Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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._._._._._._._._. Old Timers show at Shadow Glen By Dal Cala is 1l'\D1AN D UN ES , CAL. ,J ULY 25 Twenty -one of the hottest Over40 gang came o u t t oday and ever yb od y was swe ating by 8 a.m ., and th at \\"<1S before practice! A~IE st aged a well- run race o n o ne very quick course. The first tum was a beaut. it sure kep t eve ry o ne ale rt . Norb Brown, joined this time by Gerry Steiner, flexed their muscles for four motes to run with those fast kid s. That's true grit fell as. The Am ateurs and Novi ces started things off with Doyle Brown right up in the front runners for a n overall win. Uoward Zimmerman an d "Holeshot " Kid Coffman fough t for the fir st tum in the first mota with lIoward winnin g th e round and taking second overall. The Amateur gro u p found Boyce Williams and Jerry Scott battling it out. Jerry won the first mota and Boy ce got the nod in the second. Eac h ga rn ered a sec ond so Boyce took the t op hon ors for the d ay, with J erry taking second over all. Things wcre pretty wide open in th e Expert and Masters class. Blackie Lewis an d Marvin Olson put o n a super show in the first mota but Blackie go t th e ace . It mi ght have be en th e same sh o w in the seco n d m ota but "Gas Cap" Olson fo rgot to t ighten the liquid retainer and had t o return to p ick it up. He st ill rode in for third for that mota and third for th e day. TIle Experts had a real fre e-for-all, Richard Ly ons and Bill Bird traded wins and thirds in both motos. Richard go t th e secon d win and to ok the t op sp ot fo r th e d ay leavin g Bill for th ird. • Memo To.. ALL PROFESSIONAL-RACERS From~. ABC Leathers &Bell Helmets Subject..NUMBER ONE HOMBRE SERVICE The A~IA Grand Nati on al Circui t swi ngs around t o th e west coast durin g the m on th of Jul y . . . and ABC Leathers & Bell Helmets. want to ex te nd a special Cali fomia welcome to you all. We also w ant you to kn ow th at everyone at ABC Leathe rs & Bell Helmets unde rstands it's a bu sy time o f the year. for professi onal race rs. So while you're on th e we st co as t you are a NUMBER 01\'E HO~IBRE with us. T o p rove it, we've crea ted a special 1\'Ul\(· BER 01\'E HOl\IBRE S ERVICE. And t hat means th at eve rvo ne at ABC is rea dv to bend over b ack\~ard t o qu ar antee ' BETIvEE1\' RACE SERVIC E, on repairs o r add it io ns to you r leath ers. CLASS B LWL1 The fo lks at Bell have t he sa me idca to o. The Hcadpro tec to rs can mak e a special appo in tme n t with you to handle any· thing fro m a sim ple ann ua l ins pec tio n t o an all out up gra de -o f your p rotective head gea r. MEMBER So while you're in th e nieghb orhood it's a perfect tim e to stop in ... an d let us help you chec k o ut and up-d at e all of your p rotect ive gea r. And remember the ABC/Bell Contingen cy Aw ards Pro gram. Wc've go t o ur m oney rid ing o n yo u to o. Call us t oday . • and let us kn ow when you 'll be in . AMC plays with full deck By Rex Reese EA ST IRVINE, CAL.,JULY 23 AMC has managed to ge t the word out and now hosts a full house of action. Every class that you cou ld , think o f sh owed up - to nigh t and ra ced their wheels off in on e o f th e liv eliest night even t s th is su mmer, Up front in th e ac tio n tonight were the l\lini Pr os a long with J eff Ward an d h is stabl e . o f super tri ck minis . Trick w asn 't goo d e noug h however . as Bryon Antonacci (Ya m) go t in fro nt o f J eff an d swe pt all three motos, Jeff tried lik e crazy to pu sh hi s Honda t o the limi t b ut it "wasn ' t e n ough t o kee p up with the lead er. Further frus tration to Ward ca me in a se cond mo ta co llision with some other rid ers, and in th e las t m ota J im Firlgham (Ya m) had the lead almost 10. t he very e nd until Bry on pulled the ca rpe t from under him. J eff go t second ov era ll and Jim's th ird mota performan ce was go o d for third. II The chase between An tonacci and Ward didn 't end there. Bry on climbed ab oa rd a Honda for the 100 Expe rt s a nd Jeff followed right alo ng . Both of them had to take the backseat as Greg Toyama ( FM F) grabbed the holeshot every time to dominate th e class. Bryon w as hot on Greg's t ail all th e way to tally up a second overall. J eff managed a dism al 4-2-8 in heavy traffic for fifth. 1",Wea rin g only jeans and a Tvshirt, a long with motocross boots and a helm et, J eff Lysdale (Suz) ro cketed in to th e lead o ve r mo re soph isticated riders in th e c o m b in ed 25 0 Be ginn er/Junior/Intermediate class. Giv ing Jeff a little he at, Rocky Casw ell (Su i) , was t he closest rid er to h im. 10 th e last m ota , Ro cky go t p ast Jeff for a win t o ad d to hi s 2·2 score. n etting him second. J e ff's secon d wi th h is two firsts gave him t he overall. Le o Sa ul ( Ya m) was ko she r for t hi rd. . • Whcrncr you 90 there's THE HEADPROTECTORS ABC/BE LL CUSTOM LEATHERS 9802 A. A tlantic Avenue South Gate. California (2 13) 564-1715 Mon - F ri or by appo intment Call Clarice Amberg BELL HELMETS. INC. 2850 East 29th Stnoet Long, Beach. Califomia (2 13) 426-6191 Mon·Thun Repair Dept. by "llpointment A pound saved normally _osts seteral hundred dollars c m: ra(k H1 as t rr TERRY KIT Suzuki 250/370 RM's 9" of t ravel - Smoother action - Mo re con tro l Air or springs. The fr ont end kit that beats them all. , J() f ou t of sta te call toll f ree 800-854-4691 rl a » 1lI1I1I /'.\' IJllf tc g ll a r o u / .,, · $50.00 Dealer or D irect CHAMPION Quality Track Steel Shoe ~5.00 S haD SLOO LARGEST SELECT ION T -Shir t $4 .00 Boots $45 .0 0 SIze s 6 to 1 3 0 W i dt h All pri ces pt u s C.O. D. & Postaqe * Banke Pi p e s * Se ats . PIl lio ns, Mo t o r cyc le co ve rs, Di sc brak es, Wh ee ls , H Llb S. Sp roc kets & m o re Also e v er y t hi n g for sp ee d wa y (714) 735·0540 ~ MAEL Y EN TS.• Rt . 2, Bo x 75B R!i30 Bedford Mtr Way. Corona. CA 9 1120 Send fOl F R EE ca talog and decal s! .Blt" • • • 2415 Brown Rd .• St . Lou is, Mo. 631 14 Phone 13 14 1 426-6959 "' call Chad ey Ch acple . 1 131735 54 53 3 21

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