Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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incorporated high impact foam knee cups, a ni fty "flex crotch" of accordion pleated goatskin to provide more movemen t , and in tegr al padding on the hip s and shins. Malcolm Smith nyl on/leathers are sim ilar in design to Koho 's but have sligh tly better tailoring an d st itch ing at the critical junc tio n between n ylon and leather. The thick le ather covers the kne es, crotch, an d sea t whil e th e ligh te r n ylon overlaps the less cr itical ar eas. Plast ic shin an d knee gu ards in the baseball ca tc he r mold are inserted in to the lining through velcro o pe nings. The hip an d pel vic regions are protected by snap o n p ads of felt an d nylo n. ANNUAl,lll)llII.. SPBI·NO II )III.. I~ FIRST . . .. . . .. . .. . . TIMES , . 7 :00 A.M. Pits Ope n Pract ice 8:30 to 10:00 A.M. Race at. 12:00 . .... Noo n The n ylon /leathers hav e a sligh t edge th e ir anima l epiderrnus o ve r co u n te rparts in visu al appeal be cause o f the sharpness o f the co lo rs availa ble in the shiny che mic al fab ric. Ny lo n is easier t o sew, allo win g for a wider range o f p atterns and designs. In total lea ther wear th er e remains th e aura' of th e gladiato r wr apped in the sheen of tough goat skin. The nylonfleathers have one 'n egat ive attr ibu te in th e visual departrnen t and th at is the co rro sive effects of the sun, gaso line, and chem icals on th e mat erial. After one or two months the ny lon colors begin to fade , lose their sp ark le, and look fair ly ragged. In the same period o f tim e a se t of goat or co w skin leathers remain close to origin al in appe arance. ON THE ONE MILE OVAL CMC Sanctioned En tries Will Be Lim ited CMC Ca rds Available at T rac k Class " C" Traction Silencer s & Muffler s Required T he anim al hide pan ts off er ma ximum protection ov er th e complete lower body . The s sea rns are a bo nd of leather to le ather fo r ex cellen t capability . Leather resists tearin g or ripping better th an most other materials availab le, wh ile at the sam e tim e maintaining a degree o f tailorability. Nylonfleathers utilize leather in th e areas where the most stress and wear will take place. The mak ers of nylons underst and that leather is well su it ed for these purposes. The nylon sections of the motocross pantaloons is also resist ant to ex cep tio n ally stro ng , tearing, and durable. The major seamstress problems lies in mating th e flexible and easily stre tc hed leather to the more structurally sound nylon. I , h ..""b y '?Irauo, a ...d ail" " In h uld harmll-•• t h,. & .\1 P ro ",Oti O'" t OU" p rt Hf1 tJ h 'n) . Ih .. ond ''' " 01' o f Uh f' p"" m ;s, ,,. OJ(' porticiP/.lllt• . a ' 01,1 ·".·,... B 0.,. o ffi~ ,.s. d i ,.,.c t., ,,, . o ffic i al. , ,.e " r " ,,,, 'I /ol;I'(". az t'l1 h a"d ,. m ~JIJYt',.. of a ll lit th r m . u f a rid I mrtf all liabilit y . 1 , doim . a m I d ""'and" t hat m a.\' 0" e ccr...,. f rom a n y In .... . dam QIlf" fir j.ljur.\" ' lIIc l u d lll l: d_th J t o m )l /H',",O I1 or prO pt' r t ) ", i ll a rr ) " 14 '0) re (r'O"I, o r G1' ,jn,( in C' l'I""c'illf'l 1 11'1 thi. u u "; '""" 'liff #"""'. GI1d Mail Entr ies to : B & M Promot ions 34 89 West Mue ller Road Stockton , Califo rnia 95206 bfo : [2 09 ) 463 -233 8 Rider Classification !nt. -=-__ Eng, Size Address City -=- Zip Phone State _ C.M ,C. No, _ Number on Bike _ Moto r Number _~ _ u!"" th ,., a r is; ,., u: h i l.' ""'/lallrd ;... com · IHtlt lon o r in prod in' 0" p r rp or-a/ i o ll or whll,. u pon. ,.n l" rm , o r d"partrn ll from .s"id prr ", i, r , or w h il ,. p ort lcip a t in/l ur Qu u tinll j " Ihlt" ''' ''''' (' ''' , Makeof Machine vo'u n'"rlly and i n I'rlio"' c fIO . UPO" m y oum Iu d . ",,,", an d ab ilit y Qrtd I rh ,.,..b y auurn,. Gil risl' (or Il»i. d o rn0 6 r o r In jury ( i " cludin6 d l' o /h j 10 IPIy. ,,.,, tmd m y PNlp,.",y from an y ca Li,," wha b o l' t'I'r. Rider's Signature I' V '": 'a" e s 'o" N U 2 Cycle Eng ine Oils CALIFORNIA DISTRIBUTOR K AW .KX MA I CO SUZ·T M/TS P U C H Y A M o z REED INDUCTION KITS OF THESE QUALI TY HI GH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Wholesale to Dealers only - try us for faster delivery! TuGeeEnterprisesInc. 731 EAST CYPRESS, MONROV IA, CALIF. 91016 (213) 359-2415 ~ ~ z c( W ant to sell that white elephant! ' U .J ::J lD Z - ----==-==:-::==-.:--:-= :.: o I- Z '.< ".. ~ ~ ~y cl e News , '; , W ant Ads do it! o z o :t c( '" c( o o :t P ENT ON. CAN·A M. For all race bi k es. D ea ler or Direc t . • .. . .... .- . .. 39

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