Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; -!-._--._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-._._._._._._._._._._. =Western hotline ~ t, - goes up in dust as a pack of hyper-active CMC Ilros spend their hard earned leisure hours bustin' berms at Carlsbad. Second p18C11 finisher Mark Tyer (Hon) just off 125 National circuit. C~rlson still king at Ascot MX By Mike Klinger GARDE"'A. CAL,. JULY 22 A kin g o f the hill sh oo tout was staged this past Thursday night at Ascot ~IX. The co mb in ed classe s of 125, 250 and 500 Pro fession als p ro ve d th at F;\l F r ace r Dave Carl son l> still the man to bea t o n-th e tight, rou gh Ascot trac k, The 450 Maico o f \'al Tamietti plunged into the first turn of mota one bar-t o-bar with 250 rider Tim Har t" (Suz) . It only took Car lson two lap s (0 shoot into ' t he lead and put ground between himself and Ta m i, Battling for third with lIart was 125 Nat io na l competitor ;\Iark Tyer (li on ). but lIart's 250 R:\I outlasted the 125 Hon da . Carlson's moto two ride was utterly fantastic . lie grabbed the holeshor, was never c o n te ste d for the entire ten ' lap event and rode flawlessly from turn to turn . Tyer pushed earlson in the openin g laps but quickly fell off th e pace. Carlson won overall . lIart was first 250 and Tamietti was first 500 Pro . Remember. Superbowl ticket stub holders are admitted free this Thursday night at Ascot ;\IX,july 29. • Just another Saturday at Saddleback By Danny Raymond IRVIJ\;E. CAL.,jULY 24 Former 125 hotshoe, Greg Rober tson, now sponsored on a Mid-Valley fac tory Ossa, took home top honors today in 250 Pro . action, wh ile Ilryar Holcomb went I-I to sco re an easy Ope n Pro win . Greg Pain te r came alive in t he second Open race to finish second overall behind Holcomb. During the 125 Pro rac e. Arden Hadley rocketed to a holeshot while Moorewood (Su z), Bruce Lan ce :\IcDougal (T &:\I Hon) and Tony Wanket held court in hot pursuit. On the opening lap Hadley unmounted at the bottom of a small ju~p, allowing for the lead. As the pack thinned ou MeDougal made his move for the lead but surprisingly , on ce Bruce passe Moorewood he co uld n 't shake him of his ta il. Before the end of th e mote , Tony Wanke t wa s making ! ; unsuccc:sl ul move: on the leaders . At the checkers it was :\!cDougal first Moorewood second. Ton y ' Wan ke t third, and Pete Wanket running a distan fo ur th . :\!cD o ugal failed to sho w for th second mot a . Moorcwood led for mo than three-fourths of the race until Pet \\~anket made his way into an import an first. giving him a su re se cond ovcral behind Moorewood, Pet e's brothe Ton y held off Kurt Sofka and :\like Loper to give Tanya well deserved thir overall. CMC Carlsbad Crash" burner By Patti Trotter CARLSBAD. CAL., J ULY 25 Th e G\IC crowd seemed to be o ff a lit tie to da y. Probably due to the Superboiol last night and the A~IA's -l8 hour no ridin g rule. cz rider Fritz Schlegel was cau gh t in the traffic at the start of the 50 In term ed ia te class. went down on jhe first turn . and t urned up a las t place start. Rem o un tin g, he wicked it o n and wo rked his way back to the lead position. where he crashed again and wiped out h is back brakes. Fritz managed to get going again and won the moto. That 's determination! In the se cond moto Fritz was eager for the win. While smokin' his way arou nd the course he got tied up with a slower rider at the top of the infamous Car lsbad Ledge, and again went down, only to be run over by another rider who totalled Fritz's bike. The other 15 riders continued on for a super race and '500 In te rmedia te wi n n ers we re Dale ~lcKinney (Bu l). Dale Anders (Bul) , and johnQ..y Bar (Suz) . - , 250 Pro rid er Dan n y Lal'orte grabbed the holesh ot in the first moto and rea lly started dia ling in on . It looked as~if Danny was going for the win when the front wheel of his Suzuki broke and he had to be satisfied with second. Ossa rider Gre g Robertson was Danny 's cl osest competition and he g-assed across th e finish fo r first . With a new front wheel mounted LaPorte was ready fo r the second

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