Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- - Metric tap & die set 40 piece tungsten steel set wit h all t he accessories to do most Ices on y o ur M/C. $13.95 p lu s tax & po st age. COOS. SO. extra. Hilesuia Mfg. co., 322 N . Lima St ree t , Bu rb a n k , CA 915 05. (213) 842·3280. (1 0) HEAVY 71 Penton 125 E xcellont stock cond i tion w ith Plastic fenders and levers, Gave up riding for new house so must sell right away. $250 /any o ffer . (714) 835-9678. (10) Elsinore 250 CR stock Bought new, noth in g mod i f ied. R idden 20 times at most, not used i n last 1 1/2 years . e xactly like new, $7 25. ( 714 ) 774·7773. (10 ) no,)IBt subscribing 73CZ F reSh lower end. n ew p iston, reedS, 38 B ing, cantilevered gas G l rlings. air for k s, spare cases. fo rk s, gear s. Co mplete with 3 r ail trailer . $ 8 0 0 . A fter fiv e (714) 8 77·3 0 89 . (10) Immacu late Montesa Cota to Fresh en gi n e b y D ic k Brown, n ic k el & Chrome frame , ne w t ires. re ar k n Ob b y, refin ished gla ss. Myles, w o rk ( 2 13) 62 7 · 1 4 0 1, (213) 943· 5087. (10) CYCLENEWS '74, 250 Bultaco Pursang Mint c o n diti o n, wi th '75 tank, sea t , r ear Wheel , igni ti on. New Me t zelers front & rear . FMS toP & bottom w ith eusretns, 8" fork k it, l f act o r y ba rrel & p ip e. W i t h compl etely set of spare pa rts, seat, tan k.!. Ig nitio n , jets, filters, m UCh, muc h more, $ / 00. (2 13) 884-1798. Subscribe byphone 450 5 spd. WR Husky K & N p re p , e x t ra parts , excellent eo ne., never raced. I njury, must sell, $750. 00. (2 1 3) 943·5876. (10) $15/30/5 LIABILIT Y INS URANCE, 1 2 m o nths rates : 70cc 's $24, 25 0cc's $38, 50 0 c c $60, 65 0cc's $ 73, 1200cc 's $85 , (All o t he r c o verages availab le ). (2 1 3) 679· 331 8. _,Ca li fo rn i a Mctoreve te I nsuran ce A~ncy, Bo x 928 67, Lo s An los CA 9 0 0 0 9. l/TFN) no blanks to fill out, no stamps to lick, no mailmen involved, no finger prints (213) 427-7433 (213) 636-8844 Triumph 750 flattracker Trackmaste r , Bar n es, S&Ws. Mikunis, rear d iSC, Cerlanis, fresh e ng. Sell for S85 0 .00 o r tra de for MX or desert b ike. Call and make o t er , will deal. '74 Honda 250 MT street/t ra ll. ex. cond.. $40 0 .00/offer. (714) 729-60 0 0, For sale or trade Bassan l 2 into 1 CR exhaust - w ill f it Honda 3505 & 3605 - $55.00 or will trade f o r stock Honda 360 oxhaust pipes. (213) 349-3751 _ 75, 250 Maico, $725 or ? Cherry cone •• alum. Kan is. DIDs, Diamond Chain, etc. (213) 336-4165 . (1 0) '74 YAMAHA enduro 250 - xtnt, $6 25. '69 MOTO-BETA 100, $150. (213) 78 2-6 268. '74 1/2 M ONTESA 247 tria ls, st ored 1 year. $ 6 5 0 or o ff or . (213) 722·3740. (1 0) Stock' 125 monoshock Ch erry cond ition . well ma inta ined. $ 6 9 5 .00 fi r m . Tom (714) 528· 7530. (10 ) 75 DG Honda 125 Elsinore BI KER magazine is p o u n d in g p istons, pulsating passengers. leaping E lectra·Glldes. extended fork ing, Su bscr ibe for one year (25 tssues) only $7 . B I KE R , 2499 cerr itos Ave •• Long Beach" c::A 9 0 8 06 . (10/T F N ) 74, 360 Yamaha enduro Low miles. mu st sell, (213 ) 927-163 0 . (7/4 x) S800.00/best otter , Buy my 360 Bultaco Frontera '75, 2 50 MX MO NO, c le a n , $90 0. 0 0 . Ca ll ( 71 4 ) 586-0093. (10) 125 Yamaha-ST frame . fas t, $795. 00 . Norton Triu mph owners/dealers We r ep air stripped po r t threads . Co mp etition Cycle Cen ter, 2629 W . Na tionai Ave •• Milwaukee, Wis. 53204. ( 414) 6 7 2 -40 10 . 1967 Kawasaki F2-TR parts 6 cyl . 3 speed air mags, radials, 42M m i. , go od condo $3,100.00. (714) 979-9686. (10) Engine. ?ear b o x. sw lngarm, frame, et c . A lso "Gyt k it ' cy linder, p iston & h ead . Call (213) 4 2 7·7433 ask for Mr. Nor Ve llo . (1 0/TF N) ***Tri ck '73 Yamaha 100 MX * * * Ported, milled , 125 ree d valve, forward mounted Arnacos, 21 fro n t ( 0.1. 