Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... ~ Tro~hy Time for Enduro and Rally Riders Wise, James take Lockhart By DeWitt Henderson WFO. Unfo r tunately, we 'll be seein g less of some of these pretty soon, such as cro ss co u ntry aces Tom Hollister, Phil Oliver, and L,D . Riddle , who've been havin g a heck of a time racing for the Over 30 class honors. Today the win went to Hollister, who chided, " So meday , you 'll own a Yamaha" to Oliver (Suz) and Ridd le (Hus). Outstand ing t r o p hy cl ass performance has to go to Penton-mounted Dana Wright, who came from way back to edge Hal Seeker (Kaw) for the 250 Intermediate win. Tony Nielsen won the Senior mini class at MVMX. \ . Amazing new electronic digital CHRONO-COMPUTER tells you exactly where you should be during every second ofthe event! LOC KHA RT, TEX. , FEB . 22 Sup erbad Steve Wise of McAlle n came on up fro m McAllen for South west Motocross Park 's mon thl y bas h and wen t home S100 richer w ith an eas y win ov er th e 250- 0 p en Combined Experts. Wise turned on t he gas on his fac t o ry Kaw and proceeded to boogey awa y in both motos, putting some unbelieveable distances between him and the rest of the pack. There was some heavy-duty d icing go ing on way back there, though , as Houston's Phillip Yarborough (C-A), Robert Morrison of San An to nio (Hus) , Aus t in 's Stuart Williamson (Hus) an d Gary Bigley (Yam ) were pulling ou t th e stops in the struggle to see who 'd be runnerup to Wise . Morrison took the No. Two sp ot in the fir st moto, foll owed by Rob ert Ellison of Corpus Ch risti on a fast Rokon, Gary Bigley took fo urt h o n his 250 Yamaha, which was pretty goo d co nsidering th e 340 Rokon and 360 Husky that we re ah ead of him. Fifth was Yarborough o n th e GP 25 0 Can -Am . Wise had no trouble at all in th e second moto leavin g th e p ac k ab o ut of a lap be hi nd. th ree-q uarte rs Yarborough got his stu ff toge the r in his moto an d moved o u t t o a secure second. Stuart Williams recover ed fro m a first-mote crash an d took th ird, followed by Mo rriso n in fo urt h this time. Gary Bigley too k fifth . Elliso n had a t rem en do us lead ov er Yarborough in second, but hi s Ro kon gave up t he hun t o n the last lap . Stevie t ook th e overall with a 1-1 , fo llowed by Mo rrison (2-4) , Yarborough (5-2) an d Gary Bigley (4-5 ). The 125 Ex perts were (as always) wild an d woo ly . New Sh oe from Austin , Bobby Bullock, gra b be d the earl y lead in the first mo t o on his Ya m . Bullock was riding well, but before lon g Brownsville Honda ace Thomas J am es ha d mo ved into the lead , fo llowed by Hen ry Evans (Ho n) of Austin and David Daniels o f New Braunfels, riding th e ailing Rog er Brown's Can -Am. Evans put a m ove o n J ames like yo u 've never seen in Lo ckhart's back sec t ion. But J ames wouldn 't settle for second and put the repass on Eva ns . Daniel s then passed Eva ns and t ook o ut after J ames . In o ne attem p t t o pass J ames, ho wev er , Daniels lost it, givin g Evan s second place. Daniels still took third, fo llo we d by a smo o th Bull o ck in fourth and Buddy Ku tzer (Hon ) of Boerne in fifth. James grabbed the lead awa y fro m Bobby Bullock again in the second moto, and before long Daniels and Evans were after him again. This time Daniels m ade no mistakes and moved out to a commanding lead, with James holding Evans at bay. James took first place cash with a 1-2, with Daniels' 3-1 good enough for second. Evans placed third with a 2-3 and Mr. Consistency , Bobby Bullock was fourth with a 4-4. The morning's Novice ac ti o n was hot n' heavy . The 100 Novices looked like they were out for blood, with passes and repasses every lap or so . Jack Beckham (Suz ) of Austin fin ally took the first moto win, with Houston 's Darren Bande co m ing in second on a Yamaha. Re x Weed of San Antonio 's Northwest Honda took third o n a tr ick CRlOO. Vic Uhre n ho ld t was fourth on a Yam . Rex Weed grab bed the lead in th e second heat and never let go . Bec kh am took second, followed by Uhrenho ldt in th ird an d Bande