive Brian Davis was kn ocked from h is second pla ce pe rc h into Griffith Pond

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