0 .), plastic tank, fork k it. gOOd tires, and m ar•• Meticulously maintained. Must see! (213) 271·1493. (1 0) 00 W O MBAT w i th Su pe r Ra t eng ine., Crowell trick stuff. d eser t re ad y. S3 2 :::1 . (213) 378·7207. (10) B ULT A CO 25 0 cc S H E R PA·T trialS, verv go o d conditi on with ma ny trick aceesscnes , $395. (714) 286·2860 (San D ie go ). Call, you'll slee p bette r! {l 0) $ 7 50 .00 o r be st . (2 1 3) Benelli pr iced to sell 44 N ev er raced, so me m ca s, ext r as, su pe r c lean. Mu st se ll, $ 3 0 0.0 0 . (213) 8 9 2 -3459. (10 ) Sacrifice CZ M u st see t o appreciate. New top and bottom end. Curnutts and Barnet clutch , Cherry . Call after 6 p.m . wkdays. ( 71 4 ) 5 28-0046. (10) 74 TM 125 Suzuki Make offer virgin KX250 eng. Still i n cr at e. com p lete with car b o co il. an d . C. D . I. b o x. Call d ay s (71 4) 9 9 7 -78 65. (10) Attention salesmen! ! Calling o n dealers ? Now you can add to your in co m e. START y o u r cu st o mers as BIKER dealers. For details. w r i t e to B ike r Magaz ine, Box 2 6 10. Long aeacn , CA 90801. A ttn : R. L . Nor Ve lie. (4 6/T FN ) Dinosaurs are coming DDMC 75,400 Yamaha Ter ry k it front, 8 1h In. k it rear, Akront rear , Chain ten sioner, excellen t condit ion. $925.00. 2 1 3 9 23·7807. 10 (::.. . . . ~-~, . :"! -;4 ' 7 5. 2 50cc n ew , still i n carton . Va lue $ 1.600 , w ill sell for $8 50.00. Red and black with ch rome fender s. (213) 446 -4100. (10) 1974% Bultaco's 250cc & 360cc E xcellent cond ition, e x tra s. 2 5 0 c c. $750.00. 360cc, $ 8 0 0. 0 0 . $ 1 ,5 5 0 for both . After 3 ,30 p.m. (213) 3 31 ·1 6 68. (10) , CR250 Elsinore Rebuilt eng in e, new ex h au st pipe & skid pl at e, desert ta nk . Ser ious sell er wants offers fr om seri ous b uyer s. Call lat e even ings ( 7 14 ) 645· 5 614. ( 10) r '74 CZ 400 2 t anks. MotoPlat ig nitio n , Mi k uni carb o Profab laydo wn sh ocks, T wi n A ir . ch ai n tesn ., fork kit , new ti res. call before 2 : 0 0 p.m. $595.00. (21 3) 427-1579. (10) Yamaha TZ 250C monoshock-new Recei ved too lat e fo r Day tona. Phone Jim La p i n e at Berkeley Yamaha . 1548 University ·A ve ., Ber keley, CA 94703. (415) 848·2309. Honda red frame owners If you have tne' new nitrogen fille d rear shocks and only get ting 5 lN" rear wheel travel. we w ill rework them to get 7 Vz" rear wheel travel, oil Change and reseal them w ith nitrogen . $2 7.50 does both shock s, Satisfaction guaranteed. Hnesetu Mfg. Co •• 322 N. Lima si., Burbank, CA 91505. (213) 8 42·3280 . (10) Speedway special Porte d. ramped, matched Wlseco p iston, 30mm, v er y fast, clean . Must see. $500 or best offor. (213) 553·6941. (1 0 ) 1972 Ja w a in excellent cond i tion . + over $2000.00 In parts & accessories. For more I n fo call Greg Haserot (2 13 ) 693-9419 . (1 0) 1948 Douglas 350cc opposed twin , excellent condit ion, $ 14 0 0 t o a gOOd home. (21 3) 397·7800. (1 0) '73, 250 HUSQV A RN A. Curnutts, new tire , p orted. fast race or p lay b i k e, $55 0 . (71 4) 8 9 3-3 1 77. (1 0) * *New Huskies** Piston separate for air forks S & L Y ama ha. 5939 Pacific H untl nqton Park. CA. {2131 Pre vent an equa t-atr p re ssure & f oamin g. More p o si tive dam p en in g. Testing h a s shown as m uch as 8 l b . or more pressure Change In norma l air f orks. Bu t w ith o ur p ist o n no change co uld b e de tected. $9 .95 for p ist on set. $7 .95 for H o r n in g forks. A re sent ba ck same d ay . Hltesalu Mfg. Co., 322 N . Lima .s r ., Bu rb an k , C A 915 05 . (213 ) 842-32 8 0 . (1 0 ) BOUleva rd, 587·7 244. 1973 Y AM AHA 12 5 MX , rebuilt engine, $375.00 .196 8 Bul t a co 2 50cc, $2 7 5 . 