in fourth . Beckham 's 1-2 too k first pl ace brass , Wee d was second with a 3-1 , and Ban de edged Uh ren holdt fo r third wit h a 2-4 . J ames LaBarba stomped t he 125 Intermediat es into the gro und in th e firs t mo t o , but th e Ho usto n rider bai led o u t in the seco n d heat , pu tting hi m o u t o f th e final results. Da winnah and ch am peen was Austin's amazin g E.d • Carey. ;" Whether you 'rean absolute beginner oraseasoned Enduro orRally veteran, Oigitronics' new CHRONO-COMPUTER can help place you among the trophy winners every timel Here's how it works: Dial inthe required speed for the firstsection ofthe course. When the starter gives you the GO. press the "on" button on the front ofthe computer, The CHRONO-COMPUTER willimm ately begin giving edi you acontinuous odometer readout based on the speed you dialed in...accurately computed down to1I10Oth ofamile. By periodically comparing your motorcycle odometer reading tothe readout on the computer. you'll know exactly when to speeduporslow down.When the two readings match, you're rightonthemoneyl Atthe beginning of each speed change. simply dial in the new speed. The CHRONO-COMPUTER instantly computes time, speed, and distance factorsto give you precise pacing information throughout theentire event. Automatically.With no further computations required. Imagine ...your own low cost. on-board computer powered byspace age so 'lid-stateelectronicsI C ONSIO ERTHESEU NIOUEfEA TURES , • ACC URATE - Preciseresolution to1I10 Othof am Speed ile. settingva riablein 1 m.p.h. incre ents. custom calibratadlor m end uresorrallies 00%solid-stateelectr onics. liquidcrys tal • RELIAB LE - 1 readout , Absolutelynomechniul Plrts tomaltunctlon. • COMPACT - Approximately3"x5" xt" insize. Usesone miniat re 9 volt transistorradio batt rywith minimu u e m25ho ur pacity,(f acto rySupplied.) ca . • RESETABLE - Instantly rasetatne tozero • PORTABLE-Completely self-contained Nowires, plugs. or cor s. Fitseasilyinpocllet. d Emput r e • SECUR Factory suppliedhardwareattachesco firmlytohand leb arcrossbar. Ho it securelyinplace lds regarclless ofterrain • REAOABl E· Super-largeliqU Idcrysta readoutlealuring l tl2" numbers. bUI brightInsunlight. • RUGGED-Tough, impact-resistent case ,Weather an st ddu resista nt. CTIVE -Deluxelea r-grainedblacklinish the • ATTRA ranteecovering - FUllYGUARANTEED -Fu1l6 month gua partsandlabor INCREDIBLE INTRODUCTORY OFFER ! The CHRONO-COMPUTER willsoon besold nationally for $149.95.Foralimitedtime you can order factory directfor only $99.951 udes m ng hardwareand (Incl ounti battery.)Save$50.00...0ROER RIGHT NOW! If no completely satisfied, return CHRONO·COMPUTER within 15 days for afull refund. t -------- I I \ Please rush me (qty) CHRONO·COMPUTER(S) at only $99.95 ea.. plus $3.50 for postage, insurance, and handling. (Californiaresidents add6%tax .) Indicate pr incipleuse ofCHRONO·COMPUTER: 0 Motorcycle Enduro 0 Motorcycle Rally Indicate desired calibration: 0 6m.p.h. to32 m.p.h. 0 10 m.p.h. to60 m.p.h. o I have enclosed ched< ormoney order forthe full amount. o Please chargemy credit card. number _ o BankAmericard 0 Master Charge, Bank No. Exp._ _ FOR SUPER-FAST DELIVERY, CALL (800) 854·35BO TOLL FREE. (InCalif. call (714) 752-8105) Signature Name _ Address State Zip .. Pleasesend order to: OIGITRONICS, INC, • 4029 Westerly P ' Newport Beach, CA ' 92660 U lace I I .. --------~ ~ ORAN&ECOUNTY ~.... INTERNATIONAL -- ~RACEWAY MOTORCYCLE II.,. March 14th You've Asked ·F o r It Starting Match 14th Every Second Sunday thereafter For Information Call 833-0989 1 § :JOE. :r I Motoguzzi T r y u s for Trium ph parts UPS same dav ~a'tkE.E.j, Motorcycles 2509 Broadwa y Sacramen to . CA 9581 B 9 16-452·54 91 I ~ I ::!: ' - - - - - - - T ri u m p h - - - - - Ma leo.lm Bli st ein Jo te me Carrera ~~ i: Y Smith . ~ • T re lle b O'." . Tw i n Air ~ T l b bll n S c ott DALLAS YAMAHA Bl el D irt Bi k e S pe c ia lists (21 4 ) 3 2 1 · 2444 M ail Ord er Part s an d A cc esso r ie s 12083 G arl and Rd . • D a lla s. T X 75 21 B 37

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