Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; • • We buy used motorcycles ~~~t ,~S~/f~:;::'~ C;:u~~ts~~rO~W~:g h B.l vd . , Sta n t o n, CA 9 0 6 8 0 . ( 714) 8 2 7 ·0S41. 125 mono Race ready and set-co. ~ $7 00. A l so '15 TM SUZUki but It's stOCk. $6 0 0 . (213) 3 3 5 · 9 28S . CRC No.1 desert mini VZ80 - 26mm carb & reed, moved up Bages. sp are head. cY linder & piston. custom pipe. fresh bore, large tank. spares. Must sell moving up in class. $450 or best o ffe r . (80S) S27·9743. (10) Stolen bikes: Two RM 3705 Stolen at 0 ·37 race 2·29·16 Lucerne Valley. Wh ite Vesco tanks, Works Performance ShoCkS, No. RM37012944 and No. RM37012924 . Please ca ll (714) 846-4705. Reward . (10) CZ 250 storm machine $495.00 gOOdies. (213) 923-3165. (10) 1912 YA MAH A 360 MX, $55 0.0 0. (213) 324-6 526 847-61 84 eve. (10) like d ay s, new. (71 4) 75 Bul Alpina & RR leather Champion % miler T A·250, one season old. fresh motor. B arnes wheels, Cerianl fo rkS & extras. V ery fast & de pendab le . 51 8 0 0. 0 0 or b est offer. (71 4) 420"·810 0. (10) 350 A l P •• good c o n d •• 300 mt., w/lightlng an d tool kits. Run s strong. Must sell. S825.00. ABC on e-p ie ce r o.adraclng leathers. Padd ed , white w/Ilme stri pes. 55 0.00. (213) 358· 3 3 38 . .Jawa speedway bike '76 Kawasaki KX 250 Br and new. rid den 112 hour to break In . Many extras, m ust sell . 59 00.0 0 inclU ding tax an d license. Call eves . 5 :30·7:30 1·(213) 2 49·1616. (1 0) '11 Jawa ra ce ready 21'· an d 19·'. Call 8·5 Mon. · F r l. Ask f or Ran dy ( 71 4 ) 6 2 2 ·8991 . See at A rnold'S Hon d a of Po mo n a. (1 0) 1974, 125 Penton enduro aceeec Suzuki '74 TM 125 J. H . p ipe, F.M .S . , le ngthened swtnaerm, 28 ca- e ., po r ted-p oli sh ed , mo r e ne ve r racec, ski d pl at e, re d w i re igniti o n. $ 500.00. (71 4) 4 9 2·8 2 1 6 . (1 0 ) o utstanding s h ape, $475.0 0 . (21 3 ) 3 48·03 6 3 . Yamaha 125 MX Trick, fast & clean, $1,700 invested Trick Y amaha 125. exce lle n t c on diti on, fast. man y ·extras. Must sell . Call a fter 6 p .rn, (11 4 ) '74. C Z (2 50 re d fra m e ) . all p la stic . Mlku nl. air for k s, cha in ten sloner, _ cust o m p ipe. m o ve d-UP Boge s. For on ly $599.0 0. Just see It. & be lieve It - what a STEA L. Extras & mor • . (714) S4 6-o77 9. (1 0) Thump ! Thump ! spares. $675/885t offer. (213) Fire en gin e r ed p it b ik e . not ab use d. excellent co nd i t io n . Call after 6: 30 We d. thru Su n . 376~S6 3 0 . $2S 0 .00 fir m . (80S) 2S1·4279. (1 0 ) Trick suspension!!!! Lay down. most bikes, $65.00. SUstelns, $83.95. Bage, $43.95. Fox Shox, $9 3 .0 0. set u p for dirt. 3 7 0 0 actual miles. very clean. $5 0 0.0 0 firm. (71 4 ) S39· 7479. (1 0) (21 3 ) 8 3 0 · 4 6 7 8 . (10/ 4 x ) ta nk. · 2 Sho cks, tri ple c lamps - SI S each. '75 Kawasaki 400, 75 Ossa 175 Excellent cond it ion , set u p d esert o r M X $82 5 . 0 0 firm. Ossa - po rted . Mlku nl, W orks Performance shock S. trick f orks - $925.0 0. '76 Yamaha TT500 15 5 miles o n b ik e - Installe d V eda speedo an d No. 1 Pr o ds. fork kit . $1275.0 0. (714) 774-1 840. (1 0) 1974% KTM 250 GP 400 mono MXB new! . A ME R ICAN E A G LE 405 MX, $25 0 . Mal co 125 e ng . B.C. $7 5 . A. E . frame (1 2 5 ) . seat . (213) 6 7 0-7440 or (714) 9 9 6- 3 2 4 1. (1 0/2x) '73 Yamaha 250 enduro Works Performance. $1 05. 