Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._~ regain ed th e lead and cl inched the win. 125 . Expe rt Evan Marcu s, a bo ar d a CT Ho nd a, fo und h imself in fou rth pl ace at t he start of his fi rst moto. Four laps lat er , he fo und d ay ligh t (?) out in fron t o f the class wit h Craig Egerman and Ro dne y Morrison figh ti n g it out for seco nd. Mar cus re gain ed the lead at the start of the second m oto , this time with CT teammate Brion Brown on his tail. Brion took the lead halfwa y through the race when Evan lost his chain . His jubilation was short lived though . Rodney Morrison zapped him before you could say "wo w ", advancing to the overall win with a 3· 1 finis h . Craig Egerman ' na b be d second with Marcus finishing out of the money in third. • Results in Results Section. CRC track dazzles Ascot riders By l aszlo GARDENA, CAL., J ULY 20 The California Racin g Club spent over two days planning and preparing a new track for their Tuesday night ~IX debut at Ascot. Mini Ex pert Rex Sm ith dazzled t he crowd throughout th e first moto , leading every lap e nro u te to th e win. Gregg Waldrup was running a tight second but suddenly o u t of a fourth place start, came Eddie Glover. Eddie stayed right behind Smith bu t just couldn 't get by, and finish ed sec ond. In the second moto , their roles were reversed. Eddie held on to the narrowest of leads over Smith. Waldrup started back in t h ird again , bu t let Scott Gr ose rush by with tw o laps remain ing. Glover took the' overall win, Smith finished se cond with Waldrup in the third spot. Tom Wills and J ohn Molinaro ran their Hondas to the top of the 12 5 Beginner class in th e first rnoto. Wills couldn 't repeat his performance the second time a ro un d however. His sick bike allowed Molinaro to run alone on ' top of th e . field , playing with the Novices and 100 Experts. Molinaro won with Lan ce Ulri ch fin ishing in second. Glen Senocal (Suz) grand-slammed the 250 Novi ce class, b u t his runner-up, Eddie Em b ry , really had Gl en working for it . Senocal had to loo k over his shoulder almost the en ti re ra ce as Ed die ran a stro ng sec on d fro m wire to wire. Glen's heart skippe d a beat when Embry slipped his m ach ine in on t he inside of th e last tum . Un fort u na t el y for Ed d ie, his Mai co momentarily bo gged down, all owing Senecal to rush by for a n arrow win. • Results in Results Sect io n . 200% payback draw R.A.C.E. MX'ers . ~y "The Tube" CORONA, CAL , JULY 23 Buddha Bultaco-Suzuki and Norm Reeves Honda were out giving away contingency prizes to many of the riders, and a large number of mini cycles were on hand to provide spectators with a lot of excitement. Bobby Hart, probably the fastest mini rider in the nation , won all three motos of the Mini Expert class. Bobby rode his "Miller Mano" 80 YZ in the 125 Junior class and really put on a show. He won all three motos in th at race too. Aaron Post and Tom Grisham c hase d Bobby, an d had sever al opportunities t o Ove rtake him, bu t didn't. They h ad to se t tle for second and third ov erall. Scott Sh eedy a new Pro in the 125 class, had a re al ba ttle with Marty Wolford, but came out the winner of .. Enduro' th e large pay-off. Marty wo n th e fi rst . mo to bu t Scott came back to -win th e nex t two , jus t a w heel ahead of Mart y on both occasion s. Go at Breker's sty le shows that he is an all around excelle n t rid er , an d the fact t hat he won all three m o t o s co nvinced everyone. Floyd Buck, Jr.. r idi ng fo r Geo rge Zu be r 's Ya maha of Montclair, was in the re fo r secon d p lace mone y. Lee Scheffers (KTM) cam e back a fter winning the cas h in the 5 0 0 class last week, and co n vincing ly won all th re e motos for th e p ay off. Flo yd Burk Jr. tried h is hand on a 400 monoshoc k and took an other second pl ace finish fo r some more ca sh. • Trophy Time! Amazing new electronic digital instruments tell you exactly where you should be during every second of the enduro. EASY TO READ. EASYTO OPERATE . Whether you 're an absolute beginneror seasoned enduro veteran . Digitronics' new state-or-the-art Chrone-Computer and Chrone-Tron can help place you among the trophy winners every Ume! Big bright numbers shine through dus and rain - on any type of road. t Controls are designed lor " gloves on" operation - no dust covers or thumb wheels to worry about. Bo instruments help you 10 concenlrale on rldlngl th The Chrone-Computer instantly calculates time. speed . and distance factors to give you precise pacing odometer read- outs to compare with your cycle odometer (the photo example shows 12.58 miles) . You can always clearly see when to speed upor slowdown. You can also clearly see the exact average speed you 've dialed in (15 MPH in the photo example). Speed changes can be dialed in quickly. and the " hold" switchIreezes the read-out during planned stops . Standard calibration 6-36 MPH in 1 MPH increments; special calibrations available at no extra charge . The Chrone-Tron computes elapsed time in 1 second intervals from zero to 59 minutes. 