Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ S? '" :T Sure Fire 6 Port Reed Valve One Way Compression Release To tally race tested by all t he " h o t shoes," pos it ive dosing so no d irt or du st ca n get in . Be a w inner · try it . HEY DEALERS ••••••• SPECIAL : 2 fo r 1 Introdu ctory Offe r on Sure Fire No. 2 Racing Oil! Call Sure Fire (toll free out of state) 800/ 438-58 21. Sure Fire No. 2 comes in cases of 12 16 oz. bott les. Sure Fire No.2 Racing Oil For two stroke engines. p etr o le um base , won"t bu rn. Just lubes. Sure Fire STILL has the fastest service around! Call Toll FREE 800/438·5821 (in N.C. call 704/255-8096) NEW ! ! ! Re ady for etellvery- SURE FIRE NO.4 RACING OIL • OI.A(ns CA LLOft WRITE FOft rlU CQloa tAUlOlO, OYf' l iOCl lJ[MS! SURE FIRE DIST. ~:r~~u'~t~,::.englnes, Get in the "Winner·s Circl~"with SU RE FIRE ! ""'" 'Ie. N.C. 28802 so co.. A... - - - DISTRIBUTORS FOR SURE FIRE COMPRESSION RELEASE: - - - I CYCle Ea st .Pra t tvllie. A L I00 I6 3 3-S7 23 . Mike Gerald Yllmllha. Ba lon Rouge. LA 50 419 2 7-6'OO Nell Keen Pe rform an ce . St. Lou is, M0 3 14 /42'~959 Ce ntral Purchas Ing, N. H ol lywOOd CA 213/7 65 -58 0 0 Carabel. D lsl •• ce., West. G afelen Grove . CA 714 Ai3... 78 2 Boclleill', CYCle, ElizabOtll town\ IN It 215 7 9-1 6 76 ; H J P rOdUCts, Sou tllllend IN 2 9 I2U ·3D77 SlIe ll RaCing L.vnnwoocl, CA 2 13/'563 ·12 19 Bryson Bake~OIsL , ce., Mt. View, CA415/'lU -125 7 Nortlleast Hodaka, Holden, MA 617/129 -3917 Dou9 Cook puts his best foot forward at Cyclerama. TexasMX Championship Round Three Cyclerama By Greg Labbe SAN ANTONIO , TEX.,JULY 4 San Antonio's Cyclerama was the host for the third round of the Texas Championship Motocross Series this past Sunday, and Kent Howerton returned home to strap it on a bevy of talen ted Open Expert riders. The well prepared and well organized Cyclerama- track was hosting what woul d have been th e m ost sm oothly and profession ally run of any series race to date, but Mother Nature had it her way in the m id st of the second set of m o tos , cutting the day's raci ng short with a torren tial downpou r. is Co m pet ition in the classes beginning to boil down to th e fastest and m ost consisten t few who will have a sh ot at that coveted state title. After to day, just two more races to gO t and the competition becomes more torrid each week. The Open Expert class was a contest only to the second tu m . Roger Bro wn zipped his Yamaha th ro u gh the firs t tu m in th e lead, u t as he se t up wid e for the ' second tum, National No. 3 ' Ke n t Howerton went inside, threw a magnificent block pass on Roger. , and was go ne . Nobody got anywhere close to Kent or his factory Husky practice bike all moto long. Even though he slowed co nsid era bly on the final two laps, he was still 25 seconds ahead of second place Ricky Kidd. Kidd, on a big bore Penton, got by Roger on lap four and put a big gap between himself and third place. With a little over a lap to go, Randall Tarter shot past Roger Brown, but just as the white flag came into view, Tarter's big Suzook seized hard, leav ing Brown third overall. TIm Riddle was fourth on a Husky and Ricky Blackwell from Austin was fifth on a Husky. It was a shame that rain had to interrupt Cyclerama's fine program, but the decision to stop the racing, based on the fact that proper medical aid would be unavail ab le to ride rs on some back sections of t he track, was a proper decisio n on the part of tra c k owner Walt Sandifer. When his posit io n had been explai ne d, almost everyone int elli gen tly dispersed to prepare fo r the lon g journey home. Unfortu nately , a small ban d o f lou d-mouth ed rabble stayed on to harass th e prom oter and his staff. T here we re abo ut 30 of them, mostly parents who had been drinking, and their unseemly, churlish display, which went on for almost an hour. was sad to behold. As Ro b Rey nolds accurately noted, it looked like a crowd sce ne from All-Star Wrestling . • Results in Res ults Section . C..·A m • Hodak• • Husqvama · F.t UPS Service Sal£s of Dallas Large sto ck of parts MailOrd£r Write or call 117 6 Mississipp i Dallas, Texas 75 207 I-==--rn@ m[?~V~--j MOTORCYCLE COMPANY Yamaha phone , 8 t 7-939·1261 Carrera ~i."Y I Motoguzzi ] :JOE. ~a.J.eE.~ Motorcycles :E ~ 2509 I Complete pull & service Scott Dyno - ig 'D' Yamaha One day parts ma il order serv ice Glass Gead Blasting Compelte motorcycle m achine shop rex Port ing - ine Shop Fast Ma il O rd er Bell 214·241-9135 M ai l. O rd er Part s il n d Accesso r ies II I Broadway · Sa crame nt o , CA 958 18 9 16452-549 1 BMW · Can-Am Tibblin D i rt B i k e S pe cia li1ts (214) 3 21 ·2444 Ph. 214-942·3563 . CARTER'S YAMAHA TrellebOrg Twin Ai r DALLAS YAMAHA 4 W J ff I Try us fo r T riumph p art s UPS same day - - - - - - Triump h----....J ~ Heads Dr i' 'd and Tapped • • • • • 13860 N. Stemmon s F rwy •• Dallas. Texas 75%34 1208 3 G util nd Rd .• Dall as , TX 7 52 18 Heli Arc Weld ing . JE~I:.!! ~ Route 2. Belton, Texas 76513 4 'h Miles S o u t h of TemDIe on Interstate JS Jote ma r 1597 Blalock Houston , Texas 77055 \.. 713461 -3834 211J-638-2010 Malcolm Smith . eusretn ~ • 505-256-9587 6819 Lomas Blvd. N .E. Albuqultftlue. NoM. 87 110 Hand .~ • Rid ing • Racin9 • S IrHt ;~~ ~ GLOVES Ot hm an Distr ibuting Co . Bo x 356 San Luis Obsi po. CA 93406 (805) 544-6181 Inquiries Invited Dealer 47

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