Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lires, the only thing between you and the cold hard ground! Be sure you 're riding on IRC, Suzuki. Honda and Yamaha know. they choose IRC as original equipment! Mark Corbett le ad s Lakewood's 2SG-A class, unaware of Shane Cannon's sky-ground-sky ground act behind him . ROAD WINNER HS-2OlI AvailibleSlul 5.10l117A, 4.10H18, UOH18, 5.10H18, 3.60H19, 4.10H19 MOTOCROSS TMEGRIPPERS AvaHlbltSlul 3.60-14, 4.10·18, 4.60-18, 3.60·21 IRC , . . TIRES FOR AL L KINDS OF RIDING AND ALL KINDS OF BIKES. IF YOUR LOCAL DEALER DOESN'T CARRY IRC TElL HIM TO GET WITH IT AND CONTACT ONE OF TH ESE D1SmIBUTORS , . , Tap-Line Will, Inc. Glrdenl, CI. Ed Tucker, Olltrlbutor 011111, Tx . Tap-Line Soulh, 'Ie. Hoaslon, Tx. Cycle Plrll Dlltrlbullng, Inc . Wlchltl, ll. Hlhl Cycle Sipply C Inc ••, . SICTlllllllo, CI. Soutllwellllllparlid Aula I Motorcycle Plrll Dill, Inc. Houllon, Tx. INOUE RUBBER INTERNA110NAL CO~ .- . .-. - rin ~ .- -SUPER ~ TfiE - * .. * * **LEGAL* * * * ** POWER ADOING LUBRICANT '-· .JJ;' ''''' I r-~'''· ~ J T C LUBRICANTS INC . P.O . Bo x 261 87 Trotwoo d, Ohio 45426 513/854-2516 Dist rihu tor: S& L YAMAHA 5938 Pacific Blvd . Huntington Park, CA 90255 46 213/ 587-7244 SRAC MX Grand Prix-Double A Points By Action Oz LAKEWOOD, CO, jULY 18 A little something for everyone was the order of the day at this, the first really big event han dled by th e Lak ewo od Sportcycle Association. From hot and dusty in t he m o rn ing to ra iny , wi ndy and co o l in the afte rn o on. I t cert ain ly separat ed the men from the boys in regards to who cou ld handle the dry, the muddy an d the super traction con d itio ns of the track. Racing got underway promptly at 9 am with the 125 Nov ice race rs. A huge turnout was on hand and there was plenty of loose han dli ng th ru the tig h t turns in th e W section o f th e tr ack. By the time th e 250 Novi ce gro up ca me o ff the lin e , th e charac te r o f th e tr ack was forming. The Ope n Novice class ran next followed by th e three m in i classes . All th e No vice m ote s were o f a h igh ca liber includin g the th ree I\lin i classes. On e exam pl e of th e fai rn ess WdS the case of Martin Don elso n wh o , being only 2 cc's over the limit , still disqu alified h im self afte r running lWO su pe r fine motes a nd winn in g one of them. T he t25 A rid er s ca me off th e line inspired. Stacy Sm ith , ridin g with a ti ghtly taped knee go t the holeshot an d pulled away _Half way into th e first mota he suffered a flat tire wh ic h ended his bid in this mota . Mike Rust (Hus) and Al Firestine (Yam) to ok the overall. Rust flat rode to take the overall ve ry co n vin cingly. AI Firestine held onto his 125 A poin ts lea d with a strong se co nd. Ken Nissen (H an) took overall hon or s in th e 250 Novice class with Bob May t urning in a great performance fo r t he se cond spot. Lonnie Owen (Suz) rode it out for first overall in th e 250 B class. Rory Sandstrom (Suz) stepped up for the second sp ot. ' The 250 A riders put o n a sho w b oth mot os - see pi es. Com in g off th e lin e in the firs t mota , Shan e Cannon. o ne super Co lo ra do rider, ate it in th e downhill whoopdies and the melee started. Mar k Corbett (C-A) diced with Gary Glasenapp (Bul) the whole firs t mota but finally wristed his W d Y over the finish line a scan t few feet ahead of Glasenapp for the win. The second mota saw him go on to win and take the overall . Ch ris Ewing, on a green machine took the second overall as G lasenapp DNF 'd. The races of the day were the