0 0. (714 ) 544-2232. (1 0) Wheelsmith pipe '73, 400 Maico Clean. fast, trick . 421 ·9176. (10/ 2x) 73 trick 400 CZ Has everything but a tape deck. $6 0 0 or bes t o f fer. (21 3) 924-4888. (10/TFN ) '11, MI 250 Husky , $650 f irm 1973% CZ 250 73 Yamaha 100 MX ' 7 5 r ed f ram e CZ, perfect co n d it i on. Must see t o ap p reciate . Mostly st ock e xcep t f o r M aqu ras . As k for K en . $9 0 0. (213 ) 7 69 -65 28. '74 Dodge van. super buy Motoplat Ignit i o n. Mlkuni, ported. fast, la id down Kan is. Bassan1 p ipe, lea thers. H I ~Po in t boots , Bell helmet. pluS m u c h m ore. S550.00. (213) 39 8-2391. (10) Many tr ick I tem s. N ew engine b o u gh t In '75, reed valve. step 5 porting. rad ial h ead . b rand new Bo ges, la i d do wn ShOCk, p last ic tank, lengthen swi n garm. $275 firm. (714) 839-1803. (1 0 ) 1975 Frontera 6 months o ld, like n ew, 50 0 miles total. L i cen sed for street . Mostl y street r i d den. $85 0. 0 0 or best offer. Call M i k e (213) 542·3626. ( 1 0 ) To w ork e x c tusl vel y on off t he r oa d race b ik es. Good w ages and sec u re job to t h e r ight ma n. Aero PA, 445 2 W. Bu l V alle y Rd •• Ill. 60050. (81 5) 385 -466 1. M c He nry , 32 Mlkunl carb, p o r t ed , Webco head, Bage ShOCkS. air teeks, 520 chain , very clean, $550.00. (213) 261-6931. (1 0) VerY fast Hodaka 100 New te e en d. move d up K on ls G Ps, side plates. fork kit . J u st b een tuned. all tricked out. $45 0/or ? (714 ) 633-1797. (10) New and used parts 75 CR125 Elsinore offer. 72 CZ 250 MX Skilled mechanic a beau ty, $475.00. (2 13) 3 60-63 6 4. Want XL350 carb for Mikuni or b est 32-34mm. (213) 249-4 078 . (1 0) $800.00 . $2,000 In ves te d. (714) 256·22 4 8 . 1974 - E x ce llen t condition . $1350 (805) 251·5753. (10) . Enduro rea dy , kno b bles, P.P. ski d pl at e. Trlck lt thermof low Shocks, Flltron an d stock air filter ~ L i gh t s an d signa lS f o r street too . $995. 00 o r bes t . A lso 1974 Honda X L 175. $4 95.0 0 or best. (213 ) 281·0158 . (1 0) N ic k el p la t ed racing (91 8 ) 446-6 6 57 . (10) Trials 250 Ossa MAR 1972 11%' cabover camper O&G sw ingarm. p ipe. head. blue pr inted engine. oversize reeds. custom porting, f en d ers. p ad d ed seat , aluminum handlebars, 520 Chain , and tenst oner, fa ctory mon omod. All O&G an d factory Yamaha prepared. lik e new, $799. 00. (714) 689-6400. (10) '75 Yamaha 400 enduro Set-up f or the Pro class. OG ev eryth in g, 17 fi n he ad . pro p ipe, 30m m ca r b. , p o r t in g, swingarm B il st ein s, 520 Chai n . Wheefsmlth forks (air) e x t. Loads of e xtras . Sacr i f ice f o r C.C. M. forks. wh eel s. seats; Ame r ica n Eagle forks an d whee ls; new . CZ frame. s/arm whee l s; Be ter forks ; 8.S.A. st y le all oy gas • t an k s. Eves only (714) 545-4824. UO) 76, 125 monoshock sacrifice! 4 0 0- 4 5 0 Mateo, used once, no d ings. $5 0 or best offer. Custom t h ree b i ke rack fo r van . sl ips i n and out easy . $2 5. {2 131 92 5· 86 6 8 . 1975 JPR Norton F u ll f airing. 29 0 actua l m iles. 850cc, $ 2500 firm. M u st sell. (3 0 7 ) 58 7· 30 19 or (30 7) 587·426 3 . ( l .o/2x) 74CZ Honda fork kit 8% inch Fits 125 and 250 E lsinore. Ou r kit gives you a smoother r ide with mor e precise damp ing, $ 24.95 p lus ta x . COOs OK. H it esatu Mfg. ce., 3 2 2 N . Lima sr. , Burban k . CA 91505. (2 13 ) 8 42-32 8 0. (10) Purchased 6·75, new. Works Performance shocks. GP fork s, 2 tanks, torque pi pes. p added seat. tools. geari ng , p lasti c abou nd, fresh motor. new tires, Immaculate machine. Going back to DESERT for FUN r iding. $795.00. Best (213) 347-3197, (2 1 3 ) 348·8342. (10) I

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