Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, ';Wor ld edges U.S. in Israeli speedway match " Halftime in the fifth and final match of a relocated "U.S. vs , The World" test match series found -th e Americans leading match and series by one point. It went down to the final heat, in which the U.S. needed a 1-2 finish to win. The final pair could only manage a 2-5, iiving the match to the Europeans by one point. I Bruce Penhall was top scorer for the American team that included Sonny Nutter, Mike Curoso, Rick Woods, Dubb Ferrell, Steve Bast and Scott Sivadge, Ove Fundin, 44-year-old former World Champion, came out of a three-year retirement to lead the victors in scoring. Barry Briggs captained the uWorld u side. I.. The series was hastily put together on rtarrow , ill-suited tracks at various sites aro und Israel after the series fell through in the U.S. Riders and machines were saved from serious harm in some horrendous-looking Crashes by what Harry Oxley described as "The neatest haybales I've ever seen". It seems the standard Hebrew Haybale is lighter and less dense (henc e much softer) than the American var iety. "Guys would destroy dozens of them in one crash," Harry said, "but they'd emerge, covered with hay , the bike hardly bent, after some ~,orri ble get-offs." j- The world's leading lubr icant for 2 and 4 stroke motorcycles .. , . VfIfI can feel! •••ftIr " . " " . " . . . J' Tria ls stars hung up by ru les - again I Marland Whaley and Bernie Schreiber, beneficiaries of the ATA's T~ial de Espana fund-raiser, once aga in will be forced to watch the event they earned the right to ride in, because of their ages . AMA 's AI Eames explained that the association's hands are tied up in FIM-related red tape. ' The logic goes like this. Generally, under-I8 riders may not be issued an FIM international license to ride an int~rnational event - in this case, the Scottish Six Days Trial. However, the Host country may make exception for its own licensed riders. That left Bernie and Marland - the possible option of obtaining an ACU license to ride the Scottish, but another FIM rule prevents them from holding two national licenses c'oncurrently ; so they'd have to give up their A-MA cards (and a shot at the Nationals) for the remainder of 1976. Burrnah-Dastrnl .lnco Membe r Burmah Group, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 G!tizen's groups grope for solut ions ~ Santa Barbara County (Calif.) now lias a Citizens ' ORY Advisory Committee which has been active the past year in attempts to develop two. recreation parks, but reports the effort bogged down in the usual civic quagmire. To get unstuck, Bob Weirick of 628 Calle Rinconada, Santa Barbara, CA 93105, Ph: (805 )'687-4454 wants to establish a " telepho ne tree" with riders in the co un ty . The City of Santa Barbara is supposed to meet soon to consider a bike pa rk . Again, call Bob for info. Meanwhile in San Diego, the Citizens' , Committee there has dvisory ssche du le d an April 20 meeting at the County Administration Center there, beginning at 7:30 p.m. to go over their l O RY Plan with the County Staff. . Chairma n Ivan McDermott says it's a ~ "must" meeting for activist-type riders and committee members. UDDHA enterprises e SAL ES Come in & loo k at ou r 197 6 RM 125 eSERVICE ,6-speedSuzu ki 's!!! ~ Limitedsupp/y epAR TS 10960 Hole Avenue. Riverside . CA 9 2505 714-689-3166 5

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