Open A . motos, Both events had enough exci teme nt to last at leas t un t il the next weekend. Mark Borgman (Mai) who on ly last wee k m ad it into the A class turned it into his favor as he took the over all. With good riding and Glase napp's bad lu c k, Bo rgm an was able to ta ke se co nd in the first mota and first in the second. Bob Moore (Yam) took the first mota win - finishing third overall. The seco nd mota saw Gary Glasenapp, probably one o f the finest riders in Co lorado , stretching his lead ' wh en the rear spro ck ets bolts sheared. elim ina tin g him fro m the mota. Shane Cannon , who h ad a b ad start, ro de on rails to co m e through the p ack and p rovide th e fans with on e o f the finest ch arg es this co rre sp o nd en t has ever see n . Cannon passed every one except Bo rgm an to ta ke sec o nd in th e last mot a to pi ck u p se con d ov e ra ll fo r the d ay in the Op en A class. july 18th was one of the fine r d ays overall fr om a spectato r st an dpoin t in Colorado racing. Results in Results Se ction. Shiftless Holman ovelalls Ottawa By Jean ie Flippin OTTAWA, KAN.• j UlI:E 26 The Middle Creek T rail Riders Associatio n jo ined in the experime nt of hold ing a hare scramble at, 6 p .m . on Saturday evening 10 avo id the Kansas he at o n Sunday aft ern o o n . It turn ed o u t to ' be worthwh ile as 70 riders sho wed up . The p redicted ra ins d id not co m e and the temperature W'..lS h otter a n d the cou rse dustier than an tic ipated. The four mile co u rse includ ed woods, hills , tr ails, and . 7 miles of MX tr ack. • After being warned that anyone cu tting the course migh t be bitten by a rattlesnake. the race was started with a blast fr om a shotgun. At the start Leon Daugherty on his 250 Ya maha got a big lead and by the t ime he got to th e fir st jump on the motocross track he was at least two blocks in front of Ti m Co ffer and Dan n y Ho lman, Daugher ty , a grandfather, won this race th e m onth before. b u t this ti me his Ya maha d id no t fin ish the fi rst lap. After Daugherty left the ra ce , th e co ntest was b etw e en Co ff er on a Suz uki and Ho lman on a Ro kon, Co ffe r got a h ole in his gas tank, m aking it necess ary fo r him to stop for gas t wice in the ,t wo hour race. " Ho lman's Roko n pl owed throug h the endless dus t for 16 lap s to take th e overall win leavin g Coffer w ith second. Holman 's average was 33 mp h. • Res ults in Resu lts Section. Fortney scalps Indian Territory By Cheryl Jones PRAGUE, OKL.,j ULY 4 Clarence Fortney started ou t the 4th of July with a bang by winning th e 125 and 500 Expert classes and taking home all the first pl ace m oney for his effort . Wendell Woolard took se cond in the 500 class after leading in the second mota until Fortney passed on the third lap and can tinued to open the lead. The track was well prepared and Old Mother Nature supplied the moisture the night befo re with a light rain, but as the day progressed the track dried up and th e corners got a lit tle tr icky. Marc Loy had a go od day taking fi rst in t he Mini and second in the 100 class, righ t behind Kenny ' Cast or. Ma rc wo n the first 10 0 mo ta wi t h Ken ny passing on the second lap , b ut Mar c ca m e bac k and passed for the win . T he se cond moto was a lmost a repeat. but Kenny passed Mar c on the second lap and went on to win. The Open Amateur class was a battle between Robert Fillmore an d Phil Mcinturff with Fillmore taking first place brass with a 1-2. • Resu lts in Results Section .

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