0 0. Fork kits for all RMs, $29.95. G .S. Slg m a n Race Car Engr. 9 62·8 9 7 6. (10) (2 13) 33 1-5 921 . ( 1 0 ) Clean 1974 XR75 1972 BSA 850 MX. Just rebuilt and super clean. "Tn gear box. 2 gal. alloy tank. & t 8 p et a l RC - 38 Mikunl - ,tC. p ort Job radial H D ..;.,. gas Glrling shocks. AI. 5wlngarm - D ID rim s - hvy. spokes - YZ t ank - CI . sw ee p x-enecme RR - Motoplat Ignition Pl. air b o x and fenders. A n d r e bars - other Never ridden! Engine. gearbox & forks tn orough ly masuged & blueprinted b y pro road-race wrenCh! S1150/trade: MR 175. ' 75 Very good condition , d eser t set-u p, 5775.0 0. Pu rs a n g. (213) 530-4379. (1 0) 1975,360 Pursang 250 KTM 6 days dlr. repo. Clean. rebuilt before Hopetown, n ot ridden since. Two spar e sets o f gas snacks, extra handlebars. Pettys. Pl u s stock fenders. Some Never sold or ridden. 8"' Cerlanis, A k r o n t s, Iitesl. seeeee, cantilever gas Cerlanis. Retail $17 bS: d lr . cost $1 42 0, just $1310. (21 3) 5 30-4 3 7 9 . (1 0) 72 Husky 400 CR-make offer Storage 2 yrs•• Profa b. Girlings, new eiutcn, Internal rotor MotoPlat. two tanks. Two p ip es. plus t ools an d manuat, excellent con d o I D u a ne (213) 379·6 096. (10) 75 Yamaha 400 - mono $900.00 'Terry' front fork kit. chain tenstcner, sh oCk travel extended. 3 1/: gal. plastic t ank. xtrrt. . cond iti o n . (213) 367-1333. (1 01 I I ' 72 H USKV Cu r n u tt s - 25 0 W R, stock, new ring, $4 0 0 .00. (213) 367-1333. (1 0) B IKE TRAILER, $5 0 .0 0. Just built, never u sed , n eve r registered . Sma ll wheels, one r ail. I (71 4) 9 6 0- 3139. ( 10) (213) 34S·363S. (1 0) Air forks adjuster !!! ! other extras - $850.0 0. (213) 8 9 4.· S030. (1 0) PuSh button air blee d. accurate t o 112 ~ l b •• ad j u stab le calibration, $25.50 . G.5 . Si9 m a n Race Engr•.L 304 E. 2315t S t •• Car so n . Calif. 90 745. (21~) 830-467 8 . (10/4x) O nly $250 go o d need for my 1960 Ranchero. R u ns tires. ta pe d ec k . 2 5 miles per easn, $850.0 0 . (714) Ferodo brake pads - linings Hond. $21.5 0. Yamaha David L. Brown $2 0.0 0. Norton -Lockheed $1 0.S0. Mention You're No.1. Signed. Pat . K ar en and D an (1 0) 750 - $1 8.0 0 . Ho n d . $1 9.50. this ad - sav e 10%. Racers SUPply. 22 82 5 14th S t r ee t . N ewh all. CA 9 1 3 2 1. (1 0) '74 MK Husky 450 Desertmaster 2. 8 d e se rt t. nk Incl ud e d. Good • condition , $450.00. Call after 5: 30 M oved up Kan i s, G.P. fork sp ri ngs & dampers. 3 8 Mlku nl w / re ed s, All en gi ne wor k d one b y F.M.F., c lea n swe p t dow n p ip e, de ser t r ea d y , (2 13 ) 8 6 3 ·6 1 5 4 . (213) 2 86·1957. (1 0 ) Two good running bikes "Slowpoke" 1972. 250 Yamaha. N ew bore , piston and rings, Konl shocks, p re t e d for desert. $ 3 0 0 .00. 1 9 7 2 Steens Ho dake, very clean, f Yo u're my ravortte racer. Love, 23A (10)) $lS0.0 0. (714) 529·5036 . (1 0) '75 %, 360 Pursang , 1974 XR75 Ba ssani pi pe. K&N t ttte r , ext r as. e xcellent condition, $3.00 .00. ( 71 4 ) 529-7866 . (10) Speedway J.A.P. Rebu ilt engine. new ctutcn, extra magento, crank. barrel. valves. caSings. fuel. wheel and gearing. $825.00/offer. Call after 6 (213) 332-8495. (10) _ '74 XR·75 . JWRP 82cc KIT. PI P head. lite crank . p ipe. Sages. special skid p lat e, spares Iand more. $395. (213) 633·1842. (10) ' 7 4 CR 125 Elsinore Trail ridden , perfect condition, mild portina' So ~e other extras. Must see! $ 525? ( 71 ) Bought In Dec. '75. only ridden 3 times. Has desert tank and ski d p lat e. Must sacrifice to - ret urn to school. (213) 352·2375. (10) 1) EN D URO T IMEKEEPE R (" Dlal·A ·En duro") $29.95 ( wo/watc h $2 3 . 9S). 2) POCKE T WATC H * 7 4 Yamaha 360 MX '73 Yamaha 100 MX Ported and ecusnec, fo r k k it, F .M.S •• K&N b ars . P.P. fenders. Un i levers. (114) 595·2791. '74, 400 Husky In storage 15 months. Profab swingarm. Cerlan ls. new Chain . sprOCkets. Curnutts, Finisher pins AnqeleS, California 90014. (213) 623-6987 . '75, 360 GP Husqvama B Ust e l n Shocks, needlebearings, K&N Terry ca bles. off roa d stiCker. mint condo $13 0 0.00. A

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