Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-.-- ~ .- _ _-.--- __.•._._._._._._ .•. _._._.•._.-._._._._. Western hotline TT 500 & XT 500 Plast ic Tanks $49.95 Co nst ructed with the same qu ality as o ur Go ld Med al Baja T a n ks, ea ch k it inclu des a Malcolm S m it h petco ck , vented gas cap and complet e mount ing h ardwa re. a: UJ :; s « a: III III UJ :; « ~ Rob in Hood won all his race s in scr atch events at Sou th Bay , bu t m ight have t o forfeit a c halle n ge for "Kin g of th e Hill" . Scheidler outlasts Lawrence at DeAnza Beginners fo r Do ug G ormcly . Doug ran second and fir st in his final two motos, b ut a DNF in h is first o u ting allo wed David Roberts, winner o f th e first two m ot e s, to grab the overall victory . • Results in Re sults Section . By Laszlo SUNN YMEAD, CAL.,JULY 25 Superflow 110 The po pular S uperilow 110 is use d by more than 200 racers 'around the world for accurate testi ng of engine cylinder heads and intake manifo lds, Complete instructions pe rmit even a begi nne r to measure flow differences as small as 1%_ --------------------------------For free brochure , write or phone : .~ ~ cctc raec Sp r in gs. Colo. 8090 7 (3 0 3 ) 4 71 · 174 6 Terry Kit 1976 Yamaha YZ's & 400 IT's Smoother action More control - Improved hand ling - More t ravel - Different dampen ing - Air or springs. The front end kit t hat beats them all. out of state eal l t oll free 800-854-4691 90 day money bach gu aran t ee $30.00 -Dea ler or Direct 20 After " Super Bowl Saturday", a few riders seemed to find it rather difficult to get up in time for Sun day's regu lar MX races. Th ose who did manage to climb ou t of bed and out to De An za fo und a few surprises in the hilly co urse. CRC decided to really make the riders work - fo r their trophies , sending th e sportsman riders out fo r three ei ght lap motes and the Experts took two mo to s . of sixteen revolutions on the \.2 mile co urse . Cr own Cycle's own pride and jo y , Mark Lawrence held a- full field o f 1 25 Experts at bay for the en tire first m oto . Moto two didn't go so well for Mark. He shea re d the pipe off of his Yamaha early in the race, losing any chance of an overall win. Gary Scheidler who finished 2- 1 for the day, m ight hav e won th e first moto as well, but lost his glasses off the line and spent the early going nearly blind. J o h n Wilso n Sr . and Billy Burkhart are emb roiled in a battle for CR C's number O ne Ve terans pla te. Wilson ju m pe d to a b ig poin ts lead earli er in the year b ut Billy has really been o n the gas trying to reduce their po in ts sp read. Neither o f t hem gained o r lost any gro und to da y. Barkfeath er, I m ean Bu r khart, locked horns wit h Ed Sch eidler almost all day , b ut won tw o o f his three m o t o s for t he over all win in th e Ju ni or Divis io n . Meanwhile; Wilson and Dick Yeats were e n gaged in an all -out ba ttle fo r the win throughout the . final m oto . Yeatsheld the advan tage fo r the first half of the ra ce but John passed hi m on t he straightaway in the blaz e o f speed and glo ry to cli nch th e ov er all. A thrown chai n made th e di ffe ren ce between first and th ir d place in the 125 Robin Hood takes Scratch Hal Strauss steals AME Summer Series By Ted Tit mas By James Brammer VA LENCIA, CA L.,JULY 16 SAN DIEGO, CAL.,JULY 2 4 Robin Hood, racing from starts, w on his heat, the semi-final and the Scratch Sou th Bay. The wins w in by a tir e. ran third. scratch seco nd Main at earned Robin Hood a m at ch ra ce for Kin g of the Hill, but he will miss it due to a pre-scheduled race in Utah, on the same night as his match with Bryan Buffington. Robin Hood said . "1 wish something c o uld be worked out so I could m ak e the challenge ra ce. I' ve been wanting it for a long time. If I co uld ge t the title, I co uld hold it. " Bryan Buffington and Larry Ko sta are in a see-saw c on test for the reign that assures extra money t o wi n ner and lo se r. Winner Buffington had the first lead, but he had slipped to second when Kos ta's bi k e w heelied mid -w ay th r ough ' a t urn an d sent hi m crashing t hro ugh a breakaway wa ll, taking d o wn two sectio ns in th e process. Kosta '5 seco n d in the Scratch Main p uts him in the ch allenger _ spot d u rin g Robin Hoo d ' s ab sence. Buffing ton wo n the Han d icap ' Mai n from a 50-yard hand icapped sta rt as Ne w Guinean , A.C . T histlewai te held to second. Pat G u th rie said, " Ye s it w as m e that fe ll first ," in regard to a five rider stack u p in the firs t corn er du ring t he first of two starts in the lI an di cap Main . O nly Thistlewaite got th rough after all the remain ing riders crashed. . Frank .. Fireball" Bollinger led m ost o f the _Third Division Fin al . bu t Leo Black passed him on th e finish line to As the excite me nt co ntinues with AME's Helm et House Su mmer Series race, Hal Strauss once again was the d o minating force in the 250 Pro class. Strauss (Mai) see m s to be picking up the same speed that he had before he took off fro m racing. Strauss was als o joined by two o the r Co le Bros . t eam riders, Ji m T assano (Mai ) an d.Russ McA fe c (Suz) . Tassano ho unded Strauss in both motos followed up by Russ McAfee , who has adapted very well to a Su zu ki. The 125 Junior class has attra cted su ch large nu mbers that for the past four weeks two divisions have been n e cess ary to ac co m o da te all the e n tr ies. Every week Do ug Spiker (Hon) and Mark Abler (Suz) co ntinue their race lon g battles for first p lace . This week it was Ma rk Abler 's tum to win wi th Spiker fin ishing up a close second. Gary Keene (Hon) , riding co nsist an tl y and staying o ut of tro ub le fin ished th ird. Min i In t ermed iat e rider Dave Baker, who fo r the fir st ti m e mov ed up t o the 125 Beginne r Div. I class, d id re marka bly well. Ba ker go t a m ediocre start b ut b y th e e n d of the first m o t o was in t h ird position . In th e second moto Baker go t . a better start, by grabbin g third , bu t eve n tually was de mo ted to fif th. Wit h a th ird in t he first m o to and a fifth in the second, Bak er took a cred ib le th ird overall. Cycle Sh ack rider John Mo linaro (lIon) too k first overall fo llowed b y second overall "li ke Haddad. • Resu lts in Resu lts Se ction.

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