59 seconds .. , . with an automatic roll-over to zero and continuing count. Fast rate switch gives rapid (1 minute persecond) selting of key timestarts which are not on the hour, and " hold" switch freezes read-out at exact key time start. Quick zero re-set. Big bright minutes and seconds numbers separated for maximum clarity. a.uua AIII.smctS - DulthKtpol/l umets& mlSlefl- n l Tidwell 'shakes a leg-the wrong way By Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL.,JULY 21 Wayne Rainey and Eddie Laws on ended up with th e bucks Wedn esday night but Mike Tidwell ended up with a broken leg. Mike w as hit in th e leg during-his last heat rac e , al th o ug h he d idn't go down , when he came in to the pit s ' it was obv io us he was in p ain . A fte r ' an exa m ina t ion, Mike 's leg was p u t in a sp lin t and he was advi sed to get a n X-ray for a po ssible broken fibia. Tal king with Mr . Tidwell a ft er t he races it was co n fi rmed that he wi ll be o u t of actio n for at least t hree we eks. All th e riders wish .h im a speedy re co very an d we hope to h ave him back so o n . Wayne Raine y collected th e firs t gree n o f th e evening with a wire to wire victo ry in th e sho rt track . Wayne se t . hi s sights on th e 250 Am ateur-Expert Half-Mile and it wa s an other wire t o wire win. Wayne ran into Eddie Lawson in the Half Mile Money go and found th at Eddie's 75 0cc was ju st too much for his sm aller machine. He led for one lap b u t had t o settle for se cond when Eddie p owered b y and was gon e. Eddie also ad d ed the Op en Am ateur-Expert to his troph y ca se. Eddi e w as abo ard Butch Silva's 750cc Yamah a and th e word from Butch is th at the bike has found a new home in Eddie 's garage. Jeff Kerr went home with a bit of go ld as he to ok the 250 Expert tw in from Stan Kins ey . J e ff has h ad some bad luck at Co rona so it was good to see . h im in the winner's circle. Kirk Johnson is abou t re ad y fo r grad uation t o Am at eu r and he m ov ed a step clo se r b y winning b oth th e Sh ort T rac k and 1Ialf Mile 125 Novice classes. The sh ort tr ack w as a wire to wire vict ory but on th e half-m ile he had to wor k a b it ha rd er. Mik e Pau lson held the lead fo r alm ost hal f th e race before Kir k co ul d get around him. The 100 Novice saw Eu gene Brown ge t the nod on t he sh o rt t rack ov er Rick Marckstadt and Todd Hooper w hile Rick topped Eu gene and T odd on the half-mile. Benjie Mey er took both the Short Track and Half Mile Mini Division I classes topping Kirk Johnson in both. Rodney Rainey won the Min i Division II Short Track from Richard Jones but Richard ca m e back to win the hal f mile from David Johnson and J im Livington. Duane Gallager took over the 12 5 Amateur-Expert class in the absence of Mike Tidwell. Paul McPherson had no trouble winning the 250 Novice Half-Mile, since he was the only one who made it to the line for the main. Chris Choisser got the short track nod . before problems struck him down. Perry Prorette claimed the 250 Amateur-Expert Short Tr ack from David DeTemple, leading the ra ce from start to fini sh . Don't forget ' the Riverside County Juvenile Hall Auxiliary Benefit . Ch ampionshi p Flat T rack race Au gu st 4 at Co rona. There is al ready a b u nch o f go o d ies for the riders wh ich have been do na ted for the even t. • Resu lts in Res ults Secti on . Ulllbelp lllll.enGufOlITllllU,,~lul c.UOLt FA f£ LDok at.fSI gr. .ll.llurn: • • • READABLE - Super-large liQ d crystal reaoout Ui teaM Ing y," numbers. Exira brlgltl ln sUlllIglit. REUABU- 100% solid-state electronics. liQUid C rystal rudoul. Abnokl .. 1y110 mech.IMal parts hi mattun dlon . COMPACT - ApproXll'T'Iafety J" I 5" I t " in SIl l . Us es one minia tLIre 9 volt tranSlslor radio battery with mmimum 25 hOur capacity. (factory supplied.) • • • • • PORTABLE - Completely sell· CQnlamed. No WillS, plugs Of cords. Fits easily in pocket. SEQJRE - Factory sup pjl8C mountin kit hOIlk g mstrurnent securely. rt03rates of terrain. s RUGGED - Tough . impact·restslant case . weather iII'Id dust resis tant. AnRACTlV£ _ Delule Ieather-gramed Dlaelt tiOlsh, GUARANT£ED _ Full 6 month guarantee cover parts mg and tabor . • Digitronics. Inc. 4029 Westerly Place· Newport Beach . CA . • 92660 (714) 752-8105 d • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ AT YOUR DEALER OR ORDER DIRECT CALL TOLL FREE (800) 854-3580 (In Calif. (714) 752-B105) or MAIL COUPON Please rush me__ (qty) lor Chrone-Computer pacer(s); _ _ (qty) Chrone-Tron timer(s) @ only $119.95 ea . plus $3.50 for postage. insurance and handling (Calif. res. add 6% tax) .. o Credit Card II 0 Check or money order o BankAmericard 0 Master Charge . Bank II Exp. date _ .. Signature Address ~ Name ~ _ _ WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOUIRE GOING SOMEPLACE? You've got moisture in your fu el tank. It's condensation that farms from changing temperatures. Gumout Carb Cleaner can help because it removes the moisture. Gum out also gets rid of gum and varnish that constantly bu ild up in your carburetor from heat and evaporation. For faster, easier start s g et Gumout Motorcycle Carb Cle aner. . , THE BEST THERE IS. A Pennzoll Product Mik e Patrick Cl.....lond . Ohio .... 1~ s YAMAHA al CORONA 1101 E. 6th Street, Corona, CA ~ . (7 14) 735 · 7721 ~~ C ~nnzoil Co . 1976 25¢ !!!""!!"!"!~ is what it COl ts p er l ett. r to p u t you r name o r ridlag n umber o n your 'norite jenew. . . . .tshlrt. or T '"Shirt _ia-you wait. Phone (213) 534-2311 ,.-tf 0 YAMA lof.l 24020 fQrbOnne Ave.. Lomlta, CA 90717. 19

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