Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ presents a • ~.;. ~ Itll((a 3 Race Series ~~l' .Ba~:B Saddlubtk OFF ROAD RACE ******************* A closed cours e race thru the hills and valley s of f amous Saddleback Park in Orange Count y 1st Race: March 27- 28 May 15-16 Sept. (to lie announced) . $ 100.0 0 en try for cars $50.00 cntry for b ikes *S I O.OO insu ran ~e * start positio n by p ostmark * race run by classes * classes 1-1 1, 20 -22 * SCO RE rul es * Taco ma sco ring * tech by p arcels * entries op en March 1st * 50 % pay back plu s trop hies and co n tinge nci es * 10% o f ent ry fee goe s in to series cham pio nship point fun * to tal payback 60% Practice : Te ch : Sat. 9 am Sun. 8 am Sat. 8 am Sun. 8 am - 4 pm 9 am 4 pm 9 am A close look at miracle fabrics Su nday 8 am Su nday 9 am Riders meeting: Raci ng : ~animal Infonnation: 7 14-53 0-7340 Bo b Maynard 7 14-558-15 84 Saddleback hide All b ikes must pass technical inspection No entry fee s will b e refunded ; En tri es are limited ! Send e ntry fee with this en try bla nk Name Ad d ress Make Disp lacement Signature Phone ---, Zip y ear _ _ _ _ _ Model Engi ne No . Date By Jody Weisel In the short period of five years American motocross riders have gone from blue jeans and payless motocross boots to a veri table Baja de Sad dl eback 13666 Harbo r Blvd ., Garden Gr ove , CA 92 643 THE ULTIMATE high fashion o f leath er and plastic. Leather motocross pants have formed the basis o f standard ized, iconographic rid er app arel. Little HONDA PIPE. ~ ~:~ change has been wrought in leathers , except for th e addition of de coration su ch as flo wers or names stitched acro ss various app enda ges. Suddenly the industry has released a new st yle of protect ive wear that co mbines the durability of leather wi t h t he freedom o f nylon. The ne w n ylonfleathers ha ve broken into the promo world of big bucks motocross with the likes of I Al so Up-Pipes for CAN-AM HUSKY PENTON CZ ONLY $69.95 Yamaha knee cap is made out of the same material as hel met liners. '. Sure, everybod y makes a CR125 pipe, but nob ody makes one like th is ... except PROTOPIPEI We went all-out to build the best exhaust system on the mark et with teatures that will have the other " alphabet compan ies" wondering how the y're go ing to copy it. Things like a sta mp-formed tapered head pipe, recognized as the best way to draw th e most power from an engine and stil l ret ain a wide power band . We 've got a formed center sec tion for smoo th and un obst ructed flow . And a uni que bolt-on design that tucks in so well that no heat shield is used or needed ! ~AIL ORDER ANYWHERE CALL (408) 371 -3336 PRDTDPIPET M EXHAUST SYS TEMS 75 Cris tich Ln., Campbell , CA 95008 DEALER INOUIRIES IN VITED SEN D SO¢ FOR CATALOG x 8, oil Z UDDHA enterprises • 38 . • SALES " TITb I '. d I • SERVICE , n-e can eat any egtttmate ea. • PARTS 109 60 Hole Avenue , Riversid e, CA 92 50 5 " , , . . . , .,... ,.,'.... '.' , . . '714- 689-3 166 Z w o > "' o oil f- o 1: Q. Stackable, Howerton, and Mik kola to uting their virtues . The co ns umer, wh o has scraped and saved to hoard up the $ 100 to bu y go od cowhide is confronted with a totally new product alternative. Leathers or nylonfleathers , which is right for y ou? Yamaha competition leat hers are a ne w product in the Yamah a acc esso ry line. They are co nstructe d of high quality , ligh tweigh t goatskin . Following the basic design o f pattern of most leather manufact urers the Yamaha riding lea thers have co mpetit io n Malcolm Smith n y lo n/leat hers uses two piece ABS knee and shi n guards.

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