Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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---------------_. ounted Sco t t Montgomery ch arged in front of the pack and stayed eTC fo r the entire moto. 1:?5 Int erm edi ate S te ve Taylor (Suz) ' 3< off the lin e . srno k in ' his wa~ around e track. with a pack of 15 riders after im . Vince Krcizinger (lio n) worked his 'ay past St eve, who W3< left to fight it t with the o t he rs guys. S tev e found a ally tri ck wa y to get o ut of the dice. ashin g a t the bo t torn of the downhill. oaking the ge ars in hi s bike . Corky lo or e (:\1:\1) was look ing like a flas h til his bike gave out and left h im tting at the bottom of th e do wnhill onde rin g if it was all worth it. After all f th e crash ing an d b urn ing. the final a ndings were Ro ber t Evans (lIon). ' incen t Krie zinger [Ho n] and -Bru ce sh rnore (Yam) . The Wan ket Bro thers (F :\I F) a nd ohn T essit ore w er e top score rs in the ery fast 125 Pro class. II erhammer slings t Saddleback y Danny Raymond RVIN E. CAL..J ULY :?5 heelsm irb 's Jon Derhammer flew is Montesa m oun t to easy wins in o th 250 an d Open Pr o classes, on's dominati on of th e races wa s a great th at it looked lik e he had to vake h imse lf u p as the c heckers opped , en d ing his m ol as. . :\Iik e adman (Kaw) rode an easy go ing race a finish second in the O pe n Class with ichee Co llin s. co m ing from way h in d. fi nis h ing a close th ird . " As the 125 Pros exited the first tum t Clwas the ye llow an d · red Flyi ng lachin e • Fac tory Hondas of Dave a rlson, Cl iff Lett. an d J ohn At wo od t orming in to th e lead. with Scot lifto n (T&~ I Han ). and J im Dornan n MM lion ) in a cl o se chase . Right away arlso n charged in to a good sized lead . s 'd id Lett for second. Domann fough t or nea rly ten laps to pull a sligh t lead rver four th place, John At wood. only a pu ll o ff the trac k with bike problems. two od ' held o n t o hi s ' third l o n~ n ough t o put Lan ce :\Io orewood i;; ourth and Kurt Sofk a rounded o ff the op five posit ions : _ Aga in . in the. se cond m ota. 'Ca rlson ade a 'd ash for th e lead and wa s never igain challenged. While ho ld in g on t o a oli d se co ~d place . I t":om! 's Honda ve n t S O U l and for ced h im back t o a ist ant tenth . Sofka slip pe d his Q S' E "am aha into a lasting se cond position. Iiff Lett third . while Mike Raines (:\1:\1 uz ) and "C " Gon zale s (Hon ) fin ishcd our-five . ._ . • Result s in Result s Section . EAS T: Gookinaid E.R. G. Dept. CN-oB R.R. I, 32nd Ct. Hobart, IN 45342 WEST: GookiflBid E.R. G. Dept . CN-08 5946 Wenrich Dr. San Diego, CA 92120 I I I o Send lit erature and order information about Gookinaid E.R. G. by return mail. o Send the name of the nearest Gookinaid E.R. Gi- dester: o I've gotta beat the summer hear now. 'Send me a sample I six-pack of 'h -gallon packages of Gookinaid.E. R. G. for only $4 95 postpaid Check or mone y order is enclosed. ' I I Name _ • L ;: RC at the Dunes __ I ~_~~~ ~_J ALENCtA. C,\l... J U LY 18 s CRC vent ured b ack o ut .to ndian Dunes to run the ir race on e Int ernational tra ck, cl ose to 200 rid ers showe d up, Some . o f th e trickest 12 5cc m achinery available was between the legs of the riders. The start of the first mota saw Willy Simons coo kin ' toward t h e first turn with Bobby Jones, Mark Lawrence and Jeff Jennings running close behind. Lawrence kept h is Crown Cy cle Yamaha right behind Jones un t il the start of lap two. Co ming' aro u nd the t u rn , J ones missed a gear at the same ti me that Mark was gettin' on the gas , their knobbies hit and suddenly. Lawrence fou nd hi mself doing backflips witho ut a mat to land on . while Bobby m an aged to straigh ten himself out while holding on to second. With Lawrence out of it , Suzuki rider Jeff Jennings took over his place, Two lap s later. back in the sandwash, J ones and Jennings tried to lap some slower riders. Bobby - ~ ~ 1~ iE * * * * * , * LEGAL * * '* * * * POWER ADDING LUBRI CAN T - T C L UBRICANT S INC. P.O. Box 26187 Trotwood, O hio 45426 51 3/854·2516 Distr ibuto r : S& l YAMAHA 5938 Pacific Blvd. Huntington Park. CA 902 55 213/587-7244 "Our people at JACWAL think so -hIghly of LlNK-LOK we are making It the standard master li nk on our famous DenseLube Super chain ." JACWAL INC. " This is the first time e Ver that someone has come out with a new Idea In maste, li nks and damn i t all , It's a good one. " MODERN CYCLE 13

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